In the audio above I discuss the origin of the term thrivologues, why they are specially important in times where survivalism often gets the focus, as well as how I managed not to see the butt of my husband’s ex CEO at the coffee shop. A point I would add to my discussion of thrivologues and why they are better than dialogues, is that where as dialogues usually center around seeking understanding of two often di-vervent ways of thinking about something, a thrivologue can get beyond opinions to authentic communion and authentic individual and communal co-creation, as well as addressing root causes we can agree on even when we may not agree on what the lesser of various evils may be, if we were to accept the status quo as the ‘As good as it gets,” or “this is what we have to work with.” When things break down, it is up to us to claim how we create anew instead of letting “agendas” determine that course!
has a great post on how her community in Tailand is arising in love to handle the challenges after a typhoon. I was really moved by the way her post, as it exemplifies the best of people coming together to meet practical needs in a really beautiful way. You read her post here..I wrote
:I love hearing stories like this! My husband and I were chatting and I made a joke about dialogue. I said one party would have to listen a lot closer if the other had di-ed. Then he coined the term thrivalogue.
Let’s have thrivalogues, where we talk about how people are coming together even when faced with immense and otherwise seemingly insurmountable challenges!
Love this
Think Globally, Act Locally
What if we could feel globally
And honor the totality
While living, moving, breathing, empowering
What if we felt our whole selves open like the sky
And met one another with respect and mutuality
Eye to Eye
Celebrating what makes us Unique
Allowing all our voices to Speak
From a place of Unity
Ultimate Oneness
Honoring our Distinctive
As Lattices
That can Be Appreciated
Control objectives
The Dance
No Longer
Dictates passed down
Integrated As Law
From the Pope
Papul Bulls
You’re Out of Your Scope
Let us Find In One Another’s Goodness
For Beyond All Sides
Dragged Along Warfares Tides
Beautiful Souls
Want to change the Tides
We are not the Co-opted
Of Occupied Wallstreet
Or Occupied With What Wallstreet has to say
We are the Dancers and Dreamers; We are the Poets and Light Beamers
Who Come to Embrace What is Here
And Find the Notes that Can be Woven Into Wholeness
And Harmony
Beyond Harms
And Atrocities
False polarities
Beyond extreme Duality
Finding our Creative Center
Loving All That Is
Within this Vibrating Fabric
So-Called Reality
What is Real
What can we FEEL
Embrace the Local
Where sharing comes from the Heart
Embrace the Global
Where it isn’t Globalism
Or Any Ism
But the Honor
Of that One
Beyond Schism
The very Honoring Allows
Local Cultures and Ways
To be Honored
Without Regime Change
By Assimilation
Or Debt
Or Conjured Threat
Nor with Development
That puts the real power in the hands of the few and the foreign
But Global Hearts
Celebrates the Freedom of what the Locals’ got goin’
International Cooperation is always voluntary and hegemony is a thing of the Past
I saw it leave
Right out of humanity’s
I’ll just say it
On similar lines, I really enjoyed
piece. She writes:“Humans have an inclination towards charity and helping one another. If not why would charity shops exist? What about community Facebook pages? People enjoy helping one another out. Remove all the labels that a person has attached to themselves and see the humanity in their eyes. See the past pains and look at their scars. Know that they carry burdens and baggage just like everyone else, just like you.”
I really believe this. Altruism and empathy are part our innate, natural selves. We simply need to untie ourselves from that which suppresses that natural contribution, loving aspects of humanity so that we can feed the good wolf. We may have epigenetic trauma and soul scars. We may have been manipulated genetically be aliens or really off track earlier incarnations of people like those who mess around irresponsibly with CRISPR, along with our baggage from this life to jettison - but fundamentally I believe the human design is to prosper in harmony, in love in sovereignty. We have free will. So we can choose which wolf we feed, but our True Nature is innocent. Speaking of Wolf, look for a cross post from
. Here is the poem:His piece on Jesus, shared in the post above is one of my favorites.
also has wonderful thoughts on Jesus and the journey, inner and outer to honor our own truths while living a space with others.I’d love to hear about any thrivalogues you have been having lately!
Lots of love,
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