Effects of Nigella sativa L. seed oil on abnormal semen quality in infertile men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
For those who have been reading my work for a while, you might remember this little poem:
“3 measly days ago
All I had was faith
Yesterday on my way out to coffee
I saw first heads
Climbed out of the ground
At Pavement’s Edge
“There is milkweed in my garden you cannot see
This the only season in which you may not see it in my yard
Because the seeds have gone invisible
On their way to shooting up
This is actually their greatest hour
The miracle I don’t understand”
Now look at them!
“Pure sine waves or simple time-varying patterns are found less frequently in the environment than complex acoustic and electromagnetic patterns that have the potential to mediate information between the environment and cells at very low levels of intensities. Relying on only the average intensity overtime for these sources (such as infrasound) as indicators of their importance is about as useful as only measuring the loudness of a conversation to discern its syntactic content and meaningfulness.
Considering the powerful coupling (Whitman et al. 2013) between ~7 Hz and ~40–45 Hz (20–25 ms intervals) frequency bands that mediate information between the hippocampal formation deep within the temporal lobes and its representation within the cerebral cortices (Holz et al. 2010), this particular congruence of oscillations is directly relevant to subtle influences of “infrasound” upon consciousness and the “memory” of events.
For example, the time required to stack a nucleotide on a synthesizing DNA sequence in the nucleus of a cell is about 20 to 25 ms or between 40 and 45 Hz and involves ~10−20 J of energy. Access to influencing the synthesis of the structural order of the DNA sequence has the potential to increase the probability of genetic modifications.”
So many issues that divide people are intentionally designed to do so. If we come into the center of our hearts we can realize our oneness and move beyond this silliness.
Let me give you a couple of examples:
Whatever your views on what the lesser of two evils may be, the actual solutions that benefit all life are the ones that are beyond that…
Is oil worse, or electric? If you think one side or the other, chances are you’re pretty passionate and know all the downsides to your opponent. You may not know the downside to the side you’re on!
But if a simple technology was freely available to harness energy straight from the moisture in the air, that could be made using ANY surface and available to all, simply by poking tiny, tiny holes in it - we could all agree, that would be way better.
Some people think one thing or another about the origin of a jiggly bit of DNA that needs cells to replicate or even whether there is such a thing. But the natural substances that have evidence for use to treat both inflammations and viral infections are the same regardless of where it came from and whether you believe in viruses, and an honest look will reveal that we can all agree that the NIH and Pharma are utterly corrupt. What if Pfizer itself were given the choice to either have a jail built around all of its intellectual property or to convert all its resources and buildings to support the completely transparent study of what the people actually want the to study. What if we decided what gets funded as restorative justice?
What if the mothers and fathers who have lost children in conflict, came together, without politicians, to explore ways to live in peace? And what if the war-crimes restorative justice were that those politicians would have to ACTUALLY do the will of the people?
Here is an example of a group of people cleaning up the environment - seeking to hold Chevron accountable, but not waiting for a corrupt court to hold them to it to begin the healing process:
”Simply put, big business is not interested in a process involving natural substances that cannot be patented and monopolized. If mushrooms are really going to save the world, it’s going to take a grassroots effort.
That’s why I was happy to run into Levon Durr, who runs the mycoremediation center FunGaia Farm in Humboldt County, California. Just last year, Durr successfully used the common oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) to clean up a diesel fuel and motor oil spill behind a widely used community center on Karuk tribal land near the Klamath River, an important waterway for locals.
“The contaminated soil was removed from the ground and layered with fresh straw and burlap covered in oyster mushroom fungus or mycelium—the root-like vegetative part of the fungus,” Durr continues, describing how the mycelium is an underground interconnected fungal network, often compared to the human neural system or described as nature’s Internetthat does the real magic.
“With the contaminated soil out of the ground and in an aerobic environment the mycelium could begin to grow into the contaminated soil and break apart the hydrocarbons (molecularly disassembling the hydrocarbons into non-toxic components).”
“This process took over a year and half and was successful at reducing the contaminant by over 90 percent.” He says, “The soil was then able to be used for landscaping and was no longer a concern to the Klamath River or local wildlife.”
Durr adds, “In instances where oil and chemical companies have been held accountable and often fined for their environmental contamination, these funds can be used by local communities to fund remediation projects.”
Which brings us back to that $9.5-billion-dollar settlement Chevron still refuses to pay. That is more than enough skrilla to turbocharge on the ground community mycoremediation projects in the Ecuadorian Amazon, like the Amazon Mycorenewal Project, which, like Durr, has partnered with indigenous tribes and is already using mushrooms to clean up the mess left behind by corporate greed and negligence with limited funds and resources.
Imagine a world where mycoremediation was taught in school, along with a return to teaching basic skills like, “shop”?
Imagine a world where excessive corporate buildings were raized and instead foraging forests with natural playgrounds and hours of the day for quiet shin run yoku were agreed upon?
Imagine old parking lots converted to pop up local - everything - where neighbors, friends and people who networked organically could go in on a table or nook or even just one tiny shelf to sell their extras from the garden, their jewelry, homemade - whatever inspired their hearts?
What if streams ran clean and the innocence of children be heard in their laughter?
What if we all knew how to do it in our local communities - whether our yards or our places of business?
In a world where we know we are one and we are sovereign, solutions will be birthed that honor our freedom and birth action that comes from a sense of reverence for the other, for our ecosystems, for all life.
I dream of a world where all the eaters use only that which is sourced locally and grown in ways that honor all life. Greenhouses onsite grow many ingredients, along with community partnerships.
I imagine a world where kids learn to honor their curiosity and their sense of calling by asking, in grade school what makes them come alive and what it is they want to contribute to the world.
I wonder what it would be like if we learned from the Amsh to ask whether a technology truly supports that the human mission to be the divine love in form?
I wouldn’t nix tech - but I think in the hands of those who love and honor life and spirit, our relationship to it would be very different, and its expressions, from its algorithms to the limits we place around it, to the ways we apply it and the underlying intent would come from a vibration that reflects it being in service to life imbued with Source-spirit-imago dei rather than trying frog-boil us into the Borg.
Oh and black oil is good for the swimmers.
*It was called to attention that I had a missing word, which is ironic and funny…it is seed. So while black oil - like as in oil spills is undoubtedly not helpful for the swimmers - either the fish or the cetaceans or the sperm whales or the actual sperm, black seed oil, scientifically called Nigella Sativa has evidence for being helpful for promoting health in a variety of ways - including helping with infertility due to issues with the little swimmers also known as sperm.