I got the nudge to take a walk, as I do from time to time. It’s not a big loud voice. Just a feeling like now is the right time to take the walk. I stepped out onto the street and saw a block down from me two lovely women friends from my neighborhood. They were talking about the joys and cons of substitute teaching. One of them I admire because she is always on her bike. Even when her kids were little, she was always biking with them in two or in the rider seat. Also, she is a friend of bees, a foe of chemical pesticides and a gardener. Her son is a thoughtful human being who once called me the dancing lady. He and I once had an enjoyable discussion about the joys of not having a TV. The other is one of the few women with whom I know I don’t need to have a filter. Which is handy because I find it very challenging to have one at all. This friend welcomes my quirkiness, my humor, my light, my off-the-beaten path thoughts on various topics of interest, my tears when on occasion I’ve needed a good cry, my creative expressions in various forms - are all safe and welcome with her, and that is a gift to which you cannot attach a pricetag of any kind. This friend also is a total badass who is just discovering it – or at least that’s how I see it. She is naturally a giver, an encourager, a listener and a great mom to all three of her kids. I hope someday she realizes how awesome she is. She is a nurturer of butterflies and a watercolor artist at the beginning of her career. I noticed as I walked toward these women that the latter, Patricia (not her real name) had a yellow feather stuck in her hair. As I got near enough to speak without yelling I said, “I love your feather!” Apparently it had come from a craft party of something. “Big bird,” she said, and laughed. I replied, “I was thinking Eagle feather, cause I was reading that Eagles fly the closest to the sun, and I think this one just flew close enough that the sun turned its feather yellow. Or that or someone peed on it on the way down.”
“Or both,” responded Patricia. “OMG, you’re so right,” I replied. Within moments we looked up and there was a bird gliding above us. Our other friend, let’s call her Nan said she thought it might be an eagle because of how it’s wings were shaped. I couldn’t tell for the life of me – I had assumed hawk, but if she’s right, I may have seen an eagle the other day when I got the nudge, while out on a brief walk, to gracefully flap my arms in a flying motion as a I crossed the street, only to look up and see a soaring...Heagle. Hawk. Eagle. I have no idea. I’ve received many hawk feathers this summer. Well I thought they were hawk. Now I’m calling all my assumptions into question. Have you ever done that? I have, lots of times. You get used to it after a while. It’s like changing outfits. You start to realize your essence is the same even if you change your beliefs about everything you thought you knew. You get naked, then you put something new on, but you take it less seriously than before. Lightening up can actually allow change to be a lot easier, and there’s going to be lots of it in the near future for most of us!
Yes, there will be times we need to break down before we can build up, just like the butterfly turning to goo. It’s not only okay, it’s GOOD!
Being open to light…cosmic light, the light of laughing at the hologram that is our “reality,” or a good fart joke can all be really helpful. If fart jokes aren’t you’re thing, I would encourage you consider that star nurseries are created from nebulas, which basically gas. ‘Just saying, maybe an angel passed gas, or maybe an englightened star has a supernova shit at a really hot intergalactic taco place. We always need to question our ass-umptions. And what I’m throwing out there as a hypothesis is gonna be hard to test, that doesn’t mean it should open you up to laughing about…whatever makes you laugh, as long as you are not being truly cruel. You know in your heart when you are being cruel, versus coping with still a heart of compassion, even if you are laughing about serious stuff. Also, context is everything. Being sensitive is important. Know if a joke might be truly hurtful. If you’re not sure if you’re in company that appreciates your uncensored humor, probably wait until you are in company that does.
Lecture over.
Let’s return to my feathered friend, who had resumed talking to Nan about subbing stuff, namely the pros and cons of substituting for physical education/gym. Patricia is in for it, Nan is not. I left them to discuss it while I walked up the street for very short ways, maybe 6-8 yards. And then I looked down and found an opened milkweed pod. I picked up, brought it over to my friend who nurtures butterflies, and watched as she joyfully pulled out the fluff and through it everywhere. For a moment, she looked to be covered in white feathers, in addition to her yellow feather, which he had concluded had been kissed by the sun and peed on, combining to create its yellow coloring. “I’m not trying to destroy it, I’m trying to spread it around, she said.” What some perceive as destruction, others understand is an opportunity to plant seeds for something that will feed humanity’s journey from caterpillar to butterfly. Nan soon headed out, needing to do something in her garden. Patricia told me that one of the butterflies she nurtured from caterpillar to chrysalis, is looking ready to hatch. I am so excited! She asks if I want to walk her home or if I’m going straight home. I tell her I’ll walk with her a minute then turn back. As I turned to head home, I told her again how much I love the feather. “It’s my golden dragon light body,” she says, referencing a conversation we had the other day. The golden dragon light body is a spiritual technology found in the last Transmission of The Sophia Code. It’s all about helping you embody your mastery and feel safe and protected and divinely guided as you fulfill your highest destiny.
Dragons and Eagles. Butterflies and Humanity Becoming Divinely Sovereign and birthing heavenly realities, even through this muck as the old crumbles, dissolves, breaks down, to make way for us to step forward, not letting external forces dictate the change, but honoring our sovereign divinity in a loving way, we are here to birth heaven on earth. Having had three children, I can tell you labor and birth are messy and uncomfortable. Having two children who are teenagers and one Y.A. , I can tell you it’s worth it. I let my kids be my greatest teachers. I let them dissolve me into goo. Oh I fought it for a long time, but with surrender came my greatest transformation and the transformation of my relationship with life, with my kids, with myself. Now we are butterflies who make fart jokes about the cosmos, value one another’s differences and have more or less the same core values.
What metaphor speaks to you?
If you said Dragon, are you ready to embody the ferocity of divine love by claiming your peaceful empowerment?
I love this quote from The Sophia Dragons:
“Remember that as a divine parent birthing new realities, the outside world is incapable of informing your awareness of what you are here to birth. Your outer world is filled with obstacles and disbeliefs of another age…you are perfectly designed for your role and embodiment as a divine parent of this next golden age reality. We invite you to consider how magnificent, worthy and important your human life is for the fulfillment of Sophia’s divine plan.” - The Sophia Code pg 305
If you said Eagle, are you ready to soar?
These babies might not be quite ready, but they will be soon:
If you said butterfly, I have another question for you. Are you ready to transform into that which will allow you to sip life’s sweetness, while being of great service, while also flying joyously…even if it means letting go of your old identity in one more possibly lots of ways? Are you already in your butterfly body but all scrunched up ready to hatch? Are you flying and flitting already, pollinating and spreading wonder and joy?
Wherever you are is okay. It’s WONDER-FUL!
if you’re still a munching caterpillar or a being fighting with its own highest self within a chrysalis instinct drove you to create, yet without fully realizing you’ll have to let your old self dissolve into goo in order to become the highest iteration of yourself, ready to taste the sweetness of life’s blossoming and fly into a blue sky filled with sunlight and creation’s vibrant aliveness humming to the tune of “Rise and Become You. You are needed. And you will bless all creation, just by your existence, when you allow yourself to be who you here to be.”