Groceries, Gurus and Waldorf
Stories from then and now with ideas for creating a loving, kind world where all are unique and none are coerced
Years ago I stopped shopping. I had a traumatic experience the one time I tried to wear a face covering, and so I just stopped going and let my husband do the in-person shopping. I still shopped online for a while and eventually then dwindled too. Somehow shopping less led to shopping less, as I began to think less about products I could have and only about what I needed or something in me was inspiring me to get. Shopping used to be “my thing.” I don’t mean shoe shopping or dress shopping, neither of which have been really my thing; I’ve gone through phases where I was into Goodwill bargain shopping or fair-trade fashion. But I’ve never been obsessive about that sort of thing. But I used to spend a lot of time at the local grocery store when I used to take my husband to work and pick him up, with us being a long-time one car family. I would stop there on the way back from getting him, sometimes in the middle of the day if I had dropped off a kid at something and often in the evening before picking him up. From time to time I did grocery store energy healings, I danced in the checkout aisles, made friends with the employees and did my best to spread joy, support where I could and occasionally offer a little insight with a bit of spunk and love. I was known by one or two people as the grocery store guru. I would make a terrible guru in actuality because I am not interested in anyone putting their blind faith in me, because I am a fallible human, no matter how pure my heart and intentions. I always hope people listen to see if what I say resonates with their own inner Truth barometer. I once asked an actual guru (not mine) about empowering people to own their power rather than put it in statues. She saw this as unrealistic and suggested we should continue to put it in statues, entrusted to gurus. I am not of the same belief. I believe we are all sovereign and divine and have the ability to work in harmony with a Divine that is within us and also far beyond who we are as tiny humans, like little fractals of divinity in a holographic sea.
This same guru asked me my opinion of Waldorf. It was a retreat and I was the only person who wasn’t a disciple. I had come because I was led to do so. I met one of her nuns at a library function and we got talking about ET stuff and that’s how I originally found out about this guru. I have a great deal of respect for her. I might not be her disciple, but I think she is the real deal, as opposed to the charlatans.. I tried to be diplomatic, because the truth is, I really didn’t resonate with my Waldorf experience. I told her and the other participants I failed Waldorf. They thought it was hilarious. The topic had come up in the context of Tibetan education and how most children only learn by rote and never learn the meaning of the teachings. This is how Waldorf is taught. I hated it. I felt very uncomfortable being asked to say things or sing things, the meaning of which I did not understand. This felt very “off” to me and I felt extremely not in alignment to be insisted that I blindly say the words without being told their meaning, even when I explained my concern. Additionally, I wanted to learn to read much earlier than it was allowed and told I had to wait until I lost my teeth. Maybe all my dental troubles are because I’m still trying to do what it takes to have the right to access the knowledge I feel important to have, and I unconsciously feel the more teeth I lose, the more knowledge I’ll be allowed! Lol. Whatever root cause my dental issues (and have three pregnancies of hyperemesis didn’t help) - I have been questioning my teachers ever since then. Fortunately, this guru didn’t mind. She asked, “But were you thankful later?” I told her honestly, “No! Maybe it worked for other people, but not for me..” The guru was amused. I think she found it refreshing. In the same conversation as talking about the statues being imbued with power, much like we in the west imbue power into those we give our consent to through voting, the guru shared about how in the past demons were bound. But now, she said, “We just destroy them.” I chuckled. I’m not sure why. Was it nervous laughter like at a funeral? Was it because of how she talked casually about this topic, with a sense of firsthand experience, brought it somehow too close for comfort, yet also liberatingly out in the open, since I am well acquainted with being energetically sensitive to some energies I’d prefer to dissolve into light and love? Or was it because my early spiritual conditioning was that we must think compassionately of all discarnate spirits, hence compassionate dispossession, and I found her language unexpectedly violent for a peace-lover like myself? Either way her response was, “You won’t be laughing when it’s your turn to deal with them. Then she backed up and said, “You won’t be laughing if someday it’s your turn to deal with them. A little while later I asked her the difference between the moon and ultimate reality. She looked at me and said in a matter of fact tone: “nothing.” I wore my unicorn jammies on that retreat, and half the people loved them and my free spirited dancing in the halls. The other half were grumpy about it, but the guru encouraged them to loosen up, mentioning in her group talk one day that although they had gone on a journey away from the new age to become more sober, perhaps it was also time to lighten up, open back up again.
Now that I too have gone through a sobering phase, left my unicorn horn wearing behind and ditched the grocery store, I have started to emerge back into the lightness and joy that are inherent to my true natural state of being.
