Not Dope
Papal Reaction Solution
Do your absolution
Give out your indulgences
You who I perceive Indulges in false peace
But you will must now cease
We no longer agree to those who say Peace Peace
Yet are the ones responsible for so many enslaved and deceased
Do you come in peace
Or to bring us to our knees
To think we need you still
To keep us under your thumb
Your rule
Your chill
I do suspect you work with others in cahoots to create the dilemma
Ever your polemic
To bully
With bulls
That play the role of the peacemaker
While you are the power taker
Child raper
You who protects those who reduce the innocent to vapors
While pretending to taper
The worst of it
While only changing on paper
A true peace can only come from those who live in truth
And that is not the Pope
The Vatican
Even they’re now pushing dope
Take your violations/atrocities
That are
Are beyond uncouth
Take your bulls
Your bullying
Your false peace
Your grease
And go in peace
Let go the reins
Let go the leash
For we have already unclipped it from our collar
And taken our collar off
And if you want to keep your collar on
Then also your pants, keep them on
And live a life of true repentance which means doing a 180
So that never again will you participate in hating
And calling it love
Love never forces
Nor coerces
Or hates
Nor grooms in order to say it was never forced nor coerced
Love does not shelter those who cause harm to those who are unarmed
Love forgives you, evil doer, but does not let you keep harming the innocent
For in the name of Peace, Hitler was allowed to go on
He got more time while the Third Riech funded “Peace”
And then Gottlieb, a Jew hired Nazis to help him do
What was done to his own people
To those he considered expendible
No more Jidobandera!
No more Popes
No more Sierra!
I forgive you I forgive you
But I will not give you
The right define for me what is good or bad
Or Maligned
I believe humanity is worthy
That we have the potential to be sublime
We’ll step away from your shame and your guilt
We don’t need to be reactive
And ingest substances like LSD
All we need to do is invoke our sovereign divinity!
Live live
Love Love
Be the Lion
The Deer
The Eagle
The Dove
Beyond a Doubt
Sinner Saint
Smile or Pout
You are Loved
And Love never Forces of Coerces
Love is Patient and Kind
Love Delights in the Truth
Not in Deception
Or Delusion
Or Collusion
Or Trying to Make us Blind
We Unbind
We Un Obey
We Are Joyous Rising
Love-full Humanity
Disrespecting Codes
That Degrade
We Are Inspecting
We are Uplifting
We are Saluting the Sovereign One Within All Life
Beyond Strife
Or False Peace
We Are The Prayer
Being Prayed
To Love
One Another
Sister Brother
Father Mother
And Love is not compliant
With That Which Harms
The Heart of Humanity
Love is Joan of Arc
Love is the one who Comforts
Without enabling Harm to Go on
Love is the One who Listens within for what is theirs to do
And what is someone else’s song
Love burns without burning out
When it realizes this world is an illusion
And taking it more lightly doesn’t stop us from removing the collusion
That keeps us from living in heaven on earth
The pure land this earth was meant to be
Where sovereignty is honored and we live in harmony
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