Uplift Unicorn
Soul Support for Sovereign Co-Creators
The Wisdom of Being Okay With Making Mistakes
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -4:03

The Wisdom of Being Okay With Making Mistakes

The Fierce and The Innocent

The Wisdom of Fierce Innocence

A Poem For You

Your Fire

Your Freedom

Your Perfection

Even as you engage

In reflection

Waters gift



The way it touches the shoreline

Its inflection

Finding ripples you did or didn’t intend

Sometimes the rules need to bend

Sometimes that which make you distinctive needs to blend

To remember that which is before and after

Beginning and End


Allow yourself to broken open

A layer to be shattered

To feel humbled



Storm battered to

Real Eyes

The Invincible


Never Dies

Other times

You need to Stand Tall

Answer the Call

Whatever may befall

Or Dance in a circle

Upward spiral

Flame reaches down and up

Inside Out

Outside showing you what needs love within

Time anew to begin

You, Water

Sparkling Love

Bathing Cells and Tissue

Beyond Any Issue

Air Pure Breath



The Prayer That is Breathing you

Toward Your Next Integration


Breathing Your Innocence

Your Ferocity

Into the Peace

That Passes Understanding

The Ether

Beyond this that or neither

The Ineffable

The Indescribable



Blossoming out from the stillpoint

You thought was death


Through Matters


Your Connection

With the Earthly Divine Being

Who Holds You

The Mater

Feet landing


Matter Glistening

With Light Water Breath

As You Take Your Next Step

Fierce Wisdom

Of Your Innocence




The Choreographer

Is One You Know Yourself to Be

But is beyond this tiny aspect

That’s here on earth for a little while to see

How much you can embody

The wisdom of Fierce Innocence

For the sake of all

For the big is the small

The electron is everywhere

Anywhere you start is fine

You are always, ever, sacred and divine

Fierce Innocent Child

You are right on Time

The fierce and the innocent are one.

helped bring forth whole significance of this piece into that phrase that popped out when she shared that she saw “Innocence” when she looked at my painting, which I shared along with her lovely piece on finding the center that helps us draw the edges together, as well as find the center within the edges.

I have been feeling my edges these past few days in some interesting ways. I have been returning to my own self to see what I’m feeling, to see what is mine to honor, love and release, what is collective that I am holding as part of my mission and what is collective that I either must endure since I am human or in some cases can strengthen my own inner focus to be less influenced by until the collective is in a frequency that is easier on me.

What are you feeling that’s yours?

What is in the collective that you are attuned to?

What are you feeling that is just environmental?

I typically feel global events in my body before they happen in the build up to them, and on top of that my body picks up on tech that no one is even talking about, beyond non ionizing radiation such as that from cell and cell towers that has been found to impact electron transport throughout physiology in spite of the fact that for a long time the tidy message sent was that it did not penetrate the skin. I remember being on an airplane was an engineer who worked in that field a whole bunch of years ago and he gave me that line and I just wanted to call, “bullshit, I can feel it.” My truth radar went off and I just almost couldn’t sit still in my seat because am allergic to when something is deliberately a lie, including when the person telling me thinks its true but I know in my deepest innerbeing that I am hearing is total crap.

Basically I think there are three kinds of problematic energy:

  1. Known human-made grids, towers, stations, and devices and so forth

  2. Experimental and publicly unknown human-made energetic experiences, such as the two going on at HAARP right now through 2026

  3. ET technology, either used by humans or by ETs that may or may not know it is impacting the dimensional layers where humans live

Lately I’ve been feeling lot of anger at injustice. I know the particularities of what I feel it about may differ from the collective, but I feel the energy of anger about injustice is fairly universal.

This is a good thing. I didn’t think that until it wrote itself, but there it is, I just saw it now: If we are all feeling injustice, we all have a sense that the right way for the world to be is just.

This leads me to have faith in humanity.

Your trigger issues might be different from mine and that’s okay. We have a saying in our family: Usually we are both right, from our own point of view. Sometimes one of us believed something false for one reason or another and that led is to conclude something that made sense given our belief. In other cases, we are seeing different parts of the elephant.

I was talking with my friend Callie down the street the other day. She was talking about the elephant and how often we only see one part and she said, “That’s why we need to establish what the truth is.” And I gave her a spontaneously really wildly horrified look and she busted up laughing and realized the problem. Who exactly is going to establish that and be able to know for sure that they actually know what it is?

I mean God aint given up the secret to the all that is to a tiny human brain and it’s all for the best - the brain would explode before it got the download. I’ve met two enlightened people - Adyashanti and Domo Geshe Rinpoche - and both explicitly talked about how even enlightened people aren’t perfect in the sense of not making mistakes. In fact Domo Geshe Rinpoche said it made her judgmental to be told all her life (well, er, when she was a him - long story) that he was an enlightened master! She said, “I was just a snotty nosed toddler!” Basically she said the pressure to be perfect messed her up.

Ironic, isn’t it?

We all fuck up. Well make innocent mistakes.

It’s okay. How would we learn better if we relaxed around them, let go of shame and became open to a learner’s attitude?

If mistakes didn’t mean being flawed how much more gracious could we be with ourselves, and how might that make us better people?

I know I inherited a lot of shame around mistakes from my dad. As I work with water and with the energy of Kwon Yin, it is a practice to allow myself to relax around the fear of making them - as well as the shame I feel if I worry I’ve made one and someone might have been hurt or might be mad at me for it.

What is different from me and generally other women, is my passion for the truth is a bit louder than my fear of disapproval, and so regardless, when I am led, I still speak the unpopular truths.

It’s just how I’m built. It’s nothing I can take credit for in any sense. My husband said a while ago, “I used to think you were courageous, but then I realized, you can’t help it. You’re just being yourself.” My husband is 100% supportive of me, and he does know that the fact of being alive is an act of courage for me.


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