What do you think of when you think of Rome? This poem was inspired party by
and partly by conversations had related to gnosticism, Rome, The Doctrine of Discovery, the Grandmother Anna books and topics apropos to my earlier post and the one on synthetic spirituality from a while ago. I also thought about the Romans Road tracts from the Methodist church I attended so many years ago for the first time in a while writing the piece on my love life. I was going to do an audio of the poem but I was led to make an introductory video instead.
What do you think when you think of Rome?
Do you think of Romeo or Romain Salad
Or Saladin?
Do you think do as they do in Rome?
Or about secrets hidden beneath a Dome
In some Cave in some Tomb?
Do you think all roads lead to Rome?
And if you do,
What would you find
If you went inside
Would it be full of integrity
Truly kind?
What you want to rewind
And choose anew
So choices honor that which is Love
In the other, as well as in You?
Would Romeo be eating a Salad
Next to Saladin
While Juliet cried Where Art Thou Romeo?
When from Rome
The inquisitors once did seeking death roam
I wonder
Did they find one or two people practicing actual dark arts
And instead of calling out those of their own ranks
They chose the lower ones
Pulling their carts?
And how many herbalists and benevolent magickal women
Were tortured
Because of those farts?
In Rome
They hire the Swiss to guard the Dome
I like the cheese with holes
But I would like to dismiss
Those in Davos
With White Washed Nazi ties
Those intellectual descendents
Of H.G Wells
Transhumanist Eugenecists
Like Epstein
And the Suits
Samuel Pisar
To Pfizer
Technology Transfers
Beyond the Sovereignty of Nations
Who is their advisor?
Beyond Nations
What about Peoples
And Unique Expressions
Of Sovereign Divinity
In Harmony
With and with Reverence for All Life
Beyond Mosques
And Temples
Beyond CIA Cutouts
And controlled stencils
Saudi, Israeli
Gnostic Nazi
To Anthony Fauci
Kinda feel grouchy
Why do so many of influence come from Catholic Backgrounds
Or the Virgin Islands
But it’s not just the Catholics or the right wing or
Those who want to define us as pro or against
The Sino
When the real Scene is all the same
Whoever, wherever absolute control and censorship
Are defined as benevolent
Like Aldous Huxley’s
Brave New World
The Ultimate Revolution
Such Convolution
And Darwin and his evolution
That so quickly led to Galton
And his friends
Sterilization and annihilation the means
To justify their ego-god worshipping ends
Oh Rome
In any Robe
Where you rob
Humanity of our natural rights
Where authoritarianism of any stripe rules
They use innocent people’s deepest needs as tools
Guilt or passion
Pride or Fear
Love or Compassion
They’ll turn it to any gear
If it will only get your ear
To your heart
So that you will
Or BEWARE - come what may
In Rome
And in the cults under her skirt
Or the suit of Epstein
And his cronies
The bodies
And those
Always hurt those they can the
The same
The Indigenous
The Children
Those taken from Africa
Who slaves became
Those who tip their hat to the cape
While the lower and upper eschelon
Proceeds with rape
Their role is the schill
Oh Rome
Better roads
More military
Obfuscating access to the truth
The original non-transparent ones
The forebears of development
But I think they went way too far
It was too much of an envelopment
Maybe peoples should elope with the land
Loving and honoring her
Instead of conquering
Or trying to Lure
Let my heart be pure
So that I can be sure
If I walk through Rome
As all do
Or lay in the loam
I will find my way
I will Trust the Inner Compass
To the Bare
The Bone
The Marrow
The Soul
Awake in every cell
The gnosis
I know
Loves to matter while I’m in this form
Refuses to conform
Ascends by descending in
Enfleshing just like the Christ
Cells come alive with my vivid unicorn light
No cult, left nor right
Shall separate me from the invincible light
Or the womb of no-thing
Black, sacred, holy space
Births my joyous eternal faceless face
Beyond form I am
I am in this form
I will find this first in my own sovereign divinity
That I share with all others
Because when I followed the road
Away from Rome
I realized
When I find my sovereign divinity
Within me
That is shared with all others
I am
By Alicia Kwon
--From Psychelics & Fascism by David Livingston
From Aeon.com:

The unicorn wanted to talk, but I had an intuition “not now.” I was dancing, but I could have paused. I was deeper than that. So I smiled, waived, and kept dancing and staring at the trees. Eventually a woman I know but only occasionally with to happened by with her dog. We made small talk (I can if I’m led to, but it doesn’t last) and then I asked her if she had done anything special this weekend or had anything fun planned. She told me she is looking forward to making a nice dinner. We both grooved on the sunshine that is stunning today. Then she asked me the same question. I told her about the lovely outing for brunch with my honey and about working on poetry, enjoying the beauty of the day and doing some research. Well, then I started blurting out about did you know about MKultra. That’s how long small talk lasts with me. She hadn’t heard of it, so I give her a brief synopsis, including referencing the piece NPR did on in 2020 lest anything be inclined to put it in the conspiracy theory box. My conversation partner was quite concerned. At the end of it all I observed how the thing I find most troubling is that often these types of programs, once something gets leaked or otherwise put into the public space to a sufficient degree, they tend to say they stopped it but then go underground with a different name, or remove it completely from visibility. Then just as out of the blue as bringing up the topic, I said, “Wouldn’t it be nice…I know this might sound crazy…but if we all just decided to live in a world of genuine integrity and love?
“That would be lovely wouldn’t it?” said the woman with her dog. ‘That would be just absolutely lovely.’
I saw her face etched with compassion, concern, a prayer unspoken, perhaps even to God, but the wish - the prayer in the sense of something from the deepest place in your heart, was there.
“I truly believe, in the deepest place possible inside me that all that would need to happen for us to to do that is decide that it is possible.”
wow that is an absolutely epic poem! Great talent.
Powerful poem, or is it a rap? That's how I read it once you start going deep! 🔥 😆
Love the Romeo and Juliet bit 💖 it made me laugh! 🤣