This morning
I saw
A robin red breast
Press its beak around a whole elderberry
In vitro it can treat birdflu and clinically in double blind studies, it can treat other kinds of cold an flu too
So heard the robin red breast
Who was not a fan of the inaccurate PCR test
I saw a group of young one peckers bouncing on the same bush
And wondered if they had heard
How many millions were injected to fund a vaccine for a crisis that hasn’t occurred
And hopefully never will
While those flooded aren’t flooded with funds
Because they were already spent on injectables and guns
I’m not interested in those pushing the stick or the pill
While these may occasionally have their place
There are other ways to nurture our health
The will produce fewer harmful consequences
That could make our future ill
And I thought the woodpeckers
Might more closely inspect
Things suspect
While trying their luck with something nature has tested
Instead of that which
Was ordered at the behesteth
Of God knows who
At the WHO
Hoot Hoot
Said the Owl
A candle shaped like owl candle my husband gave me
Bought from the the co-op
I was delighted to meet the owl and its twin, and the mushroom candle too
Since my intuition was to ask for them
Even though last time he shopped the selection was not my taste of array
And a cardinal mama stared at me
From inside the elderberry bush’s fray
Can we be kind
And also have open thrivologues
Where everyone is welcome to the Elder
And unco-opted science, along with women’s wisdom not subjected to the centrifugal forces of the lab
Can be felt and heard and honored
And not coerced or shamed or bribed or lied to in order to push the jab?
Can we move beyond the fray of divisive of those who fear monger
And savor the joy of listening to our own knowing and learning from one another - both from science and our intuition - where truths beyond the mainstay don’t have to bushwhack through censorship to get a say?
The antiviral effects of elderberries extract were confirmed against several human strains of type A (H3N2, H1N1, H3N2, H1N1) and influenza virus type B (Zakay-Rones et al. 1995). Elderberry extract inhibited the Human influenza A (H1N1) with IC50 of 252 ± 34 μg/mL (Roschek et al. 2009)
The results of four clinical studies were the subject of a meta-analysis (n = 180), which administration of elderberry extract (n = 89) in comparison with control group (n = 91) significantly reduced the clinical respiratory symptoms in patients with influenza, and common cold and the efficacy of elderberry extract against influenza viral infections was higher than that of common cold. Elderberry extract had no overall effect on flu vaccination and the effects of elderberry extract on upper respiratory symptoms of patients with and without flu vaccination were the same. No adverse or sedative effects were reported for elderberry extract during the study
yah girl. preach. I worked for big pharma and ran long and hard away from it 12 years ago. What a farse. I want people to know healing doesn't make billionaires richer.
P.S. this poem has been reviewed and fact checked by my husband who is a medical, I mean he's a person who practices medicine. People should not be medicalized, not even doctors. He is a human being who practices the healing arts within the conventional setting to which most people are accustomed.