Milkweed in my garden
Blows in the wind
Milkweed in my garden
Asks that the Doctrine of Discovery Rescind
Begin to understand Ginsburg
When in 2005
She appealed to a precedent built on lies
On Christian Theology, its darkest side amplified
As the Luciferian inversion by which Empire
Is magnified
As the King
With Christ’s Emblem on his Scepter
Crusades the Precursors
To the Bull-shit Bulls of the Papacy
Before spreading Empire took the illusion of Democracy
On Walls of High Schools Inspirationally
(White) Women Doted
On Her
Though racism
And Anti-Indigenous Sentiment did occur
To Decline to Honor
The Land and Peoples
Here First
On Grounds of
Pseudo Christian-Empire Supremacy
In the Supremacy
Of the Court
To appall us
With its Prededent
In The Marshall Trilogy
Presuming to look upon the lands and claim them as greedy jewels for the crown
Upside down
Insisting those annihilated in body or culture or robbed of their connection to Soul and Source
Should say thank you Jesus of Course
How course!
How Crude
How much the Gospel of Christ Miscronstrued
Who Laid down his life for the Samaritan - Read = the Palestinian
And took it up again, with only the women brave enough to remain at his side through it all
Jesus who loved Mary Magdalene who was not a whore, but a Priestess, a wife who answered the call
Scents of India and Egypt
Apostles the woman Junia, now finally admitted even in evangelical circles to be a woman in his ministry
The one who refused to go to war
The one who refused to abhor
The outcast
The ostracized
Yet who sharply criticized the religious rigidity of the pharisees
And the corruption of the sadducees
In our world who’s tables might he turn
And where would he advise to turn the other cheek?
And when to simply heal
And when to bravely speak
Be the miracle
Allowing Source
To be the miracle
That allows them to arise?
Papal Bulls
Papal Bulls that create the foundation of the Doctrine of DiscoveryPermalink
Papal Bull Dum Diversas 18 June, 1452
The first official Pilgrim Thanksgiving, in 1637, celebrated a holocaust:
Plymouth Colony leader William Bradford designated “a day of thanksgiving kept in all the churches for our victories against the Pequots”.
Here are Bradford’s own words, from his history "Of Plimoth Plantation”:
Those that scaped the fire were slaine with the sword; some hewed to peeces, other rune throw with their repaiers, so as they were quickly dispatched, and very few escaped. …
It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fyer, and the streams of blood quenching the same, and horrible was the stinck and sente there of;
But the victory seemed a sweete sacrifice, and they gave the prayers thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them, thus to inclose their enemies in their hands, and give them so speedy a victory over so proud and insulting an enemy.
The Pequot massacre was literally a holocaust — the termcomes via Latin holocaustum from Greek holokaustos: "something wholly burnt up”.
Day of MourningNow this quote is from The Marshall Project - I don’t know if it has any relation to Justice John Marshall of the Marshall Trilogy which cemented (inverted) Christian domination into Supremacy of the Ultimate Court of US Law.
In 2005, Ginsberg wrote in footnote 1
Under the “doctrine of discovery,” County of Oneida v. Oneida Indian Nation of N. Y., 470 U. S. 226, 234 (1985) (Oneida II), “fee title to the lands occupied by Indians when the colonists arrived became vested in the sovereign—first the discovering European nation and later the original States and the United States,”
The Marshall Project completely ignores the religious, racist and dominational basis for The Doctrine of Discovery - which were based the Papal Bulls you just saw linked to above. In fact, The Marshall Project ignores the basis on which Ginsberg ruled against the Oneida at all!
A Wonderful Video Interview of Steve Newcomb
Lots of Love,