May All Prosper In Our Uniqueness and in Our Oneness

What if young Israelis took Samson ransom and cut his hair?
What if an all-way-win solution was in the air?
What if the Jews and Arabs
The Christian Coptics
All Learned To live Beyond Current Optics
A State of Being
Before it is a State
Is Ra El
Let it be a Palace
Fit for G-d to dine
In the image imagined by Einstein
Where learning is exchanged
Equality for Jews and Arabs the same
And everything is fine
In Israel-Palestine
Can you Hyphenate
Instead of Blow yourselves up
In Hate?
And in Ukraine
Where there has been so much Pain
Can Nato and Russia
Quit fighting over Ukraine
Where Ukraine isn’t either way
Truly free or even raised up right
But just a pawn in the Co-Parental
Like a child in an evil Divorce?
Can we grow up, East and West
Have a Burger
Have some Borscht
Untie the knot peacefully
And stop using the Child in your Games
Work together to nurture the child’s good qualities
And help them outgrow the bad
No more labs
And Neo Nazi Azov
Being justified
As Fab
No more power for people who call themselves Jidobandera
No More Fabian Eugenics
On the Left
Or open genocide on the right
No more regime change
In South America
Causing Migrant’s plight
No invisible wall or biodigital ID
Just solve the root issues
And end the criminality
And inhumanity
And we can all live happily
As One Humanity
While honoring local diversity
Local decision-making
Local culture
And stakes-taking
Us into Our Sovereign Divinity
It’s beyond transnational
It lives by love
And not by Hypnocracy
“ Israeli army refusers: ‘We will not participate in genocide’
Conscientious objectors Yuval Moav, Itamar Greenberg, and Oryan Mueller explain why they are willing to go to jail in order to stand against the war.
By Oren ZivAugust 7, 2024
Conscientious objectors Yuval Moav, Itamar Greenberg, and Oryan Mueller. (Oren Ziv)
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This week, three 18-year-old conscientious objectors reported to the Israeli army’s Tel Hashomer recruitment center, near Tel Aviv, and declared their refusal to enlist in mandatory military service in protest of the occupation and the current war on Gaza. Yuval Moav, Oryan Mueller, and Itamar Greenberg were each tried and sentenced to an initial 30 days in military prison, which is likely to be extended. The only other refuseniks to have publicly opposed the draft for political reasons since October 7 — Tal Mitnick, Ben Arad, and Sophia Orr — were recently released after serving prison sentences totaling 185 days, 95 days, and 85 days respectively.
The three latest refuseniks — who are being accompanied through the refusal process by the conscientious objector network Mesarvot — each released statements prior to appearing in military court. Greenberg, who grew up in the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak, said he originally saw enlisting as a way to become more integrated into Israeli society, before coming to realize that “the door into Israeli society goes through the oppression and killing of another people.” He added: “A just society cannot be built on gun barrels.”
Such a beautifully written and hopeful vision for unity and peace. Your words inspire us to imagine a world where we come together in love and understanding.
absolutely loved this. Thank you for writing. May we come together and remember we are one family, one body of humanity.