What do you think should be taught in school?
Here's a list of 8 I think should go in - love to have you add yours in the comments!
8 Things Every School Should Teach
How to garden in ways that regenerate the soil without chemical fertilizers, including learning from Indigenous land stewardship
The history of Indigenous Peoples and the current law structure of the colonized nations, including the Doctrine of Christian Discovery/Plenary Power, as well as what can be learned from Indigenous Peoples about communalism vs either communism or rugged individualism
The history of Eugenics/Nazi ideology and how it relates to actual the playing of both Jews and Arabs against one another, the history of medicine and science, the Mellon Institute and the Kehoe Principle. We need to teach the value of the scientific method over “science” controlled by industry, with a focus on the importance of third party accountability and full public transparency of science as more important than labels of “proprietary,” when it comes to anything that could impact human or planetary wellbeing - and a positive focus on Indigenous approaches to life, ecology, understanding the world and being a human being with compassion, reverence and love and true respect for Indigenous Sovereignty.
Prehistory and Indigenous history, including the Marshall trilogy, as well as modern movements to restore Indigenous Lands
The History of the FDA, Fluoride and The World Health Organization
The power of connection, trees, hugs, wholesome soil, mycoremediation and genuine altruism are to nurture health and wellbeing
The intelligence of water and ability to honor the water within ourselves and all life
The power of intuitive/feminine ways of knowing and Indigenous knowledge as equally valid epistemologies
Really? So how did we survive without schools and grocery stores before?
In my opinion it’s not about adapting to modern life, it’s about reclaiming our old ways!
The native Americans and indigenous cultures did fine before being invaded by modern thinkers.
Many untouched societies are thriving, you just don’t hear about them.
It’s not very profitable to be self sufficient.
I say we keep them out of schools, teach them to grow their own food, respect the land, respect others, read, write and do math.
That’s all they need.