This sweatshirt hung in the closet of our spare room - the one that used to be my son’s then my daughters; now a hybrid room used for studying for my son, for an extra room when anyone wants to be along while downstairs, and sometimes a room for getting ready, almost like a powder room, but messier and filled with old childhood memorabilia. This year it finally wanted to be worn. It is a light fury. It is light-hearted, but also powerful in its whimsy, its playfulness, its inherent ferocity and devotion to that which it loves. It is a symbol for me of the inner child. This is a year of truly embodying the best of the inner child, and sometimes it takes a little dragon courage to love ourselves just as we are!
Sovereign. Lovable. Worthy.
Choosing to fully allow ourselves to bathe in our worthiness to shine
Consecrating our power 100% to Unconditional Divine Love
Wholly our Hearts Unified in A Will Divine
You. Me. All Humanity
Blessing all Life
The Joyous
The Loving
The Kind
The Beautiful
Listening to One Another
Without Complying
To a will that would try to smother
Instead, opening to the Womb-Heart
Of Our Shared Divine Mother
Not one group over another. Not one person over another. Jesus said,
“Love one another.”
Who is the one within who seems like the “other?”
Who is one on the outside that we are told to “other,” or enemizes?
How might we do otherwise?
Harmony, let us RISE as One Sovereign Peace
A Free choice
To Dance with Life
In Harmony
Sovereignty. It’s about far more than choosing to opt out of agendas that would like to be sovereign over us. Sovereignty is about truly being who we are here to be.
It is rediscovering our free-spiritedness, including our joy!
Sovereignty is the authentic embodiment of legitimate supreme authority. It’s not the right to dominate another person or people based on ego power structures. Anything that uses the word sovereignty to dominate is a non-legitimate authority - they are in violation of cosmic law if in any way they are trampling the divine, God-given right of any individual or communal identity group to express their unique finger print of God - the prism of their unique soul shining as into being as either the creative individual or group consciousnesses that elucidate existence.
The only one who has the legitimate supreme authority when it comes to you - or to any distinctive consciousness that is comprised of individual sovereign souls coming together to form a people - is the oversoul. Sovereignty is derived from the same word family as supernal - it has to do with the celestial realms of light in its original understanding, before it was politicized. You are sovereign. You are supernal. You are of the light and here to shine the light in your own unique way, as are all who choose to remember who we truly are and to be in that sovereign, infinite creative power within the illusory limitations of form. You - the oversoul that expresses a unique fingerprint of God - a crystal prism through which Sophia God’s light shines magnificently and purposefully through your unique life, are absolutely, 100% the sovereign of your own infinite individual expression. You have no right to have sovereignty (or better expressed in my opinion, suzerainty over anyone else. Your sovereignty is the gift of God to allow you your freedom of expression, and the most fun way to express, is to be on the divine, holy adventure of seeing what God wants to express through and as you!
You! You, on this perfectly imperfect human adventure on the path back to the perfection - you, with all that can feel like too much, all that is resistant to what is, all that troubles you, and all the ways you may feel you have failed… still retain in your pristine oversoul, the pattern of perfection that is slowly being reclaimed for humanity.
And the path is not one of seriousness, or at least not just seriousness. Seriously, Jesus was right about the importance of becoming like a little child!
To become truly childlike is not necessarily to become childish, but to be in wonder, to be open to the miraculous, to accept divine intervention, to feel free to be fully authentic and expressive, and to receive care and divine love without hesitation.
To be childlike to is re-member how to play, how to be free, how to unconditional our lives and live and move from the Holy Spirit of Inspiration that is breathing us into our next steps!
The Song is called Sovereign by Adam Bridge - aka my son.
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