“Grace is invincible presence that cannot be bought, sold or traded for. Grace cannot be earned for it is freely available, regardless of circumstances…Grace is the space that your soul was birthed in…Humanity is ready for the spaciousness of Grace…Grace is the sanctuary of space from which quantum solutions arise that end the need for all suffering..”
Grace is such a lovely word and state.
Yes <3 <3 <3 Have you read The Sophia Code?
No, I haven't.
“Grace is invincible presence that cannot be bought, sold or traded for. Grace cannot be earned for it is freely available, regardless of circumstances…Grace is the space that your soul was birthed in…Humanity is ready for the spaciousness of Grace…Grace is the sanctuary of space from which quantum solutions arise that end the need for all suffering..”
The Sophia Code by Kaia Ra pg 49
What's the Sophia code?
It is a divine feminine Christ ascended master Transission of Sophia Consciousness! <3
It's one of my favorite books of all time!
Wait until naturalness arises
Mmmmmm YES exhale love
What a lovely piece. Your words flow very smoothly and your accompanying picture at the end is beautiful!
Thank you Bethel!
<3 <3