Imagine birthing stars from your womb…from your absolute inner self, your gravitational center, your core, your heart, your inner space, utterly dense with all that is possible, pregnant with divine ideas, like birthing stars. Even star consciousness.
If you ever thought of black holes with fear or a connotation of them swallowing the light…prepare to be delighted to find out with me that just as the Absolute Divinity of Mother Womb births All Form from Nothing, black holes, thought originally to hinder the development of nearby star nurseries are actually birthing them, umbilical cord included, and this metaphor, of birth, of umbilical cord is being used in science. All hope is not lost for science. Or for the feminine divine Christ within all of us, whatever our particular physical expression. We are birthers of divine reality!
“Astronomers have spotted a black hole "giving birth" to stars at the center of a nearby dwarf galaxy — and the stellar newborns are tethered to the black hole by a massive "umbilical cord" made of gas and dust.”
If you’ve thought of black holes as an end point, or as something that swallows, even defeats the light, prepare to open your own heart womb to the discovery that actually, black holes are star birthers, light birthers, just like the Divine Mother.
Womb space. The unknown. Uncontrollable divine feminine. Birth. Love. Infant stars. Star nurseries, connected to a womb, or maybe once they’re birthed, a lap. Those people you feel comfortable with because they hold space, without too much content to distract you from simply exploring being present, alive, becoming more aware and playing with your own existence in a safe, nurturing, loving environment. Maybe this is what black hole mothers, the best ones anyway, are like.
I pulled a card with this quote, which is very appropos:
"You are moving through a time of not knowing, of time in the great void or the womb of the divine mother." A fairchild, Rumi Oracle
We are also acknowledging the heart aspect of the black hole as a heart-womb capable of impacting space-time by how fast they spin: The Lensing-Thirring effect
Supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* is spinning nearly as fast as it can, dragging the very fabric of space-time with it and shaping the heart of the Milky Way.
Death and birth. Being swallowed in the unknown. A supernova that ends one life begins another. Motherhood. Well. Yes, come to think of it, it did work like that, didn’t it?
A black hole can also form…(if) it merges with the companion star that it gets pushed over the neutron star mass limit and collapses to become a black hole. This process could take a long time, maybe a million years or more depending on how quickly it accretes the material. Once the neutron star is over the mass limit, which is at a mass of about 3 solar masses, the collapse to a black hole occurs in less than a second.
Have you ever thought of yourself as a star? Not as a famous person, necessarily, though of course you might be…but as having the actual nature of a star. Have you ever imagined you might be a Mrs Whatsit or Mrs Who Or Mrs Which or Mr Where or a Miss Wherefore Mr Why or Ms When or a Non-binary Neutron dense enough in itself to instantly collapse into a birther of stars…aka a black hole?
If the star is massive enough it can collapse directly to form a black hole without a supernova explosion in less than half a second.
Birth, death and rebirth. Relationship, whether with self or other.
A former star may be a black hole, birthing baby stars. The death of a star is not the end of light but the birthing of star nurseries.
Remember this if the world looks dark, or even if it looks completely black.
The light is being born. You are the light, the birther and that which is dying all at once.
You are that which is birthing yourself, as we all are.
Anyone want to go play in a star nursery with me?
Let’s have fun sparkling and shining our newly minted rays of stardust and pure light - the light that is love. The love we are.
“You are that which is birthing yourself, as we all are. “ wow I will have to read this article a few times. Stardust! Brilliant. What is the womb? Love. The seat of the soul.