This morning I walked to and from coffee, while my husband drove on ahead, ordered me a Miel and waited patiently for me. Somedays there are places I can walk that I cannot drive. While on foot, I can go around certain places my body doesn’t like, or if it feels just right, I may spread my arms like wings and fly through, while spinning becoming a spinning vortex or ground to highest earth-Mother-Gaia as I pique, arabesque through, transmute or light-heartedly around dense patches of energy, where on car, it is a bit more of a challenge. I have prayed many times for God to simply clear the energy, and I hope it’s coming soon. In the meantime, my highly sensitive inner GPS can be very challenged on outings by car. My patient husband who has seen how many times my inner GPS is validated by external reality, as well as seen me react the same way to the same places even when I have forgotten its the same spot calls it the game of “Simon says go left, go right, turn around.” If I absolutely cannot avoid a rough patch or I’m meant to go through it, I’m learning to “ghost” - which really isn’t the right term, but I can, sometimes tune into divine love in such a way that it makes me able to pass through, unharmed. Other times I literally feel like my head and or whole energy body is being attempted to be torn in two or ripped from all directions. It’s not a fun experience when I just want to hangout with my husband and maybe have a cuppa something together. Being sensitive when the world isn’t yet can suck. Still, there are perks, like perfect parking spots at busy locations that open up just we arrive and synchronous adventures, and some places we drive enough through start to feel better after a time, like we’ve retraced the energy and helped to upgrade it.
What are you experiences with energetics, sensitivity and being an empath?
What are some strengths to your weaknesses and weaknesses to your strengths?
Am very empathic so i can relate. It's taken decades of learn from experience to make myself less susceptible by maintaining my energy/being myself and more quickly recognizing others' energies, as e.g. i could go somewhere or meet someone, then come home feeling like 'who am i?.. this is not me'... b/c i picked up on what someone else was feeling or going through.
I was just thinking before reading your article how much I would like to get rid of our small car. It is not only an expense and uses fossil fuels, but a car also makes you less of an observer of your surroundings. Moreover, when you go inside a car, you walk less.
Between 1994 and 2001, I had no car. I took public transport and I walked and biked. When I walked, which was every day, I was able to observe everything around me. I would walk to the cafe most days, a place to work and sometimes meet up with friends. It was 30 minutes each way, but I loved it, because I was walking, thinking and observing. No traffic; no stress from driving.