A beautiful message. I love stories of appreciation for GOOD MEN- especially at a time when it’s culturally encouraged to take them down. And I’m extra happy you’re all good and healing is underway! ❤️
Awww - you honed right in on it! It is a beautiful thing when we can lift each other up instead of tear one another down! And there ARE so many good men, it's so important for OTHER good men to see that they live in a world filled with other good men. Sometimes we need to call out patriarchy, but it's more about the extractive, exploitive, dominating, coercive, controlling and paternalistic rather than about a gender. Love to you this beautiful, sovereign day!
I love men!! Personally, I’ve never felt “victimized by a patriarchy”. I just see that nature designed women with a womb and therefore men with the role to hunt and provide. Clearly we’ve all been infantilized and are stunted in our development into mature Beings. I would say our problems stem from our shadow-sides, and you described the masculine shadow beautifully- egoic, power-hungry, corrupted, exploitative. But as we each strive for greatness we find wholeness in our Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine, and we blossom into light. ✨
I am in no way against men, as you can obviously see. I love men too and my experience that is around me the majority of men are either really lovely human beings. At the same time, see ways in which the invisible, non-gendered energies of extraction, exploitation, domination, coercive, controlling and paternalistic behaviors manifest as patriarchy, but not exclusively so. I would be careful about dismissing patriarchy because you haven't experienced it. I didn't experience it overtly until late compared to others, but eventually I saw, yeah, that's there. I used to think racism was a thing of the past...now I see that although the left deeply manipulates it and doesn't actually solve the real issues, it is actually there, as an actual thing, very often. The point is not to focus unduly on the "isms" that can so easily separate us in a sea of PC-ness that has no room for true connection, true soul, the oneness that is the basis for solving ALL The isms....but I stand with my original statement in terms of my own sense of it being one, but not the only expression of energies that have nothing to do with gender. The answer isn't to hate men. Obviously :)
Hi beautiful Alicia! ✨ I actually agree that the shadow-side of men has become a dominating force in society that we call “patriarchy”. I said as much. I’ve just never felt a victim of it. However, I do see that the Masculine essence and Feminine essence are distinct from one another- they are polarities. Yin and Yang. Hot and cold. We do exist in a dualistic realm. These differences are vital, as like the yin yang, one cannot exist without the other! I believe we are living in a chaotic time of imbalance between these polarities, no question!! Women have lost touch with the true power of their Divine Feminine, being misled that to masculinize themselves is the way to correct the balance. And men are being socially engineered to feminize. This is my perception. I’m not really understanding what racism has to do with this though? 🤷♀️ You lost me there! Have a beautiful day!! ❤️
"I actually agree that the shadow-side of men has become a dominating force in society that we call “patriarchy”. I said as much. I’ve just never felt a victim of it" - Yes, I love that and would agree, in general. The individual times I can count where I experienced overt sexism as a result of patriarchy were hurtful but I live a pretty privileged life where I am not pressured to go out and become more man-like in order to put food on the table for my kids. I think the problem is that the whole system of work as we know if, for most people has been patriarchal in very ethos of income earning and work in the world so that it is not a friendly place for women who DO want to contribute in more ways than bearing children but who will opt out of playing by rules that favor an imbalance of masculine which shows up as competitiveness, hierarchy, needing to put work before family for the bottom line, removing the heart and contracting out to either actual AI or people who are supposed to follow protocols even if they make not intuitive sense in a given situation and on and on...
Where women are included in peacemaking, there is far less war, but women are rarely included. Where women are involved measures to counteract poverty, it works a lot better. The differences in pay for same work.
Additionally, women who are successful in a man's world typically use their sexuality to achieve their goals, overtly or covertly. This is a sign of Patriarchy rather than equality.
The religious hangovers are where I experienced MOST but not all of the instances of overt Patriarchy. I was told I couldn't be a preacher/pastor my my youth pastor who was also a father figure to me. I used a psuedo to write on a Christian thread of mostly male seminarians and clergy and when I revealed myself as a woman they stopped taking me seriously. The other notable time was when a deeply communist, liberal guy I was working on a project I now realize was an early attempt at tokenization that I deeply abhor, but at the time I initially got involved I thought it was about helping creating an organic kindness economy of win/wins for businessses and people who do random acts of kindness. I dismissed myself from the work and declined to be on the board of directors as it formalized when I realized, long before I knew about tokenization in the context of the Patriarchy in its ugliest form of attempting to control access to resources through compliance to dehumanizing stuff, that is was taking away from the innate joy of giving. I realized it diminished the intrinsic pleasure by conditining a reward for a behavior that IS inherently joyful when practiced freely! But mostly its so in the setup that it is unseen. Some women want to stay home and just be homemakers but many many women are also deeply creative, deeply intelligent, deeply interested in having an impact on the world. But the principles of work in the world are imbalanced, as is our whole view of commoditization rather than seeing resources from a more ecological perspective where we are all sovereign, yet one organism, sharing and exchanging in a way that is authentically mutual.
