Here’s your slave number I said lightly, but seriously as I handed our son his social security number to enter it on his application to University.
What questions want to be asked?
What is school for?
What is is an education?
Is it for more
Than making deposits
Of informations for children to store?
Why do some children find it enlivening while others a bore?
Some even abhor
While others adore
What difference does a teacher make
And how much of a difference can they make
if the system is there to
The spirit
of those who
Break the mold
When in fact
Those children
Contain gifts
That if nurtured
in harmony with the soul
Instead of that which is sold (out)
Are pure gold
What can we learn from the young, medium and old?
What would a transgenerational learning environment be like
Where volunteers supported both teachers and pupils
In opening up their eyes
And their hearts
Taught as arts
Instead of textbooks written so dry
They lack the moisture of a wet fart
And what if the gifts elicited mattered as much as the wisdom that one could impart?
And with what aspects
The conditioning
For example, might we take apart
Let it depart
A fresh start
Time looking under rocks
Toes in streams
Rivers up to our knees
Mountains and Valleys
Hold the keys
This poem was inspired by a piece written by
Recently I wrote:
I have often wondered about why public education/compulsory education seems so similar to slavery and I have concluded, that is because it is slavery. Children have to go or have sanctioned exclusion clauses or approved alternate arrangements. While there, they have to engage in work that is not optional, that they did not voluntarily agree to free of duress, and that their parents could not waive for them without serious consequences or sanctioned alternate arrangements. There is no pay for the work and there is punishment for non-compliance. When my son little he was once told he absolutely had to participate in a paper plate craft in order to be part of the community. He deeply didn’t want to do this and I offered would it be possible for him to contribute in some other way, and was told no, that making this paper plate craft in this exact way was a requirement for “community building.” This was a fairly progressive charter school based on the principles of Outward Bound.
Yet I can so easily envision a world where all gifts are nurtured and valued and children are celebrated for their uniqueness, yet understood to be equal in their expression of the divinity within us all.
How might that look?
How might societies look that support our direct connection with Source/Creator and foster community not through conformity but from genuine, heart-centered contribution that offers value to the larger whole in a way that legitimately honors the sovereignty of the unique soul print incarnate within each child and each child of God? What if community were about communion - authentic connection with ourselves, our ecologies, our earth mother Gaia, our Star brothers and sisters and all of creation, singing a song of love for all that is?
What if instead of being ‘tracked” for talent based on what the machine needs, children observed, nurtured and honed in their spiritual gifts to serve their community in alignment with their oversoul’s goals for this lifetime?
In an ideal education we’d learn to parse as well as to play, to honor life and to speak the truth we are here to embody, clear as day!
When it comes to steam and heat, there are interventions that do not impose on anyone’s rights and have a substantial amount of evidence behind that to make public places safer when viruses are around causing mischief. These interventions have been known about long before 2020 and were studied in 2020, yet they didn’t even break the surface of things that got suppressed. I never had even heard of them until about a year ago, and more recently when I dug a little deeper.
Love is the answer
If things get virusy
Make it steamy
Don’t mandate anything
That’s meany
Open the conversation
Find your little ways to honor the light in you and in others
Find the joy, the celebration
And when grief finds you
Hold yourself
With the tenderness you may not have ever known
So the way can be shown
For others to hold themselves
That tenderly too
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