Sensitive Souls Are The Key To Human Evolution: Why "Eugenicists" have missed the most crucial thing
Let’s say, for just a moment that not every eugenicist is evil. If you look at the Eugenics movement on the left and all the various people it attracted, it is hard to say that all these individuals were evil, although I believe they were severely misguided.
I’m not blind to Luciferian agendas and the dark and all that. It’s just that none of that could have any sway if good people couldn’t be persuaded into tempting proposals to replace God and Nature with gods and denaturing, whether of our actual DNA through genetic therapies and genetic population interventions aimed not only at curing disease but at either eliminating “the weak” or tweaking the very nature of the human genome, including designer babies, through forced and coerced sterilization or strategically placed abortion clinics targeting those perceived as weaker examples of the species, whether because of being poor, disabled, of a different ethnic background or exhibiting different traits from the mainstream in other ways.
Here’s what the well-intentioned eugenicists among us miss:
The very evolution of the human species is toward a more sensitive, empathic and caring nature, connected more fully to the earth, to Source and to one another.
Yet if you put highly sensitive people in a highly abrasive, toxic environment - physically and energetically - you’re going to have a disproportionate amount of them who cannot function in a so-called “normal” base society that requires the subjugation of the spirit in order to function in the ways the old system, based on separation consciousness, competition, us versus them etc, the agreed-upon or force-upon ideal. In such environments, the only partnerships are strategic to meet a shared goal of dominating or winning over someone else or some other group. To sensitive souls, this makes no sense. I believe some sensitive souls incarnate into disabled bodies in order to ensure that they are cared for as they anchor in these sensitive vibration that ultimately lead us to attune to one another’s needs and to bring harmony through empathy, and joyful resonance of contributing to one another’s needs and co-creative wishes where, when and with whom it is deeply aligned and soul-satisfying. Others struggle in the fake world called “the real” world in a precise inversion, getting labeled with all manner of diagnostics usually developed originally in the 1930s by nazis and their friends, or later by Pharma and their friends, to support pushing of pharmaceuticals, specifically on children. Others, like me are blessed with life circumstances that don’t require us to be terribly normal. We are blessed to be financially supported so that we can listen to our souls and be sensitive as we walk this world, however uncomfortable and difficult it may be to do so at times. Raises hand. Right now, it’s that time. It is soooo uncomfortable.
Those the eugenicists would label as the feeble minded are very often the sensitive souled who have not been gifted with the opportunity to be afforded the environments they need in order to nurture, express and protect this sensitivity in a brutish world. They may cope with alcohol or drugs or other addictions. They may fail at school. Many geniuses fail at school because it is too boring, too box like. Many sensitive souls can’t hack it at school because of the lights or because of the brutality or control structures. The energetics on this planet that try to distort a pure and loving world into an inversion of energetic torture are themselves eugenics…but one only makes sense from the demonic perspective of the transhumanist/Luciferians who actually want to disconnect humanity from its Source/Spirit…and it’s an inverted eugenics by the actual definition of the world, which means good birth.
A good birth is one in which the highest essence of one’s spirit, connected fully to God, is able to incarnate into form and have lots of experiences in the material world. Through this, God and the higher aspects of one’s own self can play and can mutually benefit the evolution of form, so that the One Body of Sophia Christ Consciousness can be a living, breathing limitless expression of God’s creative potential, while remaining in oneness consciousness. We have completed a long cycle of forgetting. It’s time for the remembering. And this remembering happens through sensitivity, through empathy, through the courage to dissent from the mainstream when the mainstream is addicted to harm, to death, to suppression of that which is threatening to the control structures of this world. Or to relate to my previous post, that which is still caterpillar - consuming, but not yet ready to surrender to its own chrystalis.
So the very people who get targeted by eugenics, are very often the very seeds of the “Good Birth” of Humanity into a loving, inclusive, joyous, sensitive, empathy species that is so attuned to others, that to harm another would hurt its own self so directly, it wouldn’t even want to do so.
What is a cynic but a broken hearted idealist?
So often many people who struggle with mental illness of feeling disenfranchise or engaging in harmful behaviors are the sensitive who have been broken by this world. But not because they are weak. Because they are an evolutionary step that is attacked by the status - they are the imaginal cells of the caterpillar in the chrysalis, that get attacked by aspect within that metamorphic holding space that is still trying, against its own fate, to remain stuck in its old identity, which served it once, but does no longer.
So God bless the sensitives who are locked up in mental institutions. God bless the sensitives who are struggling in schools that try to treat them with behaviorist approaches that were birthed directly out of Nazi Eugenics, instead of seeing their sensitive souls struggling to incarnate in a body filled with physical and psychic distortions that are not a match for full incarnation.
God bless the sensitives who felt the irrational insanity of the world and tantrummed against it and got labeled problem children.
God bless those who chose imperfect bodies in order to secure care so they could hold a frequency of soul they wouldn’t able to if they had to pull off regular living in the matrix.
God bless those who are called weak who are actually strong enough to show up here at all.
Because as one of the privileged ones who doesn’t have live my life according to the world’s rules of survival, it’s so hard to be here.
Noor at least knew her own mission. Most of mine is hidden to me by my higher self.
I hope it’s over soon. I want to retire. I want this war of energy to be over and I want to live in a world of loving humans with peaceful, pure, high frequency energy.
Blessings and thanks for being here!
You are light. You matter.
Most people are stuck in the narrow concept of mechanistic materialism i.e., bioterialism.
Their dogma is “we are bodies, and nothing more.” The concept of the Human Soul is not a belief, it is a fundamental FACT of LIFE…..
I so appreciate the essence of your message about the value of sensitive souls, Alicia.
I'm very sensitive, but am pretty good at navigating through the world, mainly because of the other sensitive souls in my life.
We're not really valued by society, except by others who are sensitive, it seems. For me, the sensitive are precious beyond words.
Thanks for posting.