Little Moments of Dance
Bee dances in flower
Sidewalk meets sky
Mirabeau Ceiba
Alana Fairchild
Letting go of earlier
When energetics
Felt like they were ripping me apart
And all I could do was cry
My own humming
Light growing stronger
Growing stronger
Om Mani Padme Hum
I Chalk
May All Beings Thrive
I Invoke Grace
For All to Receive
The Grace
We Need
To Move Into a Space
Where we can Receive Life’s Goodness
Without Taking
Where we Can Celebrate Life’s Goodness
Instead of Feeling Like Existence is giving is a Raking
It is a Daring act to Pray
May All Beings Thrive
When most people are just trying to Survive
There are visible things that threaten survival
And also invisible things
There are walls that are made of tech
What the heck!
There are walls of misunderstanding
There are walls of censorship
Where its hard to get a transparent understanding
There are walls we put around our own hearts
Because they’ve been bruised or tormented or we ourselves
And thought it wasn’t safe to love
And didn’t realize
Love is the only safe place to be
According to 1st Corinthians 13
It’s the only spiritual gift that lasts for eternity
And Love is love
Whether you are a Christian
A Jew
A Sufi
Or no religion suits thee
Love is love
Love never calls love what love is not
Just try to manipulate people into accepting their plot
Love does not exploit or harm
Or treat sacred human beings like a project to hypnotize
With charm
Love is not need
It’s rather the willingness to forego a perceived need
If meeting it a certain way wouldn’t honor the one who is loved
It feels and senses and celebrates the sacred in the so-called other
And would never want to harm or exploit, extract or smother
Love supports the flourishing of all that it loves
And we deserve our own love
As well as to recognize the same is True for All that God Loves
To Receive
To Give
To Breathe
To Be
To Buzz
To Fly
To Root
To Love Who You Truly Are
Is an act of Love
That Ripples Out
An Act That takes Courage in this World
May you Thrive
May you Flourish
May you Flourish
And Thrive
May you find the Joy
That makes being Fully Human
And fully filled with the Holy Spirit
The Divine Breath that breathes you
May all the visible and invisible walls that keep love out come down
May healthy energy pathways help us move in harmony
With our True Selves
And One Another
Let Effortless Bliss
Find me
Let Effortless Healing
Release from me all that is no longer mine to carry
May I no longer tarry in old ways
Letting go of my clinging hold to old ways of being that no longer serve
I observe
Them fall with infinite compassion
And grace
Like softly falling leaves
Colored brilliantly
From all I have experienced in this place
Turn to brown
The more dead they are
The closer they are to feeding the new round
Life is already lifing
And nurturing her Next Birth
Listening to the Divine
As our Guiding Sound
Love yourself
Sweet Child of God
And remember
There is One Self
No Self
Dancing Us
Into Unique
To Play
In a Symphony
What has been Played before
Open Your Pure Hearts
To Thy True
Our Totality
And Lovingly Adore
~ Alicia Kwon
Today I am going to be superficial and say - what fabulous jewellery! And such interesting things in your sweet hands! lol Big hug!
Thank you, Alicia. May we all thrive, all living beings, everywhere.