Hello Beautiful Source-Imbued Human Family!
How are we all doing?
How are you doing? Have you asked your own inner being, your heart, your soul, your body, your totality?
Take a moment. Let the sun of your Truth find you and breath light into all your aspects, your whole self.
And imagine with me for a little while…
Let’s dream into being beautiful things, because it is all a dream.
Imagine if you went to school in a place connected to a forest, with gardens and greenhouses; places for woodworking, art, fixing things, honing the skills of breath and harmony with nature; areas to read and write, areas to strengthen the body and attune one’s spirit to Source and our beloved earth, as with ones fellow humanoids; spots for lunch, maybe on a grassy field or boulder, as well as well spaces designated for scientific exploration, learning about cosmic laws, observation and inquiry…all with staffed hours by volunteers in the community who have areas of expertise their given mastery?
Imagine if every person who has a lot of love to give but isn’t as physically or intellectually able as others was paired with people who are scared or lonely in the hospital or waiting for an ambulance, or recovering from domestic abuse or the terrors of war or human trafficking?
Imagine if no one was considered disposable and all were considered equally sacred expressions of God, with different gifts, all needed.
A computer can outperform probably the smartest organic human being. An augmented human cannot brag and has less right to than someone who works hard to take their first step after a stroke. Yet love is what lasts forever. The last shall be first and the first shall be last.
In reality, we are all equally loved, equally holy, equally divine, equal in worth. But that which society over elevates is actually less important, ultimately than that which is often deemed weak or less valuable. Sometimes it is referred to as being childlike or like a woman.
In Nazi times (and hopefully not again) those who were particularly sensitive, including those whose had either personally experienced trauma or in culture and linages had been devastated by colonialism and who turned to alcohol, were considered feebleminded. Yet sensitivity is the very empathic trait that could end the psychopathic domination of this world - and thus it is a strength, and therefore a threat.
I am not into religion. Okay, I am a little, only in the sense that I have always found it interesting and I’ve always hunkered after ultimate truth, but it’s the sap, the inner essence that actually sings to me. Religion is usually the institutional remains of a once living transmission. There are always those within those corpses, who find the living sap, like an anthropologist who can extract theobroma from ancient ceremonial rights or DNA from a Denisovan from before most people thought humanoids were doing humanoid things. So I am always eager to focus on the sap and to be appreciative of living trees, whatever their variety, while letting corpses decompose and whatever needs to expose, become exposed.
Understanding a little of the common threads of some religions can help those who still feel connected to them to reclaim that holy space without having to deny a sacred part of them that is still significant to them. So let’s look at early attitudes toward women in a few traditions:
It turns out early in Islam, Rabia, a female holy one was considered the litmus test for sainthood to men and women alike. Most of her friends were men and they respected her. In Sunni tradition, Aisha, Muhammad’s wife is considered a leading Islamic scholar.
~ Wikipedia
In Buddhism, Green Tara is more ancient than Shakyamuni Buddha. Yeshe Tsogyal is considered an enlightened master by Padmasambava. Tara also is connected to Indigenous legends and to Ireland. I once got an ice cream at Tara, while wearing a unicorn horn. That was also where I learned about solutions that are just around the corner but that you can’t see until you see them, when I had to pee so bad but I couldn’t get to the women’s room because of a woman with really bad vibes - I was ready to just call it quits and pee in my pants, but I prayed to Source for a third way and was guided, turn by turn to a gender neutral private bathroom. Neutral vibes included. I also stayed at The Tara, which was owned by a lovely sister pair who instantly recognized me as a soul sister and drew me into the biggest hug upon our arrival.
Vedicglobal.org writes, “Women were accorded the greatest respect in the Vedas…the 126th hymn of the first book of the Rig-Veda was written by a Vedic woman whose name was Romasha; the 179th hymn of the same book was by Lopamudra, another inspired Vedic woman who was also wife of sage Agastya…Other women such as Visvavara, Shashvati, Gargi, Maitreyi, Apala, Ghosha, and Aditi revealed the higher knowledge and Vedic wisdom of Brahman (supreme god).”
