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Oooof...the words used by the child--rough. No child should be using such words or feeling such hatred in their hearts at such a tender age, but I know it could be socially induced and maybe unavoidable. But of course I'm even more shocked by people of power doing harm to the vulnerable. Doctors especially.

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I know. There is so much here. SO much I feel. SO much to unpack. I’ve been sitting with your comment. And I feel crippled to communicate all the layers that are there…

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The border

The doctors

Kindness (and what it means when it comes to how we are propagandized to smear and humiliate certain individuals or groups that are excepted from kindness...but also how kindness can be used (niceness, really, not kindness) to stop us from taking action to stop genuine atrocities, in the name of societal expectations that certain people are untouchable...it's a weird double standard, isn't it, that Epstein for so long was untouchable (Ostensibly because he was intelligence - and interestingly he claimed to have at one time been Trump's best friend) but Trump we are encouraged to be derisive and dehumanizing toward...while the whole world set him up to win, even the first time around when the media kept giving him platform after platform to for attention getting stunts. Hillary Clinton thought we should have more people like Donald Trump as President. I believe it was a pilot who pleaded the fifth regarding Bill Clinton's activities on the Lolita/

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How much is the kid mirroring what others are feeling and or how adults are being? I think the kid truly felt empathy and anger wanted to take take right action, but what has been role modeled by propaganda is not a compassionate, clear-minded action to stop the harm, but a willingness to dehumanize whomever is deemed the enemy and fairly casually resort to violence, while censoring freedom of speech. Suppressed people eventually have to let their voice out somehow. Some do it through creativity or transmuting in meditation or EFT but many also at least fantasize about violence. Om Mani Padme Hum.

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Thank you for your thoughtful reflections, Alicia. There are so many evil people running the world, that's for sure. Truth will always be brought to light. Always. But alas, how soon is the question. To me politicians, doesn't matter what side they're on, are all playing their own games and playing them at the detriment of civilians. I try to distance myself from the rhetoric and misdoings and focus on policy and hope for the best. All we can do is create our own strength, confidence, and compassion around our circles and inspire others. We have to rely on ourselves and our loved ones, not the powerful. I've no doubt that the child is coming from a good place, truly and genuinely. Unfortunately, they're not sheltered against the rhetoric and negativity. Children are too young to comprehend the depth of such things yet and should be as sheltered from that as possible and instead reinforced with confidence and kindness. But again, you could be the best parent and it's still out there in schools, peers, teachers, etc.

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Resonate with everything you say here! I think sometimes we need to explore what’s gong on in the '“underneath” to see how both sides manipulate policy itself, (for example policies that are in the name of some desirable good, such as ending child trafficking but may actually be aims of control (digital wall/biodigital ID) or green agenda stuff that is actually also tehcnocracy in disguise and not purveying the REAL answers (as I see them as someone who loves Mama Earth) but rather Problem Reaction Solution stuff that puts more power in the hands of the corrupt. On the other hand, once people discern and can withdraw consent from that type of manipulation, the only focus worth having is on what we want to create! And I full hearted feel that no matter what, we can always start with ourselves, our neighbors, our little places where we can sprinkle kindness and love and laughter and the safety to tell the truth, to cry, to hug and be hugged, to say yes/no with compassion, to build bridges and set healthy boundaries! <3 xoxo much love

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You’re on point, Alicia. I always follow the money, plus how big a movement is. That tells me there must be some kind of agenda. Of course, it’s not always like this. But a dose of skepticism and questioning is good. And yes to hugs and kindness and helping hand to our loved ones and neighbors. We start with that and enrich our little world.

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“how big a movement is…” it is so sad but true. I wrote under another name in the past - and I mostly was attracting people from alt crowds - both right and those without a home due to being pushed out of left by those who said you can’t be liberal and question, which of course is entirely un-liberal. But I realized that 90% or higher of those I agreed with in principle on certain issues, clearly had conflicts of interests that led me to form a well supported hypothesis that most were what might be termed controlled opposition. I hope someday the Truth without agenda - the all way win soulutions that truly would uplift all but those who seek to oppress, exploit and harm - will be the ones the masses find attractive. If I had a magick button to turn off the propaganda in all its forms, you bet I would. I pray everyday for humanity to have a free consciousness. It is so sad to see so many good people either divided or unable/unwilling, lacking the courage and integrity to stand up to their own in groups on both sides.

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