Usually villains think they are the heroes
And sometimes
Like Gollum
They are
Usually heroes wonder if they have what it takes
Wonder if they are worthy
Wonder if their faith is sturdy
And sometimes they feel
Or dirty
Until they realize
They are worthy to accept grace
It’s the unworthiness that keeps us from being willing to face
Our greatest fears
Or embrace our Authentic Power
The power of Love
That’s needed in this hour
Sparing no and one and nothing from the removal of haze
In raw center
A Sanctuary to feel
Without needing to conceal
To be without forcing others to be the same
To know we are One
Without trying demand they play our game
It may be so that a villain holds a piece of the truth
Even while much or even almost all of what they say is uncouth
It might be the one we think is the hero hasn’t found their authentic voice just yet
And they may have not been so sure a bet
Maybe Spirit is trying to vet
To see if we are collectively willing
To believe we are worthy to own our own truths wherever we find them
And to unbind them
From all that fools the rest
Into believing we have to invest
In those things we detest
Beyond this
Beyond sides
Collides From All Sides
Lies and Truth
To help you become
Ruth-less in discernment
With Absolute Compassion
Yet a kind of dispassion
That allows you to witness
The reel
To see the simulacrum
Isn’t actually real
Feel to heal
Appeal to your own oversoul
Sovereign unto you
Yet One with All
Why would you hurt yourself by dismissing the call
To love One And All?
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