In the morning, I allowed myself lots of space to grieve what I am grieving. And by the afternoon, I was able to feel my feelings, pause to let tears flow now and then, and begin to engage again with being generative. I reached out to a friend who lives down the street. I am not usually one to reach out. I am the one on whose shoulder other people, sometimes strangers or well-composed adults often feel comfortable to cry on. I have had to tough out so much alone, it takes a lot for me to reach out. I did and my friend told me she’s been sick and might come over for some healing and also to talk and that she was sorry to hear I was having a rough time. The title of this blog is Uplift Unicorn, and the truth is, if we were always up, we wouldn’t need to Uplift ourselves and the world we share. My friend also shared a beautiful note of support, which was to witness my greatness in my moment of vulnerability. This is one of the things that I most appreciate in a friend.
Later, I took a wonderful walk with my son, under a sparkling cloudless sky and together we composed the barebones of a song, of which the following is a brief excerpt:
Beyond all that has gone insane
Beyond every tragedy, every planetary, human and cosmic pain
We in LOVE’s arms remain
This is us. This is TRUE