Fully Human
Fully Divine
Jesus fully embraced his humanity. At the same time, he did not only embrace his humanity. He embraced his divinity, too!
What would the world be like if everyone embraced both, equally?
What if there were no shame in being human? And equally no one thought you were high falutin to claim to be made of 100% God stuff – aka divinity?
God’s breath = Pneuma. No, not Pneumonia, though it’s related to a lack of breath, but the word for Holy Spirit used in the Christian bible is the same one as for breath: Pneuma.
We are all made of the same divinity, how could it be otherwise if you believe the Shema, God is one.
Now, I find that heresy is my birthright in every circle in which I find myself – left, right, religious, whatever. My dad is Jewish, my mom’s biggest spiritual influence growing up was her Christian Scientist step-mother. My parents found each other in a Sufi bookshop and later moved to the Sufi community where I was born. I’ve dabbled in Buddhism, but I am more drawn the path of Truth that, I was told by an enlightened woman existed before Buddhism and beyond it. I explored Christianity – even attending a Brethren in Christ college (well now it’s a university,) and I am a seminary dropout, with a couple of credits of Clinical Pastoral Education under my belt. As a teenager I fell in love with the Tao of Physics, and I’ve been fascinated by the way Truth reveals itself through and beyond beliefs, science and the joy of life itself. Those are my credentials for constant heresy.
So You’ll have to forgive me for inviting the Shema just before I invite us to the Trinity. If every particle can wave. And every wave can particle. God, being beyond the Quantum, birthing of all quantum reality and present within, suffusing all realities with Her Love, must also be able to be Immanuel – God with us – able to show up in and as a particularity - and also Transcendent and beyond our words and ideas.
This morning Hubby and I went for a walk with our coffee beverages to a nearby lake. The water was just crystalizing in tiny clumps from its liquid state into ice and the sky was mostly a gentle blue. A seagull soared above. No one else was out walking. It felt serene, peaceful. It felt easy to access stillness. We walked on snow-covered fake grass near where you can rent boats in other seasons and on by some garden boxes, now empty. I heard my husband say something about God in a box. He was using his goofy faux Boston accent to say garden box. We joked about not putting God in a box, and how, in reality, everything we can say theologically is God in a box. The best we can do is leave the box open, know it’s a box, or maybe a terrarium. All we can do is laugh at the idea that our ideas – our biggest ones are as absurd as God only being in a terrarium – even as, of course, God IS the substance of the terrarium and the one getting out of it or growing beyond it, overflowing into the unknown.
All our theologies – and that includes our ideologies – be they political, our views on gender or our beliefs about how to raise children, what to eat/not eat and how to live in the world the best way can with one another in these precarious yet joyously exciting times - can become idols if we mistake the map or the musical notation for the actual trail we are traversing Home, or the music we are here to play and dance to on our way Home.
If God is all there is – and if God is one – how could it be anything else – then even the dark is held in the light. It’s just a really twisted knot of density Sometimes we may have a role in helping untwist it, or shining a light that helps its frequency return to Source or to a more benevolent one. Sometimes laughter can help us put it into perspective.
If God is all there is – how can any of us be anything other than divine? How could God make anything that is not of God and therefore, divine? God is all there is, so how could there be anything else, anything that is not God?
Beyond the twisty darkness that extracts or hurts or annihilates, there is another twist, more like a soft serve, or the twist of a crystal vortex, or the 0 that, if you twist it becomes an 8. Zero point = 8 equals manifestation.
We are a manifestation of 0 that has begun to do the twist and shout – the sound of OM, that then births all our other harmonies, melodies and dissonances – the songs of creation. You are have a unique essence, a unique resonance, a unique dance, a unique song that God is singing both as and through, yet through the twist of the eight you get another perspective: the one who is reaching for God, the one who is separated, the one who is getting closer to God, the one whom God loves; the beloved. In all of this the common denominator is love. I have heard it said that love is even in the womb of no thing.
So let’s just say Jesus got here with less baggage – less to undo in order to refract the light in a pure way.
Yet even with that, he said we would do even greater things than he did. So unless you want to call brother Jesus delusional - and some have/do - let’s look at what that could look like, even if most of us are not ready to physically walk on water. Like the picture of the snail, we can go slow. We can even shine our little solar light when we are covered with snow!
In what ways do you think we are here to do even greater things than he?
In what ways do you think it might be more honoring to God to let yourself shine than to hide your light under a bushel? What if the opposite of having a Jesus complex is to realize we are all Jesus, just with more or less baggage to release on our path to embodying at ever higher levels of our True Self as aspects, elements, light dancers and lute-flute players of the One?
There is no one to compete with, no one less or more, just different stages, different colors, resonances of light and sounds, different styles, different rounds on the spiral of divine effects.