I admit I am less knowledgable about the Jewish tradition because my grandparents were too traumatized by the holocaust to pass on anything to my father; they were atheist due to trauma. I in turn rejected the circle the wagons mentality that came from that trauma, and later, when I wanted to learn more about that heritage, I couldn’t find a place a place to do so where I would feel welcome given my beliefs around Christ and my non-zionism. Likewise there are no Christian churches that I feel comfortable to attend and be my authentic self. I look at both synagogues and Churches and wish I could belong and I simply don’t. Yet the Hebrew bible is filled with powerful women, such as Queen Esther, and the word for Spirit in Hebrew - is feminine.
In the Hebraic-Essene-Christ lineage, Grandmother Anna and Mother Mary were both practicing virgin birthing. They were highly trained in advanced mystery schools, along with Mary Magdalene (s.) In the Grandmother Anna book by Claire Heartsong, Mother Mary is described as such an empath that she struggles making her way in the city to try to be a presence to help sooth and bring sense to what is becoming a harsher, more patriarchal version of her son’s movement than was ever intended.
Yeshua/Issa/Yesu accorded the highest honor to women and was undaunted to apply feminine imagery to himself, referring to his feelings for his people as those of a mother hen, who wishes to gather her chicks to her to protect them, even though his people rejected the messages of the prophets and messengers. (Luke 13:34) That is masculinity at its absolute best: the one who said no to worldly power and isn’t afraid to use a feminine metaphor; who is so confident in his masculinity he can sing the praises of women. Another sign of the healthy masculine: a spirit of giving to and doing for the feminine in a loving way. This can be self-love or toward another. At my husband’s practice there is a husband/wife pair that both see him. On more than one occasion the husband has given his appointment to his wife at times when she needed it more. This is what it is to be Christ- like in the masculine on an everyday level. Christ-like is also being willing to listen to your heart, to your soul, to do something risky, unpopular or dangerous if it is what Source asks you to do, while doing it out of absolute, unconditional love.
Only love lasts forever. Not prophecy or cool spiritual gifts or a metal suit or a suite at some office, oval or otherwise.
Love is more important than intellect or degrees or psychic abilities, charisma, spiritual knowledge or influence pedigrees or a sexy body or skill that others currently value more in the world.
What does it look like to be in the world but not of it.
As someone who has always struggle with being grounded, what a dance this is!
To be fully here, yes, in the world. I’m here. I’m present. I’m accounted for and accountable to my own self and to Source, which is really where my self/Self is Sourced. Yet…in the world but not of it.
I am still living into this but I sense it has to do with having peace even when the world is in turmoil. To others, I think it means you -or I, or anyone living into it feels different to those who identify with the world’s structures and values because yours are the king/queendom of heaven.This an be attractive or revulsive depending on if the one observing you is seeking that kingdom/queendom and if they are ready to find it within themselves and to recognize we are all brothers and sisters, equally sovereign and divine.
To me, Heaven is a frequency.
Our Hearts Are Made of Divine God-stuff!
We are Holograms of The Ultimate One Who Loves Us and All Life and is Generating All-Win Soulutions for all of us, right now, as we read/speak these words.
Thank you for all who have touched me with your inspiring words and love and appreciation and your own joyous courage! I feel your presence and I appreciate you! .
If you feel triggered, there is always ho’oponopono. Dr. Hew Len saw an entire hospital of criminally insane people get well (except for two who were transferred) - just by working on his own reactions to their files. We don’t need to own the projections of others upon us, but we if are reacting to them, we may want to check out if there is anything in us that is contributing to the collective manifestation “out there.”
Who is our inner tyrant? Where have you been willing to cross a line to control someone or their body?
Where have we given away our power to another to decide what is right for us when we were afraid to own our own inn compass?
Where have we given our time to unelected officials to decide for us how we will spend it (scrolling or railing against what w can’t control, for example?)
Who needs our love that we are aligned to offer it to?
Where do we need to shed skin and say no and where do we feel it is aligned to flow?
Where have we been compensating for insecurities and maybe it’s time to look at how worthy we really are so we can respond in a different way to what shows up!
“I love you thank youI’m sorry please forgive me.”
May all be safe
May all be healed
May all thrive in courage, harmony, grace, abundance, peaceful freedom, humility, love, bliss, integrity and great joy.
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