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I remember when I loved the man

Thought he would save the day

Loved the environment

And believed in my right to say nay

When it comes to thinks injected

Things to which I have long since objected

Being expected or mandated

But even though people who made my choice

Were subjugated

Not allowed in restaurants or had to eat out back on the patio

And our voices were sedated our removed

My spidy sense read RFK’s lawsuit and who was on it and who was not

And I began to have a suspicion that controlled opposition was influencing the plot

And somewhere last summer I realized in my intuition I would not vote…again

Although I had hoped

Perhaps this cycle, perhaps

I slightly moped, then trusted my soul’s guidance and moved on

And then when he embraced the narrative he chose on Israel

I realized my intuition was spot on

And when he endorsed Trump…

And the way he did it

Just weeks after he said he was in it to win it

It seemed disingenuous to say the least

Was he blackmailed?

Was he always going to do this?

Why are so few able to see the triplets for what they are?

Why do they think freedom comes

When with these three - the one that rhymes with tusk

The one that own the place where girls were recruited for Epstein

The one who sold out those who wanted a candidate who loves the earth and believes our bodies are our choices on all relevant decisions…

Why do people let themselves by led by such false visions?

I don’t know

But I was once misled too

I was once excited about Barack Obama

And I voted for him with glee

And believed he would be

What he conveyed in his inspirational speeches

But I saw what he didn’t do on immigration

I saw the way he delayed the atrocity at Standing Rock so it would land on someone else’s door step

Without doing right to the Indigenous Peoples

I saw where he stood on the TPP

I saw increasingly his hypocrisy

I remember when I voted for him an Indigenous woman who worked at my son’s school said

If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it

I am not a cynic

I am not jaded

I am simply aware

Of how our energy and views are manipulated and traded

And until we all decide we’ve had enough

And are ready to co-create governance that is both soft and tough

That allows freedom for the masses and holds corps and gov accountable

Regardless of classes

That fosters the flourishing and abundance for all

Without tokenizing us all

Without excluding those who opt out of biodigitial ID

Without compromising mother earth to let the military continue to desecrate humanity and our our planetary body

Until we believe we are worthy

We will sell out to the lesser or greater evil however we see it

But when we are worthy we will proclaim and live into a world

That is so beautiful you would not now believe it

So you’ll not find me at the polls

You’ll find me on garden strolls

But you bet I’ll participate when their is something to truly celebrate

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