
Today is my husband’s OMT day - the day he gets to see patients exclusively for osteopathic treatments. On his lunch break, which is a little bit longer than on a typical day for him, we sat outside, along with our son, taking in the much-needed sunshine after so much rain and storm. We were soon joined by our dog, who was making pitiful noises from the window. We brought everything inside when our neighbor’s dog, Mysty came out, because Adrian does not like Mysty, for completely unknown - you could say - mysterious reasons to us. Perhaps they had a tumultuous past life together, or maybe Adrian is aggrieved that Misty is allowed off leash. Either way, we soon migrated indoors and enjoyed a somewhat rowdy lunch break full of humor and love, joyful, silly movement, a rendition of a song called, “Integrity” by our son, and impromptu speaking in unknown languages (unknown even to us) followed by various degrees of resonance or slight divergence of opinion based on tone and sound clusters alone, bereft of any actual meaning. Not that this ever happens in the world “out there” in less funny ways. We also had a wonderful discussion about the interactions I had earlier here, with a couple of you that were quite uplifting and inspiring to me. Thank you,

& for opening the way for those wonderful interactions that helped bring more illumination through your curiosity, humility and wonderful, compassionate hearts! Thank you to everyone who participated in those conversations, or listened to them with an open mind and heart. Synchronicity is an interesting signal showing what is “up” and ready to come to concsciousness. wrote a recent powerful piece about Trail Markers we see that mark our paths…sometimes these sign posts offer opportunities for that which has been cloaked in fancy deception to see the light of day that can shine away darkness and help us reckon with the past in ways that heal the present and the future: My husband actually saw someone with a T-shirt with the fellow whose very name makes me sick, with a quote of his on it. So it must be timely that this is all coming to light.

After lunch, I felt the nudge to bring my camera and go for a walk. I walked by my neighbors house - the one who flew the peace flag for me, and noticed the US flag was up, as it had been for a few days. I’d just realized earlier today that I’d lost all my peace flag pictures in the last reboot of my computer, and in my heart I said a prayer for him to fly his peace flag again. I inquired within my heart if I should ask him to do it for me, but I got a no. Instead, only having ambled up the street a block, I was led to turn back toward home the shortest route - and by the time I arrived at the corner occupied neighbor’s flagpole - yes, you guessed it, my friend, THE PEACE FLAG WAS FLYING!