But I still have not started shopping again in person. After all, my husband really likes it. He’s taken on a lot of what I used to do when I went to…he makes jokes, helps people out and calls things out when he feels the inward pull to do so that feels right and good. And apparently yesterday he was fire because he actually got asked by the Sierra club rep out front to take his conversation with a customer somewhere else. He and the customer were really enjoying their conversation; the problem was he wasn’t towing the line the Sierra tows - and neither was the other person.
See, the Sierra Rep specifically spoke to him as he was minding his own biz. I wasn’t bothering them. They were seeking his attention, for free, for their intervention, for which they were asking for support. It was signatures about a pipeline. My beautiful husband’s authentic response was to ask, “Do you want to hear about something that would make this issue obsolete?”
The rep was agitated and said, “Well if it’s very brief.”
He told her about Air Gen Generic, the discovery that nano pores can be made on any material and used to harvest free energy from the atmosphere, using moisture - which is sufficiently present in air even in the desert. The Sierra rep didn’t respond nicely or well. But another customer heard and was interested.
They were asked to move their conversation away from the Sierra club. After they moved, another customer joined and added, “Oh yeah, and all that geongineering…yikes.” They were all motivated to get nasty stuff out the water, too. I don’t know if you’ve heard about the fluoride monograph that just got published on the many studies showing it is linked to lower IQ, but I suggest you have a look - though this person that was talking to my husband was mobilizing to have a different toxin removed/cleaned up.
When my honey told a cashier, whom he described as really cool, about his experience, he was surprised at how quick the cashier was to side with the Sierra rep, saying they were probably just doing their job and didn’t have any decision making power.
To me, what they didn’t have was listening power. What they didn’t have was willingness power to engage with ideas that address root cause solutions. And that is too bad, because root cause solutions are ones that everyone can celebrate!
Well everyone who wants everyone to flourish in harmony, peace, sovereignty, joy and wellbeing on both collective and individual levels, honoring unique cultures, communities, voices and choices without any co-opting at all.
Free energy is one of those.
Creating more spaces where humanity can live in harmony with nature - food forests, eco-friendly play areas filled with nature and peaceful nature parks free of chemical pesticides, could all contribute to wellbeing for people and planet.
All year open air markets with clear roofing could provide spaces for small businesses to rent, while fostering a sense of community.
Offering your gifts, formally and/or just by being you, is a way to role model that for others!
Being free to be yourself sets the standard that it is also appropriate for others to be free to be themselves.
How do you feel when you feel like you? When all the energy running through you feels True?
Do you feel love and innocent wonder and joy? Do you feel grief and anger at all you’ve lost, or at every evil ploy? It can take some journeying to make more peace with how to live our highest vibrational expressions of self even when the world is still catching up.
For some, we are learning to be more okay with not having to fight every battle. Sometimes I feel led to read a little of this or or that and then just do Om Mani Padme Hum. Or Dr. Hew Len’s mantra for changing quantum reality, “I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” For others, we are learning to get our inner Joan of Arc on - not with violence, but with the sword of Truth and the banner of Sovereignty.
Our True Selves want to live in harmony with others, because are actually one interuniversal body with all that exists. Of course tensions and different paradigms and roles we play for one another can create interesting stories. But we are coming to a point collectively where we are moving away from such aggressive separation consciousness and toward a harmonic sovereignty that honors our individuality as an expression of one source. Being unique, giving yourself the freedom to attune to who you are and shine like a star…this is who you are!
What solutions are already arising in your mind? In your heart? What do you see as a lovely thing to emerge in your community? Do you see beginnings of it? Are you part of those beginnings?
Potlucks. Skillshares. Joyful music. Dance that is wholesome and fun for the whole family. Honoring our sexuality without imposing it on anyone. Protecting the innocence of children from those would would exploit them. Protecting our own hearts from that which would tell us we have to manipulate in order to get what we want or need. What would a culture of consent look like for all things?
What would a culture of joy and love for ones neighbor feel like when all are honored with respect and appreciation, and improvisation and structured intention dance in sync, while we unsync from tech more often?
What would our relationship with tech look like if tech were in the hands of the most humble, pure-hearted person on earth and the technocrats were a thing long gone?
What would a culture of accountability look like, where we are humble enough to admit our mistakes and our culture is kind enough to support our growth?
If leadership were truly about serving humanity in harmony with our wonderful, living, alive Mother/Grandmother earth, what type of leaders would we elect if we could elect anyone?
Investing in hemp stuff that uses only US family farmed hemp would be another great all way win solution. Hemp sequesters carbon, can be used to build, to heal, to eat and for everything from ink to nail polish.
But not all hemp is the same. Be critical of your hemp sources and notice how you feel on different ones, whether you use cannabis or just CBD.
I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience of shopping, Alicia.
I buy very little -- organically grown food and second hand almost everything else, but I really enjoy the people who work in the stores and have a pleasant human interaction whenever I shop.