“Some women want to stay home and just be homemakers but many many women are also deeply creative, deeply intelligent, deeply interested in having an impact on the world.”
This is a false dichotomy. These things are not mutually exclusive. It’s sad to see you feel they are. And I think it’s our conditioning that has, through repetitive feminist narratives implanted this denigration of family and the importance of a healthy home, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I can see it in your choice of words- “JUST a homemaker”. It is you who is undervaluing the Divine feminine gifts simply by using the word ‘just’!
In a world full of disconnected & wounded humans, searching for love, wholeness and HOME, through tribalism, rage, rioting and protest, I cannot think of anything more important and creative, intelligent and impactful ‘on the world’ than making a HOME of love, in which the babies born into are raised as GOOD, whole, untraumatized people. Good people, connected to their purpose and to source are what make the world better- not “more women competing with men to work as slaves in a meaningless consumerist workforce society”. This just repeats the cycles of imbalance and passes the trauma down the line. Children are being raised now without the presence of both parents instead of just one. And so the pattern continues...
To be clear- I’m NOT saying that women need to not work- and must stay home with the kids. That’s ridiculous!! Sadly, most self-identified feminists can’t wrap their head around the fact that there more than these two black or white options. 🤦♀️ This is a nuanced conversation, like everything else!
I’m saying we are all products of a sick society. One that seeks to keep us small, powerless and enslaved, divided and conquered. And to heal it, we must heal ourselves. Or better yet, create offspring that don’t even require healing. Let’s raise our new little humans differently!! Imagine a world in which we are born from love, raised inside it and sent off into the world BEING it!! Whatever system supports this approach is the one I’m advocating for. Bring on the love and happy HOME-making for us all! ❤️
It is interesting because I was led to say exactly what I said, knowing it carried a charge. So perhaps it is indeed an opportunity for you to do your part! <3 I love you! I have no judgment those who feel most alive and fulfilled creating a beautiful home and heart and nurturing and I am passionate that it is up to every human being to honor their authentic balance of masculine/feminine without coercion from those who would make them less or more traditional.
What a scary, profound, and uplifting experience all at once. Thank you for sharing so sensitively all those details. A bright example for how much opportunity for learning and appreciation there is in every experience.
I fully agree, reading about GOOD MEN is so important and so rare, unfortunately.
"Sometimes we need to call out patriarchy, but it's more about the extractive, exploitive, dominating, coercive, controlling and paternalistic rather than about a gender." – YES! Absolutely!1
Bless you. I hope you are doing well now. Beautiful story of being taken care of. It’s always good to look for the helpers. As a medical professional, I resonate. I always thought that good men far outnumbered the not so good. We are just quieter, and right in front of everybody’s eyes. We don’t need to be seen but we are shining the light. We see souls ❤️
Yes, beautifully expressed: "We are just quieter, and right in front of everybody's eyes. We don't need to be seen but we are shining the light. We see soul." Bless you! Soulful medical professionals...as a wife of soulful medical professional, I would love to see that become a professional group...with its own journal of poetry and collectively gathered integrative articles and practice share ideas to transcend all forms of inhumanity in the workplace and insist on leadership that has heart, soul vision, true innovation and a willingness to create soulful medicine that also has the courage to decline participation in what does not honor the soul. My husband's org just got rid of all their comp med, but the cool thing most of them got together and are starting a new thing! Have you have read Man's Search for Meaning...I am re-reading it right now. It is so profound! Thank you for the well wishes and blessings! My finger is still touch and go but so far no more weird numbness or weakness symptoms! Here's to gentle, kind, empowered, awesome humanity! <3 <3 <3 I sent you the song, let me know if you didn't get it!
Thanks. Sounds like a great medical group. Yes to poetry. There is a great poetry book for Docs called Tools of the Trade from Scotland. Yes to Frankl’s beautiful book. Enjoy. Keep whirling! Great song too! Thanks for sharing. 🙏❤️
I noticed you didn't respond to my no RE things that try to disconnect from soul. I also realized I had a big charge to it. I know you may have many reasons not to reply to that, but I will do my ho'oponopono on it and I am curious why you chose not to, if you wish to share. I fundamentally believe it is our creative acts and embodied soulfu energy - the energy of our divinity within expressed as all we want to see in the world that creates lasting change. And I also think alot more people are resonating with being clear that certain things are unethical in medicine and understanding where that's true can birth a strong yes.
