Welcome, beautifully divine human being
Come inside. Have a cup of hot cocoa. And tell me what you love and what you want to create.

I was thinking about the other post where I shared about feeling ambivalent about incarnation. I also have been thinking, that as my subscriber list grows and is filled people I genuinely like, admire, appreciate and feel a sense of deeper connection with, it would be lovely to invite you to share a little about yourself, so we can meet each other as we would at a potluck at my home, where we could hang out and build community. And then I thought, what would an environment be like, if I were to welcome myself to this world in a way that woudn’t give me incarnational hesitancy. That would be it. Yes, surrounded by loving other humans who are connected to their souls, who recognize the beauty of our invidual journeys and our fundamental oneness.
So that is the invitation.
How can we unwrap the present together in this messy world?
Connection - connection is sacred. It’s how oneness is celebrated without erasing the joy of individual, unique expressions.
I want to know who you are. What you love. What you want to create in this world. What fills you with contentment and joy. What you are healing, if you feel comfortable to share. What you are excited about as we end one year and dive into the coming years amazing wonders, opportunities and undoubtedly intensity too!
I might make this a weekly or biweekly thing, where we can gather just to share ourselves. If you would rather do it in a chat format, let me know. I’ve loved the many wonderful connections I’ve shared with some of you in notes!
Feel free to answer any of the following questions, all of them or none of them. Just know your voice, your presence is valued, is cherished, is loved here.
Where do you live?
What beauty have you seen recently?
What music do you listen to?
What do you love?
What are you healing?
What are you grateful for?
What’s your favorite part of life as a sovereign divine human being?
What do you want to create and what wants to be birthed through you?
I look forward to hearing whatever you’d like to share, on or off the list.
I live on the planet earth in the center of the United States, and also, I was told by my dentist, in the future :) Sometimes we can plant seeds backwards!
I went for a walk this morning and everything was illumined and gorgeous. I love blue skies and naked branches and the sun and the sound of birds and the crunch of leaves. I saw a little boy nextdoor and he gave me a big smile and hello when I walked past.
I love the resilience and compassion my husband, son and I are learning, as we heal from the trauma of the two girls choosing to take some space for the family. I am listening to Lee Harris' music and a dance track that has a piece dedicated to Rumi and Hafiz! I love you. I love connection. I love when I feel the energy of aliveness. I love life and its expression as joy. I love seeing people come alive with their inner truth, feeling liberated to follow it, authentically. I love to dance. I love to sing soul songs as I walk, and with my son. I the way love can bring softness to the hardest situations. I the miracle of life, especially right now, I am in awe of the milkweed, the skies, the earth, the winged ones and how water can transform and upshift with intention. I I love the weird and quirky ways the divine dances through our cracks to crack open the hearts of others. I love chocolate when it is fairtrade and dark and slightly melted at the edge but still hard and slightly chilled in the center, and also dissolved in a warm beverage. I love lattes (oat) and dark roast coffee, with or without macademia milk.