What if when challenging things happen, it isn’t our fault, and we’re not the victim? In spiritual circles there is a tendency to go when direction or the other, but often it’s not either or…and while it’s important to take responsibility on a human level…often there are higher, bigger dynamics at work that are both simple and complex. To the intellect, complex, to the heart, simple. We are just not as used to operating from the heart to transcend our suffering and begin to create anew, in spite or even because of what we’ve faced or are facing, individually and as a community…as a humanity.
A few of my friends down the street did a soup table for Halloween, where you could bring a bowl and help yourself to a bowl of soup. This is on a circle where, in previous years, the nicest people felt excluded and there was a lot of hostility toward anything considered “outsider” to narrow “in club.” Yet my friends decided to come together to open things up and create a space for genuine nourishment and connection. Out of a sense of exclusion they birthed something inclusive and beautiful. One of my friends who feeling under the weather, so I brought her a box with grassfed organic bone broth and forbidden rice ramen and hibiscus tea and probiotics the previous day. Then I showed up at her window and smiled, along with pho scary faces and a funny dance, before I returned to soup bowl station. I’d spent a good bit of my morning grieving, and that created space to show up for a powerful divinely choreographed meeting with the sister of a neighbor and her son. All the topics people don’t normally talk about, from the vax to how we overcome black magick with the power of our love, our sovereign divinity and how, while those with darker agendas are more strategic than the typical good person, when we surrender to the divine choreography of Sophia/Source, Pure and Loving Highest Divine, are become conduits, vessels for a beautiful, pure-hearted transcendance that can both dissolved falsity and darkness, as well as be strategic for connecting the light, the pure of heart to create a world were all thrive in a wonderful, loving way built on our sovereignty and our unity. I had wanted to hug her as soon as I saw her hat, but I held back to act somewhat normal. After 10 minutes of soul talk, she asked for the hug. She mentioned how long hugs are good for your health. And they are.
“Research shows that hugs can be healthy,” says Dr. Rock. “Hugs cause a decrease in the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, and other research indicates that hugs decrease your blood pressure and heart rate in stressful situations,” he adds.
Additional research found that giving and receiving hugs can actually strengthen your immune system.”
Another woman shared that she’s been subbing alot in different schools because so many people have had tragedies. People with cancers. People dying young. We talked about how even thought it has been predicted for a long time by some of my favorite spiritual teachers that this would be a time when many would leave the planet, it doesn’t change how it feels if it hits close to home.
In the morning I’d had a wonderful session with a clairvoyant woman I met through a business class I took. I’ve been through a lot. Probably so have you. Kaia Ra describes suffering as the great equalizer. I believe deep, deep in my soul that suffering is unnecessary…that we could create with the energies of light and space, with rich colors and hues and textures without the need for the distortions that cause anguish. We’ve already done so much of that in our cosmic past. Why keep doing it? But the deeper question was, “Why do I keep doing it?” How can I forgive myself for choosing this? I have spent so much energy trying to forgive my daughters for how they reacted to their own perceptions of me, which I believe include some genuine mistakes I made, but mostly their own projections, some of which may be their own soul imprints and most of which are family linage stuff played out in various variables. It sucks.
My oldest daughter left home four years ago. A few weeks ago, she took my youngest daughter with her, in a surprise assault that I did not see coming. I won’t go into details now, but I will share this: We can do everything we can to do better than our parents - we can even succeed at doing a lot better than they did, and our children can still carry epigenetic patterns and act them out…we can still carry our traumas even after years of work, on subtler and subtler levels that our kids can still pick up on…and they can respond to that….and then blow up our very human mistakes into full blown projects and have some pretty wacky perceptions based on the pain that is bouncing off one another, largely unconsciously.
What if I chose this to bring me closer to life, to people to where humanity is really at? My whole life, I have pushed through the challenges and I have been a joy bringer, but I have still held deep down doubts about my worth. My ultimate truth is that our unity comes from both oneness and sovereignty…from the divinity we share that encompasses this oneness and this divine gift of freedom. Yet in this now, with where humans are…maybe it is suffering - or more pertinently, the compassion that comes from suffering embraced and transformed that will bring us to where we can live from that place, create from that place, with love for ourselves, and for all life.
What if tears could heal?
What if fears weren’t real?
What if triumph and failure are just stages of the same game
And Home is always the same
What if all we thought was loss was gain
Of an open heart in this world gone insane
What if it is our tears that water the seeds of peace
The seeds beneath us when we’re on our knees
What if there’s nothing to do but cry
Until the eyes are empty
And the ground is moist
And up through the ground in spring
Do saplings and seedlings foist
Grief I have known you too many times and
All the time you were teaching me
You are not a thief
But a giver of that which can nourish others
In this world where so many have forgotten we are sisters and brothers
When common ground is hard to find
Our pain, our tears become the balm that unwinds
The knots of collective pain
Until we realize, we are sovereign and unique
Yet also of the SAME
Meditation and Telemeres
Telomeres are protective end caps of chromosomes which naturally shorten with each cell division and thus with age. Short telomeres have been associated with many age-related diseases. Meditation has come to the fore as a mind-body practice which could influence the telomere dynamics underlying these phenomena. We previously reported meditation to be associated with higher telomerase levels, mindfulness and quality of life. Here, reporting on the same study population, we describe associations between long-term meditation and telomere length (TL), expression of hTERT and hTR genes and methylation of the promoter region of hTERT gene…The findings suggest that meditation as a lifestyle practice has multi-level beneficial effects on telomere dynamics with potential to promote healthy aging.
Into the heart
Into the breath
Into the space
To cry our tears
And become new
This is you
May you have everything you need to thrive
May all within me be at peace
May all within you find loving ease
Look up
Look within
Ground your feet into the ground
Bless the earth
Bless all life
That in self-compassion and love for all life
We may abound
Right On...
Thank you for sharing and for your vulnerability. You are a wonderful poet. Your words speak from the heart. Blessing you some tears that heal and some loving ease 🙏❤️