LOL! If you look in your inbox is the unedited version in which I drop the F bomb :) I edited it because I realized although I felt comfortable with that raw expression it wasn't what I wanted to leave up!
You might have simply included it in your yes to the journal idea, which kind of is one expression of the idea of people coming together in both an inspired YES to all that is soulful and whole and facilitates a return to that state, while also declining to enforce or promote or participate in that which kills, diminishes or seeks to exclude the soul. One recent conference had a guest speaker who openly stated that he and his colleagues from his area feel "annoyed about shared-decision making." Their area, not surprsingly is vaccines. Now how can you possibly have a sacred doctor patient relationship, that honors a patient's soul, as well as a doctor/providers if all out efforts are being made to minimize, remove or complain about/gaslight such a foundational bedrock of medicine as informed consent and shared decision making?
It’s definitely a difficult dance between meeting somebody where they are and unfortunately trying to guide them to where you want them to be. Patient centred care and relationship centred care is definitely a practice. I’m sure some oaths and vows get in the way. Keep dropping those F bombs. Some to come for me soon too lol! Some of my poetry was just written that way and I will share soon. Stay well. 🙏❤️
YAY for the F Bomb! When I was little I had two best friends who were both boys. At the suggestion of one of them I once got on a chair in the middle of an Indian restaurant and at his suggestion, belted out as loud as I could, "F. U. C. K." spells FUCK. I was five. Now I have an acro: "Flourish Unconditionally Choose Kindness."
You think that gets in way? I know it has some weird parts that are a bit archaic but I thought that's where we got the commitment to do no harm? Love to hear your intuitive as well as intellectual insights!
A beautiful message. I love stories of appreciation for GOOD MEN- especially at a time when it’s culturally encouraged to take them down. And I’m extra happy you’re all good and healing is underway! ❤️
Awww - you honed right in on it! It is a beautiful thing when we can lift each other up instead of tear one another down! And there ARE so many good men, it's so important for OTHER good men to see that they live in a world filled with other good men. Sometimes we need to call out patriarchy, but it's more about the extractive, exploitive, dominating, coercive, controlling and paternalistic rather than about a gender. Love to you this beautiful, sovereign day!
I love men!! Personally, I’ve never felt “victimized by a patriarchy”. I just see that nature designed women with a womb and therefore men with the role to hunt and provide. Clearly we’ve all been infantilized and are stunted in our development into mature Beings. I would say our problems stem from our shadow-sides, and you described the masculine shadow beautifully- egoic, power-hungry, corrupted, exploitative. But as we each strive for greatness we find wholeness in our Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine, and we blossom into light. ✨
I am in no way against men, as you can obviously see. I love men too and my experience that is around me the majority of men are either really lovely human beings. At the same time, see ways in which the invisible, non-gendered energies of extraction, exploitation, domination, coercive, controlling and paternalistic behaviors manifest as patriarchy, but not exclusively so. I would be careful about dismissing patriarchy because you haven't experienced it. I didn't experience it overtly until late compared to others, but eventually I saw, yeah, that's there. I used to think racism was a thing of the past...now I see that although the left deeply manipulates it and doesn't actually solve the real issues, it is actually there, as an actual thing, very often. The point is not to focus unduly on the "isms" that can so easily separate us in a sea of PC-ness that has no room for true connection, true soul, the oneness that is the basis for solving ALL The isms....but I stand with my original statement in terms of my own sense of it being one, but not the only expression of energies that have nothing to do with gender. The answer isn't to hate men. Obviously :)
Hi beautiful Alicia! ✨ I actually agree that the shadow-side of men has become a dominating force in society that we call “patriarchy”. I said as much. I’ve just never felt a victim of it. However, I do see that the Masculine essence and Feminine essence are distinct from one another- they are polarities. Yin and Yang. Hot and cold. We do exist in a dualistic realm. These differences are vital, as like the yin yang, one cannot exist without the other! I believe we are living in a chaotic time of imbalance between these polarities, no question!! Women have lost touch with the true power of their Divine Feminine, being misled that to masculinize themselves is the way to correct the balance. And men are being socially engineered to feminize. This is my perception. I’m not really understanding what racism has to do with this though? 🤷♀️ You lost me there! Have a beautiful day!! ❤️
"I actually agree that the shadow-side of men has become a dominating force in society that we call “patriarchy”. I said as much. I’ve just never felt a victim of it" - Yes, I love that and would agree, in general. The individual times I can count where I experienced overt sexism as a result of patriarchy were hurtful but I live a pretty privileged life where I am not pressured to go out and become more man-like in order to put food on the table for my kids. I think the problem is that the whole system of work as we know if, for most people has been patriarchal in very ethos of income earning and work in the world so that it is not a friendly place for women who DO want to contribute in more ways than bearing children but who will opt out of playing by rules that favor an imbalance of masculine which shows up as competitiveness, hierarchy, needing to put work before family for the bottom line, removing the heart and contracting out to either actual AI or people who are supposed to follow protocols even if they make not intuitive sense in a given situation and on and on...
