Uplift Unicorn
Uplift Unicorn
Beyond Sides, Let’s Find Each Other
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -2:49

Beyond Sides, Let’s Find Each Other

The audio gives background on the thoughts I share in the text - much love, Alicia

My word for the year is “stillness” and yet I have felt so much moving in me and through me, both personal and collective.


The only place to bring it is to a stillness that can hold it it without holding on to it. To digest it, allow the parsing and sifting of what can be utilized as nutrition, and what needs to be enzymatically broken down in order to capture and integrate what is useful, while discarding what is unnecessarily dead weight or plain out and out toxic.

I wrote recently about being present to the places that are at war within ourselves. Sometimes they might not even be at war, as two aspects that don’t know how to integrate because in the external they’ve been split into warring factions. For example, I am not a fan of fossil fuel but I am also one of those people who believes climate interference has been happening without the approval of unbiased scientists or the public. I believe it’s impacting seasons as well as extreme weather.

But in the outer world the people who are critical of fossil fuel are also critical of conspiracy theorists. But what if fossil fuel interests were the ones doing the aerosol seeding that is creating havoc on the environment and on human communities?

According to the below article, that’s a hypothesis worth researching thoroughly!


What if the same people who are creating environmental conditions for wildfires are also the ones with a vested interest in us not looking beneath the surface. Literally.

#metoo has to include those who have actually been in those tunnels.

The flip of realizing that harmful influences are converging behind the scenes is real eyes ing


I can verify this personally because I have known people from every walk of life, every socio economic background and every race/ethnicity/gender who have a pure hearted desire to see the truth win out in love - who want freedom that is rooted in love and love that expresses itself as an honoring of the freedom that God gave us.

By God I don’t mean a bearded guy knitting upstairs and I certainly don’t mean any God used to peddle colonialism and its accompanying genocides.

When I speak of God I am talking about the invisible Loving Presence that knits all the threads of all the universes into tapestries of answered prayers, even as She allows free will. Her quantum answer to how we use that. freewill is miracles. And we are free to call them in. She sings to us that we are loved. She hopes we will remember that as beings designed in her exact image and likeness, we don’t need to make ourselves small, nor take from others or distort the nature of anything in order to find the Divinity that is inherently woven into our spiritual genetics.

We are One.

We are Sovereign, Unique & Lovable.

She is singing us every into being and loving us until we are ready to return Home to that Love and Empty Space that Never Left Us.

The Daily Mirror, part of the Mirror Group of Newspapers, now known as REACH Pic was once owned by the father of Ghislane Maxwell, Robert Maxwell, who was both a spy, allegedly for Israel and Britain and possibly Russia. Additionally, he and Pergamon press were allegedly involved in technology transfers involving Sandia labs. Currently the groups of newspapers that Robert Maxwell (who had a number of other names before that one) owned until his death is most known for settling with Prince Harry over tapping phones etc illegally. Prince Harry also had a lawsuit on the same theme which he won, agains NGM - News Groups Newspapers, which was owned by Rupert Murdoch, who recently stepped down and put the empire in his son Lauchlan’s, I’m sure very able hands. The Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) are historically allied with the Labour party, are their investors include companies heavily influenced by Bill Gates, whereas the News Group Newspapers are clearly biased toward the Right, as evidenced by their ownership of Fox News and the presence of Rubert Murdoch himself at the recent inauguration. According to Whitney Webb, Robert Maxwell’s’ lawyer and confidante was Samuel Pisar, who was the stepfather to Anthony Blinken, as well as to Thomas Watson, jr of IBM, who Webb states was the US ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1979. It is a complicated web and Whitney Webb does a great job exploring it, but the bottom line that I take away from her book duo is a this question: were we giving the USSR technology in the name of a techocratic world government that transcended national boundaries while we justified importing Nazi scientists on the basis of the world war? We know many businesses continued to operate in Nazi Germany during the war. We know that generally, commerce only cares about wars when it impacts their stocks. In fact, the US may well have been induced into World War One because of JP Morgan’s concern about his debts. The Lusitania is one of the better proven false flag events, but there is evidence that most wars the US has gotten into may have engendered public support through false flags that cost real lives. If we hadn’t had World War One, we mightn’t have had World War 2.

Who wanted to make those wars and were they really about what they seemed to be about or were all the people who fought and died really victims of a much grander scheme?

Likewise, just as The Rockefellers funded Eugenics and Nazi research, they also funded creation of The New School, a branch of which provided a safe haven for certain Jewish academics who needed to get out of Nazi Germany. Meanwhile, people like Frederich Vanden Huevel and Allen Dulles worked to ensure immunity for top Nazi atrocity committers.

There is a term called a Jidobandera - it refers to a “bad Jew” who sells out other Jews to be slaughtered. Igor Kolomoyski describes himself as such. He funded Zelensky’s TV show as well as his actual run for presidency. Zelensky being Jewish thus does not assure us that he is on the side of the Jews, any more than any other elite person whether Catholic or Jewish or New Age or Anarchist Buddhist or Sikh. For example, Jagmeet Singh is a member of the WEF.

If we look even deeper we can find some of our favorite (well not my favorite, but the collective’s favorite thought leaders and most quoted individuals working closely with Nazis, as well as MKULTRA which directly imported Nazi scientists, as well as with our space program, which is currently polluting our atmosphere with exotic metals, leading to climate change.


Aluminum is also used as a propellant in space.

What if the elites don’t care that much what race you are as long as you are down with their overarching and luciferian rituals? Opus Dei has members on the liberal as well as right wing side of things. LSD has been used in aggressive white supremacy cults. You can learn more if you look up right wing psychedelia. I recently came across a piece of Rubert Murdoch that mentioned his family sought therapy with an individual who specialized in treating dynastic families. I was reminded of a certain famous individual who provided therapy for elite families and was 488 under Allen Dulles. His files are still secret and held at Harvard.

