The Friend
Explorations in synchronicity, compassion, cute beings that are spicy and unicorn-ness
My husband chopped up the skinny, red little chili pepper, which I had lovingly handed him earlier. It may be the last one from the planter out front. The little circles, so itsy bitsy and adorably crowned with a circle of tiny seeds looked…adorable. “They are so cute,” my love said. “I was just thinking the same thing” I replied. I added: “I also bet they are really spicy.” I just had a feeling. Sure enough, when my husband tried them, his eyes momentarily got big and he said, “Whew, they are spicy! These are hot.”
Later, Adrian was curled like a completely soft honeybun. “Awwww! She’s soooo cute!” Yet when I leaned over and got in her space when she wasn’t in the mood, she let me know with a loud, low, long growl to let me know, “Cute or not, back the freak off, I don’t want you to do that type of attention right now. Maybe none at all. Maybe leave me alone completely until I show signs of wanting to engage with you.”
One of the things I”ve noticed is how different one person, one being, one plant, can be experienced, whether four legged, two legged or seeded with a shiny red body. Underestimate you a cute pepper and try to put all of it in your mouth, and unless your spice tolerance is immense, you’ll probably be jumping on what foot screaming for a tomato. But honor the spice and you’ll find it an exciting relish to your quesadilla, or whatever. I am the kind of person who gives long hugs to people I hardly know if I feel comfortable, and equally I’ll block people if the vibes feel off or like there is an underlying reason I may not know why I am not meant to cross paths with this or that person (or account) more than I already have. I think the more authentic we become with ourselves and with others, more we are like the pepper, the dog, especially as we get a little older. There is no pretending to please others. This does not mean we seek to burn people with our spice, but if they do certain things, they may get spice, or a growl, just as the rose has thorns, and it is in wholeness with its thorns, without regret. I once heard that if we lived in a world of completely love, the thorns of a rose would fall off. I believe it. But just as we need a robust immune system in a world with many manufactured or edited “stuff,” as well nature’s diverse array of bacterial and viral expressions, our spice, our growl - and our ability to walk away, stand our grown, hold our own, refuse an explanation when one is expected if it is not aligned - are essential qualities of our sovereignty - especially as women, but I see the same need for confident assertion in most of the sensitive men I know, which is most of the men I know at all. I’ve run into tough seeming men with whom I’ve had an impromptu conversation that should them to be sensitive, just as my dog is a tough looking pitfall with a thin skin who is a total baby if she isn’t barking at the mail carrier or protecting her territory in some way. I was just telling my husband in the car yesterday on the way to coffee that it is a shame that all the very best men seem to struggle with low self-esteem and insecurity issues while the very worst seem to have huge, overinflated egos and think they are gods. “That’s a good point, that’s a really good point,” he said.
Because I am sensitive to energy, I almost didn’t go with him to brunch yesterday. I wrote about it in notes:
I was feeling sensitive. My husband offered to get the food as takeout for us but I asked him to check in what he felt because I had a feeling there was something that I needed to be therefore…he tuned in and got the same…we ended up both being able to be there for a friend in a special way. He was about to go to urgent care, his partner and he were both taking things personally that weren’t and he felt unsupported…and we got to listen, give him love and I talked him through a turnaround of how he was perceiving himself as well as through a little bit of EFT. My husband refrained from giving medical advice and just offered support. Our friend may or may not miss his upcoming vacation with his partner, depending what diagnoses he gets. But I promised him pics of me with the horn I got for Halloween (unicorn) for the tricker treaters, and if he has to miss vacay, I told him I’d make a video for for him. Before we left he said, I love you guys.”

Our friend went back, and came over just as we were on our way out. He just happened to have a unicorn candle that he gave me to say thank you.

When I hopped out of the car upon our arrival home, I sat down on a stomp to meditate for a moment. I put my camera down and the unicorn candle. Then I took a little walk. When I came back, my husband was sweeping the cement where the car is parked area free of leaves, and he managed to nearly cover my phone. Upon an easy look I couldn’t find the unicorn horn, which I think got really snuggled into leaves for a winter of hibernation. I smiled happily knowing I’ll probably find it in the spring. I got the love. And maybe, just maybe it will be another sign from Source/Love/The Universe when I need it, or even more my wish - just as an extra blessing!
P.S. I was actually going to write different themed article but the one above wanted to be written. Then I just came across this (quoted completely from reference below)
Key Studies Supporting Non-Thermal Biological Effects
National Toxicology Program (NTP) and Ramazzini Institute (RI) Studies
The NTP and RI studies are among the most influential research efforts highlighting the dangers of non-thermal EMF exposure. Conducted on rodent models, these studies found a significant increase in cancers, particularly brain and heart tumors, after prolonged exposure to low-intensity EMFs. These results echo concerns raised in the recent Danish cancer report, which showed an alarming 100% increase in specific cancers within a short timeframe.
The types of cancers identified in these studies—such as glioblastomas—mirror those that have claimed the lives of notable public figures, including John McCain, Ted Kennedy, and Beau Biden. This connection between high-profile cancer cases and the kinds of tumors linked to EMF exposure demands our attention, especially as our collective reliance on wireless technologies grows.
The Role of Calcium Channels and Oxidative Stress
Studies suggest that non-thermal EMFs can disrupt voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which play a pivotal role in cellular signaling, neurotransmitter release, and cell metabolism. These disruptions could be a primary pathway through which EMFs induce oxidative stress and disrupt normal cellular function. The recent mitochondrial study adds to this understanding by showing that EMFs can influence cellular respiration directly, potentially compounding oxidative stress and leading to DNA damage over time.
Potential Links to Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are well-established risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Given the role of mitochondria in cellular energy production and antioxidant defenses, the findings from the recent mitochondrial study suggest that long-term EMF exposure could exacerbate these conditions.
Cancer Risks: As shown in the NTP and RI studies, low-intensity EMF exposure has been associated with an increased risk of cancer, especially brain and heart cancers. The potential for EMFs to alter cellular signaling and DNA integrity without heating tissue presents a compelling case for re-evaluating safety standards, especially in light of the rapid increase in wireless technology usage.
The above article was only just posted this morning, October 28th, 2024
Thanks Alicia. Especially appreciating the truth and strength in these words, the passage below stood out for me. Glad you were able to be there for your friend.
I once heard that if we lived in a world of completely love, the thorns of a rose would fall off. I believe it. But just as we need a robust immune system in a world with many manufactured or edited “stuff,” as well nature’s diverse array of bacterial and viral expressions, our spice, our growl - and our ability to walk away, stand our grown, hold our own, refuse an explanation when one is expected if it is not aligned - are essential qualities of our sovereignty - especially as women, but I see the same need for confident assertion in most of the sensitive men I know, which is most of the men I know at all, in one way or another.