Where women are included in peacemaking, there is far less war, but women are rarely included. Where women are involved measures to counteract poverty, it works a lot better. The differences in pay for same work.
Additionally, women who are successful in a man's world typically use their sexuality to achieve their goals, overtly or covertly. This is a sign of Patriarchy rather than equality.
The religious hangovers are where I experienced MOST but not all of the instances of overt Patriarchy. I was told I couldn't be a preacher/pastor my my youth pastor who was also a father figure to me. I used a psuedo to write on a Christian thread of mostly male seminarians and clergy and when I revealed myself as a woman they stopped taking me seriously. The other notable time was when a deeply communist, liberal guy I was working on a project I now realize was an early attempt at tokenization that I deeply abhor, but at the time I initially got involved I thought it was about helping creating an organic kindness economy of win/wins for businessses and people who do random acts of kindness. I dismissed myself from the work and declined to be on the board of directors as it formalized when I realized, long before I knew about tokenization in the context of the Patriarchy in its ugliest form of attempting to control access to resources through compliance to dehumanizing stuff, that is was taking away from the innate joy of giving. I realized it diminished the intrinsic pleasure by conditining a reward for a behavior that IS inherently joyful when practiced freely! But mostly its so in the setup that it is unseen. Some women want to stay home and just be homemakers but many many women are also deeply creative, deeply intelligent, deeply interested in having an impact on the world. But the principles of work in the world are imbalanced, as is our whole view of commoditization rather than seeing resources from a more ecological perspective where we are all sovereign, yet one organism, sharing and exchanging in a way that is authentically mutual.
“Some women want to stay home and just be homemakers but many many women are also deeply creative, deeply intelligent, deeply interested in having an impact on the world.”
This is a false dichotomy. These things are not mutually exclusive. It’s sad to see you feel they are. And I think it’s our conditioning that has, through repetitive feminist narratives implanted this denigration of family and the importance of a healthy home, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I can see it in your choice of words- “JUST a homemaker”. It is you who is undervaluing the Divine feminine gifts simply by using the word ‘just’!
In a world full of disconnected & wounded humans, searching for love, wholeness and HOME, through tribalism, rage, rioting and protest, I cannot think of anything more important and creative, intelligent and impactful ‘on the world’ than making a HOME of love, in which the babies born into are raised as GOOD, whole, untraumatized people. Good people, connected to their purpose and to source are what make the world better- not “more women competing with men to work as slaves in a meaningless consumerist workforce society”. This just repeats the cycles of imbalance and passes the trauma down the line. Children are being raised now without the presence of both parents instead of just one. And so the pattern continues...
To be clear- I’m NOT saying that women need to not work- and must stay home with the kids. That’s ridiculous!! Sadly, most self-identified feminists can’t wrap their head around the fact that there more than these two black or white options. 🤦♀️ This is a nuanced conversation, like everything else!
I’m saying we are all products of a sick society. One that seeks to keep us small, powerless and enslaved, divided and conquered. And to heal it, we must heal ourselves. Or better yet, create offspring that don’t even require healing. Let’s raise our new little humans differently!! Imagine a world in which we are born from love, raised inside it and sent off into the world BEING it!! Whatever system supports this approach is the one I’m advocating for. Bring on the love and happy HOME-making for us all! ❤️
I think you and I are both longing for a society in which people are loved and whole and untraumatized.
Ha!! Beautifully said my beautiful sister!! ❤️ I’m happy eager and willing to do my part!!✨🥰
It is interesting because I was led to say exactly what I said, knowing it carried a charge. So perhaps it is indeed an opportunity for you to do your part! <3 I love you! I have no judgment those who feel most alive and fulfilled creating a beautiful home and heart and nurturing and I am passionate that it is up to every human being to honor their authentic balance of masculine/feminine without coercion from those who would make them less or more traditional.