Jesus, pure though he was, only had a limited impact on a limited number of people. In spite of having a supportive community (I believe he was Essene) his message got inverted and used for the exact opposite of its intent. Whereas his Jewish community wanted him to rise up as a political leader and be the Messiah from their physical oppression, he wanted to bring an inner revolution of peace and power beyond the touch of that physical oppression, without fighting it. Then, Constantine, who originally was an initiate, who according to channeled texts, (The Grandmother Anna books by Claire Heartsong) was later consumed with the a sickness of greed for power, I understand it, decided to use his inner training in power for political conquering, making Christianity known for the exact opposite thing Jesus refused to do. Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene/Magdalenes fled to France for their lives. According to Kaia Ra, they formed an underground network of Magdalenes, which included Joan of Arc. Centuries later, Noor Inayat Khan, the daughter of Hazrat Inayat Khan, who brought Sufism to the West, would be inspired by Joan to risk and ultimately lay down her life as an under cover agent radioing messages for the Allies, doing her best to show her love for the Jewish people and Humanity as a whole by fighting the Nazis, yet without lying or killing. The deepest love of her life was a Jewish man. Before she died, Noor wrote her own version of the Jataka tales for children. They are the stories of the Buddha before his incarnation as Shakyamuni.
Look! Isn’t it amazing! Do you see how it’s all connected?
It’s not about one world religion. Or making everyone conform to behaviorisms godless deity of materialism, not is it about a synthetic form of oneness in which we are controlled - no - it’s about the liberty of oneness allowed to celebrate the joyous creation of diversity! We all get to choose in our sovereignty what resonates and how we want to resonate!
So here we are today, in a world that’s a mess, invited to be co-creators of a joyous reality. We are birthers of miracles from the no-thing, creating a sovereign peaceful world as the old world wails, moans, fights, collapses, and so do the parts of ourselves that adapted to survive it. We have knots to untie, light to shine, places that need our great love and acceptance, as well as our sovereign choice to resonate anew, with that which is truly freeing, divine and full of love for ourself and all that is. For there is nothing outside of the Love that is All, In All.
Into that mess, we are born. We are born to resurrect an embodied soulution - a way of being that honors our sovereign divine Presence and that of Others, in equal measure, from a truly liberated space beyond the influence of those who still try to keep their knots twisty even as the gentle breath of God says, “Untie them and come home.”
In this milieu what is it we are here to do? If there is one “greater thing than Jesus thing” might we do, I would say it’s that we’d initiate the 100th human awakening to our shared divinity as sovereign, loving beings of the One Source. Like the 100th monkey effect, a key small group of us would connecting to oneness and freedom in equal measure, with compassionate, joyful hearts. And we’d watch the rest of humanity that wants to birth Heaven on Earth light up instantaneously as a result, just like the monkeys on the mainland automatically started doing a behavior only the monkeys on an isolated island had initially been taught.
From this place we would joyously meet each others needs and arrive at one anothers hearts in peace, with care and reverence and lovingkindness. We would be attuned easily to how to honor one another’s needs instead of trampling on them, and to arrange our lives in ways that help everyone thrive, without exploitation of any kind. We’d comfort one another, celebrate one another and co-create from a spirit of playful abundance and a desire to bring happiness to one another, as well as to make sure everyone is cared for according to their needs. We’d contribute our excellence and serve with humility because it feels good to express our gifts in ways that uplift, support, nourish, heal and evolve our communities with joy. Competition would become the light, playful variety or used to harness. We’d grow our hearts bigger and our businesses more local. We might even opt for a a light and love resonance, divinely aligned intuitively driven gift economy.
My husband is a physician and once shared with a funny story about how the kidney specialists and heart specialists often want to treat patients differently when one person has both a kidney and a heart problem. The kidney doctors want to get more water because that makes the kidneys happier. The heart doctors want to minimize fluid so it doesn’t flood the heart. So the nephrologist will change the patient’s meds based on their focus on the kidney, whereas the cardiologist will change them back again based on the needs of the heart. The heart and kidney only compete when the body is sick. In a healthy body, they simply have different functions in the whole human system. The same with individuals, businesses and which values different communities prioritize. Some want to ensure freedom. Others want to ensure kindness. These tensions cease to exist in a world where we honor one another as sovereign brothers and sisters of the Most High. We are One. We are Unique. There is room for everyone. Xenophobia, Racism, Tyranny, Fascism, Sexism and all the other isms cease to exist when we see one another as equally divine aspects of Oneness, divinely designed express ourselves uniquely, in contribution to the glorious Creation that is also alive AS the Divine.
We can go at our own pace, like the snail in the picture. Because we are already divine, we don’t have to strive to achieve anything. There is no rush or push, accept when we sense it in the divine timing, like when a baby is ready to be born and we have labored long enough and it is time.
We can let go of enforcing our own timelines on our sacred development and simply allow what Rumi calls the recurring joy of living flow through us AS the divine. When we align in this way, we also become light houses that help others find their way, without leaving the shores of our own soul’s alignment, our purest heart’s resonance. We may be led to be gentle or fiery, but let it be about our divine alignment rather than acting our old stories that only produce old endings. This is the time of stepping into new ways of being! SURPRISE! We can let go of who we were and become who the Source of All Life would like to become as and through us for the sake of all life.
Love and Gratitude For You, and Heart Blessings on the Journey!
It all comes back to recognising that we’re all connected and come from the same SOURCE. ❤️