yah girl. preach. I worked for big pharma and ran long and hard away from it 12 years ago. What a farse. I want people to know healing doesn't make billionaires richer.
Thank you. That is amazing that are ran all the way to where you are! Have you shared your journey publicly? I'd love to hear if you ever feel led to tell it! <3
I have shared many of the main brushstrokes of the journey here; https://meganyoungmee.substack.com/p/an-introduction. There are a million other crazy stories I've had. but feel free to check it out if you haven't already. I've been asked not to share what doesn't work, but what I know does. Not to focus on the death and destroyers but the life and regenerative miracle that it is.
P.S. this poem has been reviewed and fact checked by my husband who is a medical person...um, I mean he's a person who practices medicine. People should not be medicalized, not even doctors. He is a human being who practices the healing arts within the conventional setting to which most people are accustomed.
yah girl. preach. I worked for big pharma and ran long and hard away from it 12 years ago. What a farse. I want people to know healing doesn't make billionaires richer.
Thank you. That is amazing that are ran all the way to where you are! Have you shared your journey publicly? I'd love to hear if you ever feel led to tell it! <3
I have shared many of the main brushstrokes of the journey here; https://meganyoungmee.substack.com/p/an-introduction. There are a million other crazy stories I've had. but feel free to check it out if you haven't already. I've been asked not to share what doesn't work, but what I know does. Not to focus on the death and destroyers but the life and regenerative miracle that it is.
What a beautiful approach!
Your story is amazing!
P.S. this poem has been reviewed and fact checked by my husband who is a medical person...um, I mean he's a person who practices medicine. People should not be medicalized, not even doctors. He is a human being who practices the healing arts within the conventional setting to which most people are accustomed.