Many of the great (terrible but great) thinkers of the 20th century were dreaming of our day. I have a history of calling out people’s favorite icons and removing them from pedestals, or at least calling them into question based on my spidy sense. The other day I had to take one of my own icons off his pedestal: Nikola Tesla.
I found out about Nikola Tesla I believe in my early thirties and through networks of mostly new age idealists and seekers who question the status quo and want to see a heaven on earth reality. Why had Nikola Tesla been erased or severely marginalized from history? Clearly he wanted peace, a value I hold dear. Clearly he was censored by history and in his own time, he experienced discrimination both racially and in terms of funding, because his discoveries would have made other peoples profitable products obsolete. Because he talked about energy and consciousness, along with having experienced censorship and defunding, I assumed he must be an awesome human being. Well only if awesome applies to Voldemort as much as great.
Of course Tesla probably wasn’t evil. He loved pigeons. He had meaningful conversations with children. And he wanted peace. He wanted a beautiful world. He also thought total control might be the way to go to get there, as he designed a system that would have allowed just that, technologically. We can all have good intentions and go down very dangerous roads. Many good people did absolutely horrifying things in the name of stopping communism - including hiring nazis to help discover secrets thought to possibly stop communists. Such was the case with S. Gottlieb in his work with MKULTRA, as documented by Terry Gross on NPR: A Jew hired Nazis to assist him in trying to find a way to blast out the old mind and replace it with a new mind. He tortured people in unspeakable ways toward this end, ostensibly because he believed the end justified the means.
So I say this to let you know that I have take my own idols of their pedestals as much as I call out those whom others often place upon thrones made of accolades unworthy of them.
While Jesus was elevated by the Nazis over the Jews, Jesus himself was tested by the devil when offered absolute power, in exchange for bowing down to the devil. Jesus chose the path of death and resurrection instead of saving his own life, only to lose it.
I live in Frank Lloyd Right country and I’ve never liked the architecture. I haven’t looked him up until now, but I figured he was probably one of the same Fabian Eugenecist or equivalent Right Wing cronies I’ve discovered nearly all the “great thinkers” of the 20th century seem to have been, including Chamberlain and Winston Churchill ones like GK Chesterton I’ve had benignly quoted to me when I was a christian ministry major as an undergraduate, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood who deliberately used black ministers to keep their congregations in the dark about the eugenics intent behind promoting abortion in poor and ethnic minority communities, John Muir, H.G. Wells, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley and on and on…generally these are people who had a vision of Utopia that could only achieved if they and their friends were in absolute control.
The article goes on to describe how, while promoting democratic principles and decentralization, the ultimate control was in the hands of the architects - and calls out the important but easily overlooked truth that the ultimately controllers were neither the elected officials nor the military nor the administrators - but rather the architects: unelected individuals with ultimate control.
Putin, is a puppet of Klaus Schwab. His profile has been scrubbed, but I saw it there before it was taken down, along with a video openly stating that he had leaders everywhere through his young global leaders program, including both Angelica Merkel and Putin.
Is it possible for Putin to be bad news AND for Vladimir Zelensky to have been funded by an oligarch who stole from his own bank, funded a strongly nazi influenced brigade and bought a bunch of property in the US?
Both are true.
Can women have a right to choose about their bodies AND can it also be true that just as the Third Reich funded “peace” groups that bought him more time to achieve his horrors, that the right wing absurdities are actually designed to push as toward accepting Eugenics when it come to reproduction, all in the name of the right to choose?
Can we love the Earth and also recognize that many who are seeking to control and exploit her are doing it in the name of “Green Initiatives,” most of which are technocratic in nature?
~ Al Jazeera
Why is Putin Guterres at the BRICS?
From The CFR’s website:
^ Yosemite is the result of genocide and the militaristic approach of John Muir caused diversity loss and degradation of ecosystems. He wanted total control.
“Her name was Maria Lebrado, but she had once been known as Totuya. She was the granddaughter of Chief Tanaya of the Ahwahneechee, a revered leader who had attempted to shield his tribe from harm only to witness the murder of his son and the loss of everything he held dear.” ~ Eric Michael Johnson from the article, “How John Muir’s Brand of Conservationism Led To The Decline of Yosemite.”
These things I do not share to engender anything but a clarity. By this I mean the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples by returning to them their sovereign rights to steward their own traditional lands - and to help those of us who love Mother/Grandmother earth and wish to see harmony, abundance, freedom and goodness for all people/peoples can choose to do so in ways that do not put power in the architects hands, but rather retract it back into the Heart of Divine Humanity apart from any transhumanist eugenics that can mask as urgencies or benign interventions for the “Greater good.”
These are all examples of why we should not have icons. People are just people, even the ones who do good work.