Have you noticed most popular games we played as a kid center around controlled capitalism (Monopoly) or the Elite Power Games (Chess) or being a savvy sales person (Snake Oil) or candy (Candy Land)?
Of course now many games seek to absorb your dreams into cyber\land. How do you relate to this?
Do you know of games that involve collaborative working to overcome a shared obstacle or problem other than pandemic?
What about games that involve collaboration to create a dream that involves community voices co-creating their own local dreams in harmony with over sovereign local communities?
If we had leaders of pure heart and discerning wisdom, what would they say yes/no to?
What if people always had a choice about what their taxes went to, like an itemized choice, with no “General fund” that cannot be tracked specifically in a detailed way?
about a year ago, or longer, i decided to stop being invested in politics and work on spiritual awakening. i got invested emotionally again with the election but that brought me again to the realization that we need awakened hearts, a return to love.