Every time I parse
What I thought was real
And find it false
I am closer
To the naked Truth
But sometimes it feels like falling on
My arse
I never wanted to read Elaine Pagel’s gnostic gospels. Something was off. I didn’t know what. Later I found out some interesting history linking Carl Jung to their discovery as well as to people like Allan Dulles, known for his friendliness with nazis and his work with MKultra.
I read Barbara Marx Hubbard years ago and really wanted to like her, as I wanted to see a beautiful, loving heaven on earth world. But when she was recruiting people to perpetuate what felt like a very artificial “story” of the shift she wanted to see happen, something was off. I left it alone. I didn’t joint to help bring the shift by telling the story.
I never participated on the inside of trendy New Age stuff. I found a shaman here or there, or a spiritually awake person with metaphysical gifts. I rather the authentic version of…any tradition, than the synthetic one.
Disillusionment is only the releasing of all that is fake. The truth/Truth remains.
But it can be hard to look at. Hard to realize so much of what was promised to us Christ consciousness is really opposite.
Christ consciousness is not something to manipulate or become through an internet of bodies and things.
Christ consciousness is the opposite of synthetic ascension.
Christ was, I believe, so one with God he chose, as a man who chose to organically awaken the potential of his fully human body, and allowed himself to be crucified, rather than start a violent revolution to be the kind of hero the Jews wanted. He rose again, not with artificial technology, but through the power of his Holy Spirit within his fully human body. My understanding of Christ and Christ Consciousness is informed by both my time spent in traditional Christian circles, and my time reading books like The Sophia Code, written by a survivor of cult abuse, as well as the Claire Heart Song books related to the Magdalene Tradition.
Yet like all beautiful things, every holy idea has been perverted both by the patriarchal and particularly the post-Constantine Christendom version of Christ, as well as by new age versions of Christ Consciousness where the idea is to hack the quantum reality, the universe itself, just as the WEF has declared the human being a hackable animal.
This trans humanist movement originated, as I understand it with Julian Huxley. The Huxleys, Galton, Anne Besant, many psychologists and so many who have been involved in what became the Eugenics movement, New Age movement, The Environmental movement the Socialist movement all had at their core a malthusian reductionist view of transcendence itself. All these movements take a beautiful idea and pervert it, seek to manipulate it into an artificial version that can be controlled and propagated rather than seeking to truly honor the divine harmonies we are here to partake of and express.
On top of financing the transhumanist technologies and trans-evolutionary theories espoused by Hubbard, Laurence also advocated for Hubbard’s noetic spirituality by backing her New Age evangelism. This was done with grants from his Fund for the Enhancement of the Human Spirit. In the “Acknowledgement” section of her Book of Co-Creation, Hubbard highlighted how “[t]he publication of this book and its associated outreach program was made possible through a generous grant from Laurence Rockefeller’s Fund for the Enhancement of the Human Spirit” [7]. In the expanded edition of this book, which is titled The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, Hubbard copied this same acknowledgment of how Rockefeller bankrolled the publication [9].
Similarly, Rockefeller also advanced noetical mysticism by funding the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program, which studied parapsychological phenomena, including psychokinesis and remote viewing. PEAR launched the Global Consciousness Project, which is a satellite of the Institute of Noetic Sciences where Hubbard, who endorsed IONS in her book, Birth 2012 and Beyond [1], expressed her belief in tech-noospheric evolution through the collective-conscious cyber-nervous systems made possible by internet social media networks. The PEAR program is now restructured as the International Consciousness Research Laboratories.
Years ago I loved HeartMath, and yet something stopped me from using their little devices. Now I know why. It is part of the attempt at a global synthetic spirituality.
I loved Buckminster Fuller’s quote about creating a compelling, attractive paradigm, but lately I looked at him and his vibe didn’t seem right. Then I found out he is part of this scheme too, especially through the Esalen institute.
It is worth noting that Rockefeller also provided the financing for Roger A. Weir’s Gnostic books about a secret relationship between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Weir’s Gnostic interpretation of the life of Jesus dovetailed with his New Age synthesis of hermeticism, Eastern mysticism, cosmic evolution, and esoteric consciousness. For instance, echoing the “Christ Consciousness” Gnosticism of Hubbard, Fuller, and Teilhard de Chardin, Weir taught the following New Age courses at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore Meeting Room in West Hollywood, California: “Mary Magdalene & Jesus’ Great Way: Shared Presence Transforms of Civilization and Species”; “Hermetic America Future”; “Homo Sapiens Stellaris: Star Wisdom Man”; “Quintessential Dimensions of Consciousness: An Ecology of Four Dimensions in Complementarity in Spacetime”; and “Parayana: The Way Beyond.”
What does it mean to be fully human?
How can we stay alive to the questions when so much is at stake and what we thought was real might be a false trail?
There is a picture on a shelf nearby where a book by Yogananda sits. There is a picture of Jesus on it and it says, “Behold Kingdom of God is within you.” He doesn’t say, “Access it with wearables.”
Wow! This resonates so much. It is someday to get sucked into certain things and yes I believe, all we seek, all we need is within not outside of us. Wise words Alicia. Bravo.❤️