Storms reveal the light
Snow melts in spring
Today I planted
Tomorrow I sow
If you have cried many tears, as I have
Or felt rended
In ways you thought you could not bear
Please know that I care
Our common humanity is what we share
Our divinity too
It’s shining through
Creation is praying through me and you
For all of life longs to be free and in joy
Longs to celebrate
Beyond oppression’s ploy
Whether it’s assimilation guised as assistance
Let’s take a sovereign divine stance
Let’s sing and make merry and dance
Indigenous nations
Are celebrations
Unites States
Has no right
To extinquish
Native Nations’ sovereignty
Or yours
Or mine
Or even the United State’s itself
Without permission from those whom they try to
Entice and coax
Into the hoax
Into the borg
Or at least keep out of the way on a backshelf
Remember your True and Abiding Human-Divine Self
Oppression is sometimes veiled in a guise
Of aid or some other happy surprise
Or a set of actions to ensure genocide in the name of equality
This is not an admirable quality
Though it seems the Unite States likes to brag
Like Israel
So far from G-d
As its morality Sags
Free speech in gags
Naked atrocity barely dressed up in rags
Sometimes oppression is claimed as voluntary but done with a certain insistence
Sometimes oppression can mask itself as that which seems sweet and coy
Oh boy
Yet, we who are made of clay
We who see both night and day
Stars of light
Choosing to birth what is from love, not ego-driven might
We are dragon’s breath and holy water
Heaven’s sons and daughters
To birth realities that honor all
The seeds of that which is your soul gestating into birth within your human form
Let this sovereignty that honors all be your new norm
Honoring all doesn’t mean a human mono crop
Fuck no
For communalism is not communism
But its opposite
Shareholder capitalism
Is where we buy where, what and how - maybe even who - the few want us to shop
This has to STOP
Wind turbines hurt our ceteacean friends
We must finds a way that ends
The harms of using power
That exploits our brothers and sisters
In the air and the water in this hour
Remember you are of the Divine
And the Love that birthed you, birthed them too
In freedom and in joy
May you know fully that you are loved
As are all
Unco-opted peacefully,
Joy is our power
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