I was recently disturbed to see a number of people posting a thing with a priest speaking out against the latest President. Because this is a PR job for the Catholic Church in the view of the left wing, not anything of any other significance in my opinion. Whilst the amount of harm done by the Catholic church cannot be underestimated. In addition all of the boarding schools that abused Indigenous children and young people in the name of civilizing them cannot be overestimated. Apologies won’t ever be enough.

A total of 185 allegations of abuse were disclosed at Spiritan-run junior and senior schools in Blackrock, Co Dublin to the Government-appointed inquiry into historical abuse at schools across the State.

Some 130 allegations of abuse were disclosed at Willow Park Junior School against 24 alleged abusers, while 55 allegations of abuse were disclosed against 13 alleged abusers at its post-primary counterpart Blackrock College.

These are two of 308 schools named in the report on allegations of abuse at schools run by religious orders, which was published on Tuesday. The 700-page report includes a breakdown of 2,395 allegations of historical sexual abuse by school.

The report details allegations of abuse at primary and post-primary schools as well as special and community schools. Some 528 allegations of abuse at special schools across the State were disclosed against 194 separate alleged abusers.

To be clear, sexual abuse, including the rape of children transcends any one religion and can be found, as far as I can tell, in most major religious groups. I say most because I haven’t researched all, but I have found it to be extremely pervasive in the leadership of Buddhism as well as in elite operations linked to blackmail that may involved Israel, as well as in fundamentalist Christian and Catholic contexts. I haven’t researched it deeply in Islam, but I am aware of it in the elite ranks of the Saudis and I would expect to find the same in Islam generally, for the simple reason I know the same Luciferian influences were already infiltrating the Muslim faith back in the time of Hafiz, and there was black magic being performed in the Sufi commune where I was born, which is why my mother wanted to leave.

I never was drawn to most new age stuff, even after I’d sloughed off my brief sojourn into fundi evangelicalism and been led to work with several intuitives that came to me in the course of listening to internal nudges. I later learned that a lot of New Age stuff is tied up with the same nasty as all the other nasty. I won’t go into it here, but suffice to say manifestation apart from surrendering to Divine Will has never appealed to me, but our current oval office dude is well trained in it. That spiritual mentor to our current oval office occupant was a 33rd degree freemason. Kaia Ra, in her book The Sophia Code, links the free masons to the networks of elite military industrial trafficking of children that she herself survived. Many of today’s top technocrats also openly are Luciferian, as Whitney Webb has detailed in her various pieces.

Allen Dulles, the OSS, and Nazi War Criminals

This book examines the circumstances surrounding SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff’s escape from prosecution for war crimes in 1945. Wolff avoided prosecution because of his role in “Operation Sunrise,” negotia- tions conducted by high-ranking U.S., Swiss, and British officials – in violation of the Casablanca agreements with the Soviet Union – for the surrender of German forces in Italy that enabled the Anglo-American forces to take Trieste. After 1945, Allied officials, Allen Dulles among them, in a move that later helped him ascend to the head of the CIA, shielded Wolff from prosecution to maintain secrecy about the negotiations. “Operation Sunrise” thus relates to the early origins of the Cold War in Europe and had wide-ranging implications, even in the field of justice: New evidence sug- gests that the Western Allies not only failed to ensure cooperation between their respective national war crimes prosecution organizations, but in certain cases even obstructed justice by withholding evidence from the prosecution.

Kerstin von Lingen is Research Group Leader and Lecturer in the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” and the Department of Contemporary History at Heidelberg University, Germany. She is the author of Kesselring’s Last Battle: War Crimes Trials and Cold War Politics, 19451960 (2009, translated from German by Alexandra Klemm). Professor von Lingen has testified in court as an expert witness in recent war crimes trials concerning Nazi War crimes committed in Italy during World War II.

~ assets.cambridge.org

Across time and space alliances have been formed among those who would harm life itself or substitute artificial, mechanized imitations of life for life that is inherently a reflection of Divinity. Technocrats are imitators, but the authentic Divinity has everything that technocrats want - inherently. I’ve written previously that early thought leaders who were cozy with the eugenecists of both the socialist fabian variety as well as the outright nazi variety - both of which often share an underlying freemason connection, considered corporatism globally to be more important than Nation States, and saw technocracy and transhumanism as ways to become all powerful, apart from the Source of Love.

We can look at how religions are used to control people and annihilate people and see that the image of God created elicits a natural desire from otherwise good people to rebel. Yet my understanding of Source is that Source blesses us with freewill and Yeshua was a great advocate of honoring both embodiment and the Divine Feminine, as well as being just to everyday working people. His lineage is connected with India and Tibet, as well as the Hebrew people, many of whom also share lineages with ancient Ireland.

To be FREE in the Truest Sense is to be FREE to be your Divinity that NEVER LEFT YOU - not to try to somehow be separate from that VERY Divinity.

From Left and Right has the one who wishes to. claim freedom from God (as if that were even possible since we all live within the One Mind of The Mother,) seduced good people with promises of this or that seemingly desirable end.

And then when it suits to divide, from Left and Right do they seed seemingly opposed but interconnected truths and falsehoods to get good people to fight each other. Because people are the sacrifice. Human beings are seen as disposable. Some more valuable than others, but all disposable. Just look at chess and consider the pieces and their value and how the game is played.

And yet, whether they try to bring us together in the name of the appealing but false social good, or try to keep us from our love for one another with divisions based on distorted and separated elements of truth, there is a Truth far more exciting and WONDERFUL!


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