I have decided once a month to do an Inspired on Sub post - my version of a shoutout. I’ll do three people per month, so I can really highlight each one. This week I’m really enjoying the posts that go a little deeper into a feeling state beyond the words, that invite me there.
Anna Milevaeva is writing about Internal Family Systems with what feels to me like a pure vibration that consistently elucidates while calming my nervous system even just by reading it.
I’m also loving the beautiful free channeled course from
Lori’s demeanor - the cadence and flow of her words soothe, uplift and inspire. There is space for all to experience the flow of Source, of Spirit, the Water and Soul Essence that holds and loves us and is within and all around us! She encourages us that channeling can be an invention, a song, an action or words or so many other forms. Lori’s way just feels like love itself.
I love
‘s work because he is humble, authentic and willing to hold space for differences of opinion while staying Spirit-focused. is inspiring me with his amazing poetry and the beautiful work he’s shared around his journey with his daughter, as well as this wonderful piece about finding grace for ourselves and life’s way of interrupting us to lead us to love the course of “what happens.:This flower reminds me that even when some of our petals are gone, we are still beautiful.
Thank you so much, Alicia. You are a sweet soul, you are a blessing. Big hug. Deep bow. xo
love this. the collaboration and support of other creators here is what makes this place so special. thank you!