The Wood Dragon
Reflections on new energies and how our paradigms are shifting to reflecting oneness and sovereign divine love for all humanity - and for Sophia Gaia, our Earth Mother
The Lunar New Year officially started on the 10th, and I am loving the energy of the Wood Dragon.
I went out just after sunrise this morning and I noticed one of my logs looked like a wood dragon. I decided to put a porcelain unicorn atop its back for a gentle early morning ride and a photo-op, before feeling led to walk across the street. Just as I was walking across the street, I saw the friend who gave me the miniature sculpture, walking two small children - her own and another who lives a few doors down from us both. The little girl, I’ll call her Bacha, joyously announced that she’d fixed the unicorn I gave her. It was a gift I gave her when I got an impromptu invitation to her birthday. I told her how glad I was for her that she fixed it, smiled at her and the little boy, mentioned to friend I had just been thinking about the unicorn she gave me, off they headed for school. Upon walking back up to my house, I noticed an onion I’d thrown out to compost, and it looked to me like a rose. An onion rose, of all things hilarious!
I composed this Poem upon returning home, about onions and ogres and roses and broken unicorns that get fixed.
If Shrek were a Rose…
He’d be an Onion Rose
I left this one out
And it Froze
If Ogres have Layers
And Roses have Petals
And Onions are Roses
Ogres might like Onion Breath
And think it Smells as Sweet
As the Smell of Rose Petals to me
As I feel the Earthy Moistness, Still Cold, Yet Softening
Beneath My Feet
Birds Pristine
Last Year I was Invited Last Minute
To a Child’s Birthday Down the Street
Who Smiled At Me When Spirit
Nudged Me Out The Door for a Brief Walk
Holding the Hand of Another Child
She Told me, “I Fixed The Unicorn You Gave Me”
Her Eyes, Her Entire Being Luminescent and Bright
A Unicorn Child in Full Delight
I’d Bought that Unicorn Years Before
Wondering Who It Was For
And I Knew Before I Gave It It Would Likely Be Broken
Yet Here, In the Early Days Of the Year of The Wood Dragon
It was Healed
And of The Healing Was Spoken
And I had only Moments Before Thought of The Unicorn
The Mom walking the Girl Had Bought for me Last Fall
As a Token
Because although she is more normal than me
She is One in Whose Presence I can feel both whole and broken
Her family owns a small tech company
And she has Awoken
To the beauty of soul
As as well as the things we now shine away
As a resonance of peace and sovereignty and divine love
are planted as seeds and will one day hold Sway
And Shrek and Fiona
And Unicorns
And Humans and Animals
And Plants and Fungi
And Angels and ETs
Will in Innocence Share the Light of Day
Let all Creation Joyfully Play!
The energy of the wood dragon feels life-affirming, nurturing, uplifting, with a vibrant, woody, crystal quality. It feels like things are easier to let go of that are no longer in the highest. Change feels fresh and open and available in a wonderful new way. The human energies are intense, but nature is supporting us, beautifully.
I am an ecological sovereignty advocate, believing with all my heart that our sacred mother planet is her own divine, sentient being who allows us to live within her great body. As we are sovereign, so is she!
When we honor our oneness with her, and how she loves and supports us, we will never want to violate her. We will want to live in harmony with her and learn from and with her, rather than exploiting her as though we were separate. Patriarchal systems believe in conquering. Transhumanist systems believe in annihilating or or controlling all that is innately innocent, organic and divine, because they want to be false gods. The green agenda is like a chem lawn, or green turf laced with rat poison. The freedom movement that doesn’t get real with how countries that only exist because of colonization in ways that involved genocide, slavery, abuse, displacement and ethnic cleansing - whether “back then,” or now - in both Palestine and in countries like Suriname, Australia, Unites States etc - cannot offer true freedom until those paradigms are undone in action, not just in politically correct verbiage.
You cannot build freedom on oppression until, like the broken unicorn, you fix it.
Think Frozen Two. For all you wonderful fellows, especially those of you of European heritage, be Kristoff.
A truly Sovereign Gaia paradigm would support a way of living that honors all our sovereignty in harmony. I do not think we can do away with concepts of property right away - or of those of money, but both are best seen as relative, not absolute, as functional temporary place holders for a higher reality we are working for when our consciousness can handle it maturely as a collective. I don’t mean communism. I mean communion. With God. With Earth. With our Own Soul. With One Another.
When we honor Oneness, we will honor Sovereignty.
When we recognize our Sovereignty comes from Source/Sophia/G-d, we will love our neighbor as our self, because they are ourself.

Boundaries would be worked out the way banks support the flow of rivers, the way bark protects trees from insects and parasites, the way it’s okay to tell someone you love, “I want to be alone right now,” or a neighbor, “This is not a good time to visit. I hope you have a wonderful day.”
Just yesterday I had a deep need for time to feel my own energy and connect with the energies of light and wood, and water and earth and the Mother’s Milk of pearlescent dragon starscales. There is a Frog and Toad story I used to read my kids in which Frog wants to be alone and Toad feels hurt. Frog explains he wants to be alone so he can think about how happy he is that Toad is his best friend. I told my son I wanted, like Frog, to be alone so I could think of how much I love him and how awesome he is, as well as to feel my own energy and just have some quiet time to be with my own BEINGNESS. He was super cool about it, and later in the day we had a ball connecting.
When he was little, he wouldn’t have been able to honor my request, but he is now fully able to do so in a loving, respectful, even appreciative way. Humanity will one day also be able to honor boundaries while recognizing interconnection, unity, love, Oneness. Boundaries also vary depending who are what wants to get, such as our cell walls, or the variable permeability of kidney’s membrane.
My son shared he was feeling a bit sad about all the deception and corruption out there in the world. I listened with empathy and asked him if he wanted to channel that into some creativity. He said, “Yeah.” I invited him to play some chords on his Ukulele, while I improvised some lyrics, which I half slammed and half sung, fairly badly by musical standards, but we jammed and moved from frustration into joyous, pristine light transmission: Heaven on earth, unstoppable over souls, creating loving, harmonious, sovereign realities from beyond the laws of form. We grooved, sang, poetry slammed to the chords, came into one accord.
Where two or more are gathered…
Then we played cards. I misheard him say jocks and sevens. We had a good laugh.
The onion rose is a little muddy. That’s okay.
To wood dragons and beautiful poems. The light ripples in the spaces between your words. Thank you.