It's just a very respectful broader community made up of Doukhobors, draft dodgers, Quakers and the black sheep of many families. It's what that combination has gelled into over decades.
That's really cool & awesome. One of my favorite memories with oldest is sitting with her in a Quaker church. It is one of the few times she was quiet, still and wanting to be in my lap, just letting me stroke her hair as we listened with presence. Afterwards I took her for just one or two munchkins at the Dunk down the street - hopefully not too much sugar in just one or two! Organic emergence is what I see in your community. That is really, really great. <3 Keep enjoying the blessings - the more blessings the more it is amplified for all!
Thanks for sharing that lovely memory, Alicia, and thanks for sending blessings. Speaking of organic, there are three stores in this region that sell only organically grown produce. Hooray!
That's amazing! Have you looked into the distinctions between the label/practices? I know some farmers/gardeners can't afford the label but engage the practices and in some cases the labels are a bit...err, co-opted so "organic" isn't what we think it means in terms of grown without toxic chemicals/pesticides.
I would love love love to see more small scale garden shares that don't involved transaction but just communities more or less potlucking. It's interesting reading about the Indigenous ways in the books I've mentioned her a few times by Steven Schwartzberg and Peter d'Errico about how threatening the kinship/communual land owning concept was to capitalism...
My view is share holder capitalism and communism are the same where as communalism that honors individual freedom is where we get flourishing societies that don't require conformity in order to contribute and belong! I love how your community has evolved organically...I love some of the ideas of co-housing etc but I haven't come across any that held enough of a resonance that I could opt in as I am so different from almost everyone.
A world like that would look a lot like the community where I live. Yes, I'm very lucky...
Oooh - I would love to hear more about it! How does it function? <3 <3 <3
It's just a very respectful broader community made up of Doukhobors, draft dodgers, Quakers and the black sheep of many families. It's what that combination has gelled into over decades.
That's really cool & awesome. One of my favorite memories with oldest is sitting with her in a Quaker church. It is one of the few times she was quiet, still and wanting to be in my lap, just letting me stroke her hair as we listened with presence. Afterwards I took her for just one or two munchkins at the Dunk down the street - hopefully not too much sugar in just one or two! Organic emergence is what I see in your community. That is really, really great. <3 Keep enjoying the blessings - the more blessings the more it is amplified for all!
Thanks for sharing that lovely memory, Alicia, and thanks for sending blessings. Speaking of organic, there are three stores in this region that sell only organically grown produce. Hooray!
That's amazing! Have you looked into the distinctions between the label/practices? I know some farmers/gardeners can't afford the label but engage the practices and in some cases the labels are a bit...err, co-opted so "organic" isn't what we think it means in terms of grown without toxic chemicals/pesticides.
I would love love love to see more small scale garden shares that don't involved transaction but just communities more or less potlucking. It's interesting reading about the Indigenous ways in the books I've mentioned her a few times by Steven Schwartzberg and Peter d'Errico about how threatening the kinship/communual land owning concept was to capitalism...
My view is share holder capitalism and communism are the same where as communalism that honors individual freedom is where we get flourishing societies that don't require conformity in order to contribute and belong! I love how your community has evolved organically...I love some of the ideas of co-housing etc but I haven't come across any that held enough of a resonance that I could opt in as I am so different from almost everyone.