Thank you
for turning me onto Veda Austin!Once upon a time my husband, children and I stood across a fence from a father holding a snotty nosed toddler, his older son kicking around a soccer ball and his wife at work. Over the years the kids grew through phases of overlap and distance, but always remained appreciative and respectful; in 2019 something happened in the world that separated many good people from one another. Yet the neighbors remained neighbors in spite of opposite choices and views at the time. A little later, a war broke out, and again, the neighbors had different views. Then an act of terror occurred - and it occurred in the context of ongoing colonialization, slow genocide, propaganda on all sides and a complex of various interests, some converging, some diverging, none representing the will of the ordinary people who want to live in peace, break bread, have babies, worship in their own way, to laugh, to love, to find a way forward beyond the ongoing conflict that has been imposed by elites of varying stripes.
One day, proximal to October 7th of last year, I asked the neighbor who long ago held that toddler across the fence if he knew I was half Jewish and that I was born in a Sufi commune. He told me he didn’t know. Then he stopped everything, met my gaze asked how I was doing. I told him my heart was breaking, but that I was glad I chose my birth as I did so that I could be a voice for peace. He asked if there was anything he could do. I asked him to fly a peace flag for me. He asked what kind I’d like. He is an artist after all, so it would occur to him to think of aesthetics. I mentioned a dove. Time passed, as it tends to do and nothing happened. One day I was led to gently ask if he was going to fly the peace flag for me. He said he was thinking of it, that he hadn’t forgotten. A few more weeks passed. On a day I could barely convince myself to stay on the planet, because the energies had been so rough on my body, I walked outside and up the corner to where the flagpole stakes out its ground in front of this neighbors home. In front of it is a gathering of friendly plants, offering themselves politely for bees, without disrupting the ordinary, well-kept lawn that signifies a sense of normalcy for our relatively suburban surroundings. I looked up and a pristine, bright blue flag with a dove on it was flying, with the word
Recently, just after my neighbor got my psychic message and put up the flag again, after flying other flags for some time, we stood chatting under it in a conversation that began about his boat, which he was hosing down after an upsetting experience he had on a lake near where we both live: he had to actually turn around because the boat was stopped by too much algae. He was deeply sad. This is a man who loves boating about as much as anyone could. Before he became a social worker, he sold canoes. He sits in his canoe in his garage as a self-care practice when he can’t go on the lake, and lately, his younger son has started joining him. It’s really sweet. And he was really crestfallen/heart impacted by his full-stop on the lake. This is a significant issue in our area’s lakes and their issues with excess algae from too much nitrogen and phosphorus from commercial chem farming and people who treat their lawns. I offered him empathy and then told him about Veda Austin and Maseru Emoto. In the video above, I share about that conversation and how it relates to feeling personally empowered in our energy fields to become resonators of positive change that can impact those in our spheres of overlap, without taking on the world: As we shine our crystalline resonance of Higher Consciousness, those who are receptive and within our influence will “turn on” as we all link up as a crystal lattice to resonate newness of life that honors all with freedom and all way win soulutions through the power of love, joy, gratitude and peaceful resonances that liberate our consciousness from conformity and into christ-light radiance.
We Are Water
Beautiful Alicia!
Oh Alicia. This is so lovely. And there is water in cats too. It is all so much bigger and profound than it seems. The flag and the canoe in the garage with the self-care of sitting in it are such lovely images. Thank you for mentioning me and offering your own gifts here.