The part on Einstein is fascinating. I had no idea how spiritual the great scientist was for many years!

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<3 <3 <3 Layers

Like Ogres

And Brilliant Scienstis

And Cakes

And Earth

And Narratives

And Truth

And Harmonies

Mixed with Melodies


And Cellos


And Then soft Voices

Places where the music



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The way you say that you think of Einstein's spooky action at a distance, is exactly how I approach most situations. I think we think a lot alike. It's really all just interference patterns....[[|:-)

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Tell me what you are signifiying when you say “It’s really all interference patterns?” I’d love to understand more!

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Everything is a vibrational frequency interfering with other vibrational frequencies. The key is knowing that your emotions are what control your vibrational frequency….[[|:-)

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Love that…thanks for expanding on that! “The key is knowing your emotions are what control your vibrational frequency…”

What do you think of amplification as an additional way life can be?

Could we amplify loving beautiful frequencies? Do you think frequencies also create emotions? I know many believe thoughts create emotions, and this is true on one level, but I feel often we are hit with a vibrational frequency FIRST that we react to - then we have a thought that becomes an emotion…<3 Love to us all on the path! Have a great night.

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I believe that with meditation, one could learn to better focus their thoughts and produce more pure frequencies.

I think it really boils down to whether or not you believe that we create our own reality. Quantum sciences, the Holographic Universe theory, Law of Attraction, are all telling us that we do. For there to be an ‘observer effect’, then the energy must exist first and then get interfered with for there to be a reaction, or in this case, the collapsing of the wave function.

It’s the real life ‘chicken or the egg’ paradox, but, as we know, there is no energy gained nor lost, and that is the answer to the paradox. The egg [observer] must always come first to collapse the wave function [create the chicken] for there to be stimulus to react to in the first place.

At the same time, I believe that we are all empaths to some degree, as we are meant to experience our reality, and this would mean that, yes, another’s emotions can effect you, but it’s up to you in how you react to it.

I hope that answers everything, and I hope your night goes well, too….[[|:-)

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Are you familiar with the Anthropogenic Universe?

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I have heard about it, but I haven’t looked into it.

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In my offline life, that's what I do, Alicia.

Relationships come before anything else. I was very explicit about this during the Covid days, saying to people when the topic came up, I value my relationships more than people's opinion on vax/anti-vax. And it was effective.

As an activist, there are people I talk politics with. It's a part of the culture, and helps us to learn more about issues.

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I totally respect that. And I know you do. I know your heart. Obviously I talk politics too - even if to talk about moving beyond a world of politics...which I see as George Carlin did, as "for entertainment purposes only" - or more sinisterly - to control the masses by dividing them by what inflames them most...or what they feel most afraid of or compassionate about from a limited perspective that omits other important contexts. This post is, in some ways an invitation to step back from political conversations that divide relationships while also being a post having a meta communication in it that is political in nature. Meta itself can mean transcending the thing you are talking about to talk about it from a larger "outside of it" perspective but it can also mean "dead," as the Israelis aptly told everyone when Facebook changed its name. The question is, does the conversation ACTUALLY help create positive change FOR the relationships...the other day I was talking about both the deeper things AND politics with a very intelligent friend of mine who reads this substack and while we see some specifics very differently, we hold the same views spiritually (at least in essence) and in terms of the essence of what it is to be human in a good way - to be in in right relationship with ourselves, with Mother Earth, with our brothers and sisters in all creation and with source. From this common reference we were able to have some very beautiful conversations and openings and questions exploring the specifics to wonder, "Well what do we do with the mess," and in the end we came full circle: Love your neighbor and pray to be guided by Source and Source within all life that is praying with us moment by moment day by day and let it unfold. In this way we can play our part without forcing something. Everyone movement that comes from an understandable desire to force a positive change ends badly. Only that which is life-affirming and organic and Inspired from the True Common ground of that indwelling life, that breath of Holy Spirit we share in common can lead to Divine Choreography that takes us beyond new iterations of the same old story played out with different actors and details. In that sense what we see playing out with the parallels of the Nazis and Israelis is a good example.

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Absolutely great! Love your prayer and vision ❤️

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<3 <3 <3

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