Very nice! Lilacs always remind me of Walt Whitman's:

When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d,

And the great star early droop’d in the western sky in the night,

I mourn’d, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring.

Ever-returning spring, trinity sure to me you bring,

Lilac blooming perennial and drooping star in the west,

And thought of him I love.

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Thanks for sharing that with me!

My son and I have jokes about whether or not we agree with ourselves...I think I first heard the idea of disagreeing with oneself from Whitman. I have concluded all perspectives are valid from where they stand even within myself, but I often think of new thoughts and then update what I think. Other times I think...but then when I intuit, I realize I am off a little,e or totally, and amend my thinking accordingly. I may have different opinions than my former selves, but they all thought them for good reasons based on what they understood at the time, and I hope when my future self has a broader perspective, I'll think the same about me now! :)

Be well! ~ A

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Yes, I also discovered this in Whitman for the first time. It's so liberating and relaxed when he says: "Do I contradict myself? very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes." Years later I discovered he was drawing on the wisdom of the Vedas. It seems to me that in America few appreciate that Whitman is just as Vedic as he is Biblical.

Be well!

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Ah - that would be why, although many people love Whitman, and I have appreciation for him...yet I have always had a slight wobble - well a significant wobble...I have a strong aversion to the appropriation I see in white men of his era of indigenous writings, nature and spirituality. They are propped as influencers but where are the original voices - not even in the footnotes unless you really dig.

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The Vedas themselves...influenced so many, including quantum thinkers like Tesla, who in turn was excised from history when he didn't play along...

And the Vedas, as you know, I believe were themselves appropriated by whoever brought the caste system.

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Yes, Tesla was a rare genius who did not want to play the game of capitalist consumption. If they had let him carry out his plans to the end we would probably have free energy available to most people by now.

The Vedas have been appropriated by many over the centuries. Certainly the system of classes (or varnas) is not to be found there, except in the latest part of the work, Mandala 10. This injustice continues with present day Indian nationalists who claim that the Vedas justify their claims to autochthony and the land "without immigrants". The truth is always just under the surface for those who dare to seek it but it's frightening how many will buy the same lies again and again.

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Thank you so much for sharing all this! I am truly grateful!

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Did you see my stuff on the Denovisans and Wilhem-Kaiser/Max Planck at their nazi game again?

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The question is who are the Indian Nationalists? My sense is that after colonization around the world, when nations become "independent," it is actually conquerors or a mixed, but co-opted group that is still controlling things. I know Margaret Sanger recruited people of color to enlist their own people to agree to her Eugenics projects and not to suspect that's what it was, including MILK. In India, I just read the British had a smilier strategy. Who were the original ancient peoples? I so strongly have a hunch things come down to indigenous vs. genetically modified in pre-historic times. The last part I can't prove, but it seems that the Germans/British/Aryans are all tied together as against various indigenous around the world, including funding "both sides" to set up games of erasure as we see with the Jews and Arabs who according the Bible are at least half siblings and according to genomics the Jews/Palestinans were essentially BOTH canaanites. If you look at the WEF agenda it's essentially all white washed Nazis, such as Klaus Schwab AND powerful folks with Israeli and Saudi ties.

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Yes, there is a world of appropriation and injustice hiding under the elites of British and American literature. Someone needs to rewrite the entire cannon. Philis Wheatley and many others like her are only recently receiving bits of recognition. I was not even taught they existed when I took my American lit courses. It's similar in Europe. You hear about the glories of Venice, "queen of seas", but they don't tell you its altars are built of Istrian marble or that its safety was kept by Slavic guards.

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Thank you. Yes, FREE ENERGY! Did you see my post on generic air-gen - there is at least one version of it that is not suppressed right now. I would love love love to see a collaboration between peoples of all backgrounds to re-write that canon. If you saw today's post, Your life is a sacred text is doing a great job re-writing our understanding of Jewish history to put the Torah in context and decolonize it from a Rabbinic perspective.

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Oh - I love apple blossoms! And lilacs of course. It's not quite time yet where I live, for these beauties.

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Ours just popped after some big rain!!! I hope you get to smell and see and feel and taste yours soon!!!! <3 <3

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Just gorgeous 💙🙏💫

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