My son came home after spending some time at a nature park not far from home. He shared how he had run into a friend of ours who is a ranger at the park. I first knew him back in the days when I frequented the co-op where he worked as a second home. Later he became the life partner to our kids’ piano teacher, who first was our part time nanny when I needed an extra hand and she was going through a bad divorce and needed the extra money. Later, the two of them started a really cool foraging business that operates a stand at the Farmer’s Market.
My son shared that Randy (not his real name) shared that on his list of jobs for the day as a ranger was to pour animal blood on the plant life to keep the squirrels off of them. Ew gross, right? My son asked what source they used for the animal blood. Randy said his daughter asked him the same thing and he didn’t know, but suspected some mass produced/processed cattle sourcing. Randy is not the kind of guy who would approve of such things, but he is the kind of guy would do his job to support his lovely family. I wonder if now he will get curious and ask about it. I mused to my son that it is interesting that the one implementing the measure does not know about the sourcing. Years ago I knew a man who worked in television in the advertising department. He was part of a small group who met at my house for drumming and lightworking. He had put the pieces together of the “beast,” but said that the way they keep everyone in the dark is to keep people not really knowing what exactly is they are working on. I have heard similar stories about ww2 and some of the chemical projects where the workers didn’t know what they were working on because of the security levels. This included projects related to fluoride and its use in the atom bomb - including being excluded from knowing from what injuries they were suffering from post-exposure. I’ve heard from various people in different fields where they asked questions and were told to stay away from whatever they were wondering about. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer for how to navigate these things except the one that’s in your heart when you are attuning your heart to your Soul and to God. I don’t believe we are living in times when we are called to be martyrs; we need the lightworkers here, not strewn as bodies. Yet I also think the more people begin to examine what they may unwittingly be a part of and begin to ask questions, or be the presence of an energy that simply be witnessing what is there with a compassionate Christ light helps diffuse its power, we can shift our own vibration and start living the change we wish to see in the world in our own energetics and by taking any action we are led to take from our Inner Guidance System, attuned to our Higher Selves and Source. I wonder if Randy will be ask about the sourcing and if so, how far he will get with it. Maybe it will be a simple question and response. Maybe he will even be able to get it changed to a more compassionate, sustainable sourcing. Even if he does nothing overt, the simple presence of a really good human witnessing things is a beginning of humanity waking up. I told my son to remember the same: when he is in nature, in those areas where he has concerns - whether about animal blood or chemicals, including ones experimentally applied by the U and its funders, the absolute best thing he can do is just be himself, breathe and bless and listen to his own internal guidance. The same for you and me.
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