We are more powerful than we realize, especially when we gather in love and light
The story of the tornado that didn't happen- because we came together in the light of love that dissolves darkness
There is a long backstory to this one, but I will start the story when I woke up this morning, very early, very uncomfortable, and was led, after processing of my own inner world into more acceptance integration, to go outside and sing a song of peace—blessing to the clouds, which were swirling just a little in the still dark sky of predawn, around 5:30.
I knew I had agreed to spend time with a dear soul sister whom I whom I’d last seen approximately 5.5 years ago. We met years before there was an energetic conspiracy to separate us, when I overheard her and another woman say, “Ho’oponopono” in a coffee shop just as I had finished reading Zero Limits, which is the story of that practice, and I skipped over to where they were and immediately we all became instant friends. Before the weird things that happened, the indigenous woman of the two affirmed me as her soul sister and I gladly accepted.
A small trickle of a thought occurred to me in the two days between when she responded to my email reaching out when I felt intuitively like there was an opening to do so and when we found one another in person: I wonder if there will be an attempt to prevent us from meeting. Probably, I thought. And shrugged. The realities that dissonant energies, some of which want harmony and all to prosper in freedom and others which seek to distort and exploit or kill is simply a reality I have lived with for a long enough time, that I shrugged it off because I had a deep down feeling it was aligned to connect and it would work itself out. I asked my amazing husband to get her, since it would make her life a lot easier than to have to take the bus into town, and I had an intuition that I would not be able to go in the area where she was, or at least that path was not open to me, having consecrated my will (to the best of my ability) to the divine.
It started dripping little droplets of water on me as I waited outside for them to come pick me up. I heard a clap of thunder or two. The tentative plan was to go for coffee at one of the local shops, but my intuition was that it wasn’t going to be any of the places I could think of…this happened one another time when my son was scheduling within his homeopath and at the outset it seemed there was a possibility of them meeting in person as the fellow my son is working with virtually had planned to be in our town; however I couldn’t peg down where felt an inner rightness about it for them to meet up, but I just kept telling my son, wait, it will become clear. The homeopath had a change of plans and it worked out to be a virtual appointment, as usual.
Once we’d hugged and I’d given my beloved friend some gifts I had for her, including a deck of oracle cards I’d felt led to purchase but didn’t know for whom…until I asked my husband and he said he felt they were for this friend/sister (I hadn’t heard back yet, but had initiated contact with her, we began driving. As we drove, the sky began to create the shape of a clear dark line, with parts of it dripping down like a water color mixed with oil paint in deeply layered dimensions like eyes and cones.
“I haven’t seen a line like that in 30 years,” said my friend and soul sibling. Her first thought was she wished she brought her camera. Then she mentioned the town that got wiped out when she saw those clouds and the indigenous man who taught her about them. She called them by a name I can’t remember now. She wasn’t freaked out; instead she said she felt safe for the first time in a long time being with us. As we watched the direction it was heading, I began feeling to go home, after a brief pause by the side of the road. My friend confirmed her spirit guides said to get my son.
He handled it really well when I told him, “It’s time to go right now.” Once in the car it was kind of hilarious and awesome because he hadn’t seen my friend in years and didn’t remember; she remembered him, and I had already told her that my son has weather abilities. All three of us were on the same page. My indigenous friend immediately cued in on my son and asked him what he was feeling/sensing; I could tell it was affirming for him in his journey. As we looked up, my friend/soul sister pointed out, “It really looks alien, doesn’t it? Like a portal.” We all tuned in together and decided which way to go, away from the swirling along the line of black paint in the sky. It seemed to be moving in one direction, then sort of reversing a bit, like more than one force was tugging it. Yet my son’s gentle efforts seemed to be helping it diffuse. Already, we could see the sky lightening as we headed down the hill. We had felt safe to leave the cat and dog at home when I was led to get my son; we both felt a peace that they would be fine, that the tornado, if it formed, wouldn’t hit the house. Yet by the time we made it to a spot with a covered garage and a place to go inside if need be, it seemed right to me to encourage my husband, if he felt safe, and my son if he felt aligned to do so, to go back and get the animals, while my friend/sister stayed in the covered area, where it was now nice enough that to sit by a patch of nature at the ending of the lot.
It got nicer and nicer and by the time my husband and son got back. They hadn’t been able to bring to dog because the dog kept trying to leap the seat to get to the cat and they’d felt in the end intuitively it was okay to leave her home. Ironically, I felt a peace about returning to our home and so did everyone in our little informally formed pack. My soul sister said that we are pillar of light and we busted a whole through a kind of dark tarp that has been over the world, and the collision of our light energies with the oppositional energies clashed and that a tornado was trying to form over little area. Also the energies of the protests today contributed. Also, she said, there are alien energies that are basically entities from another dimension - they try to latch onto people’s consciousness and get people to pull them into our reality.
She said we are here to use our light to push out that darkness. She recommended Cedar and Osha root instead of sage for when we are actively using our light to push out the darkness - or dissolve it.
I also mentioned my prayer that God simply dissolve the “poopies” as we call them in our household. She said, “God can…” I said my intuition is that it’s happening but to have it happen faster, more people need to be agreeing and praying that prayer.
May all beings be truly and invincibly connected to the oneness we all share and fully free to express their unique sovereign flavor of God’s beauty, God’s love and God’s light with the world.
May all distortion be untwisted and all darkness that seeks to haunt, exploit, annihilate or corrupt be compassionately and with wisdom dissolved without harming any innocent or ultimately benign beings along the path to dissolution.
Love to all.
P.S. My soul sib also said the dog needed to stay home so that at least one of us. was home to “hold down the fort.”
The cat was quite pleased and peaceful upon returning home, and she said the cat helped participate in diffusing the negative and spreading the positive energy!
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