Pitter Pat
It feels like sprain rain
New Beginnings in the air
Rosh Hoshana Just Happened
I felt it coming
Heard the horn
And it was then, a few days past
And then, I asked a man named Aaron if he celebrated, after all, his son is named Levi, and they’re not Jewish
I came upon a woman named Shana, and we talked about the freshness of the day and new beginnings
She isn’t Jewish Either, but I mentioned it had just passed, and wished her a Shana Tova
I am trying to educate myself about my Jewish heritage, which comes through my father’s side
I learned that The Jewish New Year is literally getting a new lease on life in the sense of it being a time where it is decided if your lease for living on this planet will be renewed
And what an interesting lens through which it is viewed?
And I had already been thinking about Last Questions
Hubby and I went back to that coffee shop
I asked the same guy, did he mean he wanted to be asked, “Who do you want to see?” before you die or after?
“After,” he said
And told me, “I would love to see my grandpa again”
Meanwhile my husband picked out a gluten free muffin, that uses a coffeecake recipe - we used to argue, within our family, about whether it was a coffeecake or a muffin - and I told hubby and the barista, “It’s a cuffin”
Later I told hubby, I picture, when I’ve left this form forever, and you plant my ashes with a flowering tree, be sure to squish in some cuffin. Yes, I’ll be buried surrounded by cuffin crumbs!
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition it is essential to contemplate death in order to live fully - to die before you die, as they say!
To cuffins!
To life! L’ Chaim
If you were unafraid of death, yet filled with divine love of life, what would shift for you? What judgements would you let go? What stands would you take - for yourself, for others, for things you care about? Whose opinion would no longer matter, or would no longer stand between you and your Truest Inner Resonance? How would get less of your energy (including tech) and who would get your presence in a more vivid, open, vibrant way?
Shana Tova
More about Rosh Hoshona: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/4830/jewish/How-Is-Rosh-Hashanah-Celebrated.htm