Through non attachment it is possible to arrive at the point of making a choice and then to take a step back, to pause in the eternal now. When I dispassionately meditate on the wisdom of a choice, I often discover that the choice is unnecessary, and no action is required. Non attachment buys us those extra moments to ensure that with our every encounter, we leave the world in a better place.
Yes. Kaia Ra refers to the choice of no choice as when we surrender to Divine Will, which includes both the formless womb of no-thing and the light of God, all permeated with the divine love that is all of us and beyond our comprehension. I love the idea of that space when nothing is actually required. I totally get that and resonate! Sometimes less is more. "
Less is always more. The aggregate of mindfulness in many such pauses, can bring us into accord with Christ Consciousness, Nirvana, Satori...and Divine Will. This is one way of putting it, but we each approach this in a uniquely nuanced way, and comprehend it in exactly the same manner. It is the finding of expression of it, in a way that makes sense to ourselves, that makes it possible for us to even speak of it. To phrase it in the language of another, requires us to Hearken.
Through non attachment it is possible to arrive at the point of making a choice and then to take a step back, to pause in the eternal now. When I dispassionately meditate on the wisdom of a choice, I often discover that the choice is unnecessary, and no action is required. Non attachment buys us those extra moments to ensure that with our every encounter, we leave the world in a better place.
Yes. Kaia Ra refers to the choice of no choice as when we surrender to Divine Will, which includes both the formless womb of no-thing and the light of God, all permeated with the divine love that is all of us and beyond our comprehension. I love the idea of that space when nothing is actually required. I totally get that and resonate! Sometimes less is more. "
Less is always more. The aggregate of mindfulness in many such pauses, can bring us into accord with Christ Consciousness, Nirvana, Satori...and Divine Will. This is one way of putting it, but we each approach this in a uniquely nuanced way, and comprehend it in exactly the same manner. It is the finding of expression of it, in a way that makes sense to ourselves, that makes it possible for us to even speak of it. To phrase it in the language of another, requires us to Hearken.