These clouds are demonstrating what I meant when I wrote a little while ago about unicorning being less about being naive and more about being connected to an innocence and fierce commitment to Truth that will dance in the storm, make rainbows and silver and gold-lined clouds, and shimmer in the water or shine as pure starlight in the dark of night.
Wind turbines are not safe or clean
But there are alternatives.
Some more info on wind turbines and ecosystems:
To phase out fossil fuels and reach a carbon–neutral future, solar energy and notably photovoltaic (PV) installations are being rapidly scaled up. Unlike other types of renewable energies such as wind and hydroelectricity, evidence on the effects of PV installations on biodiversity has been building up only fairly recently and suggests that they may directly impact ecosystems and species through, for instance, habitat change and loss, mortality, behaviour alteration or population displacements.
~ Nature
EVs linked to Musk profit both Tesla and Space X. Space X is at the heart of a terrifying attempt to populate the sky with even more aluminum hazards that are damaging our ozone and contributing to climate change. EVs are not the answer!