I stood at the counter and ordered a chamomile tea. It was not a day for additional coffee, and I’d already made myself one from those little organic mushroom coffee packets back at home. The woman receiving my order asked if a 20oz was okay, offering, “It’s the same price for any size.”
I responded “yes,” and offered back, “What if peace could be like that - what if it could start with you and me choosing to be at peace with ourselves and with one another, and then we could get it for the whole world - the same price for any size!” She looked interested, highly resonant, and quite a bit puzzled. I added, “You know, quantum. Like fractal it out. It starts with you and me, but then it goes out to all until everyone gets it - until we have world peace - All the same for any size.
I thought about the Tardis - bigger on the inside. I think, now, about cells and how they can instantaneously communicate. I think about Einstein’s spooky action at a distance. And I think about Palestine, and what he knew about it back in 1948.
That was yesterday.
Time, well, you know, it’s all happening at once. It’s flexible at most points, which a few time locked things here and there.
On my walk home today, I sang “Om Mani Padme Hum Om Shalom Salaam Alekum Om Ah Hung Om Shalom Om Mani Padme Hum.”
I continued, all the way to the flag pole that is flying PEACE,
“May everyone have what they need to thrive; I bless all beings, I bless all life. Peaceful freedom. Peaceful freedom. Everyone living in harmony, in unity, in peaceful freedom. Everyone loving one another, living in peaceful freedom, peaceful freedom. No technocracy. No hypocrisy. Just peaceful freedom. I bless all life. I bless all life, I bless all life, beyond this strife….Sovereignty, Divinity rising within me, Rising within all creation, rising, surprising - I bless al life, beyond this strife. Peaceful freedom, peaceful freedom…”
I think this screenshot is from Princeton:
Do you know know the BRICS was formed based on Goldman Sachs papers at the fringe of the G8 before Russia left?
The tendency to focus pro-palestinian sentiment toward pro-China or pro-Russia or…socialist sentiment is just another funnel…
Hubby and I had enjoyed sipping our beverages of choice - mine a mocha today, his, a chai. We chatted about a few things from his work day, including a memo encouraging civility at work and discouraging people from discussing politics outside of work on the grounds that it could “impact” their colleagues. What do you think?
My first thought is it’s none of an employers business to even insinuate what people talk about during their free time not at work. I am a passionate advocate of free speech, as I believe that the last institutions that should decide what is acceptable and what is not is the government - the very institution that the free press is supposed to reign in and hold accountable. In modern times, the press is largely owned and controlled by the same interests who want to suppress dissent around issues like the technocracy. Fact checking organizations, likewise usually have conflicts of interest. Who else can hold the false powers falling if not the people themselves? And yet…I don’t see anything good coming from talking about politics.
Here’s why:
The internet is flooded with bots and paid influencers who are designed to either gather hoards of followers or create conflagrations that alienate good people. Many of them are foreign influencers. But we have plenty of foreign influencers out in the open, whether my friends on this platform who use their space to advocate for their preferences for US elections, or Israeli lobbies that oddly aren’t registered as foreign agents, or the various ways China and Saudi Arabia have infiltrated both the US and Canada. Do you know how much of X Saudi owns? The problem-reaction-solutions presented to this foreign influence as been proposed as verification technologies - particularly biodigital ID technologies INHERENTLY that violate our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yes, biodgital technologies that would be required to participate in society INHERENTLY violate both inalienable human rights to be a non-augmented human being, and INHERENTLY violate the right the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
This is a non-political issue, since this agenda stems from apolitical, supranational organizations that infiltrate both left and right, and all the “alts” that emerge as arms and legs of the same international governing bodies that focus on trans humanist technocracies that transcend political ideologies as we understand them within a democratic framework. These are ideologues and billionaires working together. They don’t care if you wear read or blue as long as you plug in, give away your power and let them placate you with various drugs of choice that control you mind, harvest your data - including your human body energy, your very consciousness. You can focus on love. But you will need to witness that this is what is attempted in order to choose to withdraw your consent.
The fewer consent, the less energy they have to run the machine. Then the machine dies.
In the mean time, we can focus on creating in the textures, tones and hues of harmony, freedom, love, joy, purpose, all-way-win local upliftment that bless all life, as one, yet honored in its gloriously diverse flowering.
Conversations around politics will be mostly futile because we are all charged up about it - and all of us are programmed to have a fight or flight response to that which we feel has our survival or the survival of “our people” or our core values at stake.
But what we can do is begin building coherence with others who are waking up to honor the gifts, talents and beautiful emergences that Source/Divine is working/weaving through all Creation, including each individual thread…each stitch we sow, each seed we sow adding to this miraculous tapestry coming alive with the dance of peace, of joy, of all way win local soulful creations!
I asked my son to stop by a couple of friends in the neighborhood to invite them to come for his presentation of his final paper - a paper on civilizations. Not shockingly, both these friends are the households with the women on whose shoulders it is safe to have an ugly cry. I picked a cosmo for each family and gave them to my son to deliver along with the invitation. At one family’s house, he learned their daughter is turning 9 today. He wanted to play her “happy birthday” on his stringed instrument, and I said, “What don’t you run over and ask them when is a good time, as they will probably be very busy tomorrow (which is now today.) Callie, the mom, said he could just do it then, since indeed they would be busy on her actual birthday.
When my son went over with his stringed instrument, a whole group of pure souled children were gathered and one complimented his, “guitar.” The birthday girl correctly recognized it as an ukulele. She asked if he’d written the song himself, and when he said that he hadn’t written that one, she said, “Hey you should write your own stuff.” He said that he has and that he would be happy to share it with them sometime.
This is the kind of thing we can do now. We can help people to connect in very innocent, wonder-filled ways.
We can support children’s aliveness - the music in them - to be allowed to exist, to come into being without interruption or suppression.
We can facilitate the emergence of spontaneous joyful experiences.
We can nurture gatherings we’re we share of our hearts and souls with one another in soulful, fun, unique ways where everyone is welcome and everyone is considered to have something valuable and beautiful to offer.
Lately, I’ve been seeing Roxy a lot - the dog whose mom came to knock on my door last year to get me to vote. I shared with her my vision of a garden where all people of authentic, genuine goodwill are welcome, regardless of ideology, gender, views on vaccines and so on. A garden to thrive, flourish, share, love and be, where everyone of true good faith in truly welcome.
Roxy’s mom knows I won’t vote. But she knows my heart. I know she will. And I know hers. We don’t talk about politics when we see each other. But we talk about love, about dogs, and about the seeds of goodness we can plant.
All is well.
Absolutely great! Love your prayer and vision ❤️
In my offline life, that's what I do, Alicia.
Relationships come before anything else. I was very explicit about this during the Covid days, saying to people when the topic came up, I value my relationships more than people's opinion on vax/anti-vax. And it was effective.
As an activist, there are people I talk politics with. It's a part of the culture, and helps us to learn more about issues.