What are you curious about?
What are you embracing?
What are you transcending?
What is your soul inviting you to more of?
To less of?
What is it you want to give?
What is it you want to explore?
What are you now finding a bore?
What lights you up to you True North
Your Infinite Core
Light your light!
Embrace Who You Are!
You are Here To Shine
Like the Star
The Star that sparkles
With Pure
Whether in your heart in your humanity
Or shining from Afar
Did you know there is a park near my house that used to be tropical sea 490 million years ago?
I didn’t until last week!
490 million years time traveling and I could snorkel down the street
Magnolias are so old they were before the bees. Oh I love the bees.
And did you know magnolias were originally pollinated by beetles?
Lots of love to you and to us all,
P.S. My dog has become less picture shy
But she’s still keeping whatever she’s whispering in my ear a secret. I don’t even understand it yet. Lol. A few other things I don’t understand yet…
Gypsy Kurds identify as the original Kurds
Gypsies were named so by European humanists who were fascinated by their divination approaches, which called to mind their fascination with Egypt
It is most likely Gypsies/Roma/Kurds? originated in Northern India, with many later integrations of other DNA as they migrated
The Roma/Gypsies were on Hitler’s death list
The Armenians were the original Indigenous in their geographical region
But what about here in the United States?
We have a genocide here that continues, especially as extractive industries have incentives to keep on raping the land as well as either decimating or assimilating the Indigenous Nations and the individuals who are of them.
If you were erased of all that made you you, yet you had the same face
It would be the death of you
While you were either used as a battery
Or someone else was installed in your place
This is what happens to each indigenous race
When assimilation is masked with terms like inclusion and equality
While the law is one of domination
What an abomination
This subjugation
Yet we have so much to learn
So much to gain
When we see diversity as a True Invitation
For a joyous Celebration
Of life’s explosion of Grace to flower abundantly
In a Fertile expression of Unity
But we must understand the peaceful power
Of the flower
The mycelium
The root systems
The birds
Our microbiome
All our relations
All of Us Dear
Our Grandmother Earth Home
Om Shalom
End the dying
In Palestine
And in The Heart of all That was first Conquered by Constantine
Birth a New Dream…
Love-light Beam
Old corruption coming undone at the seam
No longer hide was is unseemly
Love one another
Sister and Brother
God is our Mother
We must stop harming one another
And find Harmony instead
Of trying to make Indigenous Nations
Indigenous Humanity
Unsleepy head
Let’s Wake Up Together
And Untether
So that we can Open our Hearts
And Rise
Genocidal weather
Light as a Heaven Sent Feather
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