
What would a truly wondrous education do for us as individuals and as a world?

Imagine a view

Of an Elder nurturing that which is ancient-new

And the wisdom of Innocence


As You


A world where uniqueness and wonder

Are never put asunder

By those who seek to exploit, rape, annihilate subjugate enslave, then plunder

Imagine a playground for the soul

Filled with love

That is for one and all

Tree and



Bird call



Beyond the fall

The Christ within

Not the one in whose name

The inverted ones have done things that appall


A world where we all learn

To access our unique oversoul

And cultivate our essence expressed

As our talents in form

So we can use our gifts joyfully

To serve the entirety

Honoring the sacred within all

While having a ball!

Inquiry and discovery


Self-compass and recovery

Taught from the time we are small

So that we can answer our Highest Self’s Call

As an Expression of Source

Here for our own self-mastery

Mentored by our own Oversoul

Surrendered to Divine Will

We now call upon Colonized Nations

To cancel the Dumb dum diversas and the preposterous Romanus Pontifex

That allowed them to take persons

In exchange for a faux gospel

That was bad news

When Issa brought respect for the Mother

And the Common People

Not subservience to the Steeple

This Bull-shit and the precedents that came from those papal bulls

And to call all attempts to suppress our authentic expression


And we call in our True selves in Joyful Presence

And Service

To The All-in-All


The reality of our everyday lives is created and maintained by means of an unceasing flow of language, such as metaphors and interpretations which constitute what is termed “knowledge.” An example would be the constant refrain, “We live in a democracy.” Hundreds of millions of people who live in the United States, and others living in other parts of the planet have been conditioned to accept this statement as a truism. And whether the statement is accurate or not is beside the point. Everyone knows that this is a widely held, taken for granted belief.

The constant “flow” of language and the knowledge we experience from moment to moment holds our sense of reality together. When we experience the mental world that we inhabit with others, we interactively rely upon and perpetuate certain fundamental assumptions. Those assumptions are seldom called into question.

These days, because of the overwhelming amount of information readily available, some of which is accurate and some not, massive amounts of societal knowledge are now being seen as unreliable for a variety of reasons. Our knowledge base constantly needs to be revised by taking into account new information and new findings. And this is why those whose job it is to shape and control public opinion by means of propaganda are having such a difficult time keeping up. In desperation they are responding with ineffective phrases such as “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation.”

Steve Newcomb helps us identify where domination frameworks hide in plain sight in the guise of the rights of the oppressed within the ultimate framework of being dominated. As an Indigenous Elder, he directly confronts the systematic dominance of government.

I have often wondered about why public education/compulsory education seems so similar to slavery and I have concluded, that is because it is slavery. Children have to go or have sanctioned exclusion clauses or approved alternate arrangements. While there, they have to engage in work that is not optional, that they did not voluntarily agree to free of duress, and that their parents could not waive for them without serious consequences or sanctioned alternate arrangements. There is no pay for the work and there is punishment for non-compliance. When my son little he was once told he absolutely had to participate in a paper plate craft in order to be part of the community. He deeply didn’t want to do this and I offered would it be possible for him to contribute in some other way, and was told no, that making this paper plate craft in this exact way was a requirement for “community building.” This was a fairly progressive charter school based on the principles of Outward Bound.

Yet I can so easily envision a world where all gifts are nurtured and valued and children are celebrated for their uniqueness, yet understood to be equal in their expression of the divinity within us all.

How might that look?

How might societies look that support our direct connection with Source/Creator and foster community not through conformity but from genuine, heart-centered contribution that offers value to the larger whole in a way that legitimately honors the sovereignty of the unique soul print incarnate within each child and each child of God? What if community were about communion - authentic connection with ourselves, our ecologies, our earth mother Gaia, our Star brothers and sisters and all of creation, singing a song of love for all that is?

What if instead of being ‘tracked” for talent based on what the machine needs, children observed, nurtured and honed in their spiritual gifts to serve their community in alignment with their oversoul’s goals for this lifetime?