Unicorns are not naive
Unicorns and Rainbows: A Poem For the Discerning Innocence Within Us Arising
Some say
It’s not all unicorns and rainbows
But they don’t know what unicorns and rainbows means
When they’re more than just stickers
And Pollyana sparkles
On backpacks and knickers
It IS all unicorns and rainbows
I Refuse to stay naive
Or to swallow cynicism’s pill
There is a Source
Beyond the little me stand here
That is Love
And Womb
Empty Space
Sophia Christ Light
Birth and Death
Yet Eternity
In Her Heart of Soft Petals
That Open for Our Creatorhood
Awaiting our Return
To Surrender
To Turn
To the Love
Of All Life
There is Room
For All In Her Love
To me to unicorn is the act of shining in the storm
It is the light that makes silver and gold linings
It is the calling forth a power of love
To unicorn is to Align
Surrender to
The Ultimate Love
The Divine
To be a Vessel
Not a Vassal
Unto Onenself
In Union with the Oneself
Not the artificial global brain
Or technocracie’s
Gone insane
In Oneness with The Divine Mother
There is no Other
And That Is Why
It’s Fun That We Are Also Each Unique
Free to Express
Our Voice
Our Choice
On All Matters Related to Our Bodies
Soulful Expression
Yet Harmony with the Divinity
Is What We Seek
To unicorn is to be in a State of Sovereignty
Of the Oversoul
Choosing to Land In This Moment
To Shine No Matter What
To Trust Your Truth
High Heart Guiding You
Your Gut
Fart Rainbows Out Your Butt
Surrendered to Source-Divine Mother Father
Of All Life
The light that as it refracts across water-lit skies
Becomes a rainbow of optimism
Not because it denies the storm
Not because it minimizes the dark
The distortions
The artificial seeding of weather uncomely
Or the artificial seeding of wombs
Or the attempt to control womens fertility overtly or covertly
Or the even more insidious refusal of both sides of the aisle to address, fully, deeply, comprehensively
A woman
A child
A man
A non-binary person’s
Not to be raped
And our right to. choose freely about our bodies
of the weather of our minds
Lassoed to achieve a false consent
Based on that which is bent
In a distortion of contortion
I want my consort to be Truth
Where I am Love
And Love
Where I am Truth
All other consortiums
Are just distortions
I’ve been called Pollyana
And Cynic
And I am neither
I am Earth
I watched
As starlit skies
Became fog
In the soft rain
I danced
Even though I’ve been through all kinds of pain
Even though I know this world
It’s truly insane
I know someday
Our world will know itself as One
Filled with Sovereign Divine Beings who Live Within Her Body
She, our Mother is not a Commodity
Nor are we
Yet we
Are not meant to be cancer cells either
Operating outside of the wholeness, the totality
Of which we freely
May choose to honor with our love
Our beingness
And so I dance
Not because I am naive
But because I am not
You have an amazing energy hun. Thank you for this lovely read!