What a scary, profound, and uplifting experience all at once. Thank you for sharing so sensitively all those details. A bright example for how much opportunity for learning and appreciation there is in every experience.
I fully agree, reading about GOOD MEN is so important and so rare, unfortunately.
"Sometimes we need to call out patriarchy, but it's more about the extractive, exploitive, dominating, coercive, controlling and paternalistic rather than about a gender." – YES! Absolutely!1
Awww - smiling. Thank you. Yes to all of that!!!
Bless you. I hope you are doing well now. Beautiful story of being taken care of. It’s always good to look for the helpers. As a medical professional, I resonate. I always thought that good men far outnumbered the not so good. We are just quieter, and right in front of everybody’s eyes. We don’t need to be seen but we are shining the light. We see souls ❤️
Yes, beautifully expressed: "We are just quieter, and right in front of everybody's eyes. We don't need to be seen but we are shining the light. We see soul." Bless you! Soulful medical professionals...as a wife of soulful medical professional, I would love to see that become a professional group...with its own journal of poetry and collectively gathered integrative articles and practice share ideas to transcend all forms of inhumanity in the workplace and insist on leadership that has heart, soul vision, true innovation and a willingness to create soulful medicine that also has the courage to decline participation in what does not honor the soul. My husband's org just got rid of all their comp med, but the cool thing most of them got together and are starting a new thing! Have you have read Man's Search for Meaning...I am re-reading it right now. It is so profound! Thank you for the well wishes and blessings! My finger is still touch and go but so far no more weird numbness or weakness symptoms! Here's to gentle, kind, empowered, awesome humanity! <3 <3 <3 I sent you the song, let me know if you didn't get it!
Thanks. Sounds like a great medical group. Yes to poetry. There is a great poetry book for Docs called Tools of the Trade from Scotland. Yes to Frankl’s beautiful book. Enjoy. Keep whirling! Great song too! Thanks for sharing. 🙏❤️
Tools of the Trade sounds beautiful! Keep shining!
I noticed you didn't respond to my no RE things that try to disconnect from soul. I also realized I had a big charge to it. I know you may have many reasons not to reply to that, but I will do my ho'oponopono on it and I am curious why you chose not to, if you wish to share. I fundamentally believe it is our creative acts and embodied soulfu energy - the energy of our divinity within expressed as all we want to see in the world that creates lasting change. And I also think alot more people are resonating with being clear that certain things are unethical in medicine and understanding where that's true can birth a strong yes.
Did I miss that one? Guide me to it. 🙏❤️
LOL! If you look in your inbox is the unedited version in which I drop the F bomb :) I edited it because I realized although I felt comfortable with that raw expression it wasn't what I wanted to leave up!
You might have simply included it in your yes to the journal idea, which kind of is one expression of the idea of people coming together in both an inspired YES to all that is soulful and whole and facilitates a return to that state, while also declining to enforce or promote or participate in that which kills, diminishes or seeks to exclude the soul. One recent conference had a guest speaker who openly stated that he and his colleagues from his area feel "annoyed about shared-decision making." Their area, not surprsingly is vaccines. Now how can you possibly have a sacred doctor patient relationship, that honors a patient's soul, as well as a doctor/providers if all out efforts are being made to minimize, remove or complain about/gaslight such a foundational bedrock of medicine as informed consent and shared decision making?
It’s definitely a difficult dance between meeting somebody where they are and unfortunately trying to guide them to where you want them to be. Patient centred care and relationship centred care is definitely a practice. I’m sure some oaths and vows get in the way. Keep dropping those F bombs. Some to come for me soon too lol! Some of my poetry was just written that way and I will share soon. Stay well. 🙏❤️
YAY for the F Bomb! When I was little I had two best friends who were both boys. At the suggestion of one of them I once got on a chair in the middle of an Indian restaurant and at his suggestion, belted out as loud as I could, "F. U. C. K." spells FUCK. I was five. Now I have an acro: "Flourish Unconditionally Choose Kindness."
OMG I love this! "F. U. C. K." spells FUCK. I was five. Now I have an acro: "Flourish Unconditionally Choose Kindness."
:) :) :)
What oaths and vows?
You think that gets in way? I know it has some weird parts that are a bit archaic but I thought that's where we got the commitment to do no harm? Love to hear your intuitive as well as intellectual insights!
Can't wait to hear your poetry with the F-Bomb!
Thanks! The words find me I just set them free! We can blame the universe for the expressive-ness lol